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Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-09 12:03pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Sometimes I wonder if it isn't a modern day simulator, where you can be taking a leisurely stroll across the countryside and get instantly obliterated by a laser-guided shell from the other side of the map. :P

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-09 02:10pm
by RogueIce
Elfdart wrote:I saw the thread title and thought:

*snip lame puns*
We should put out a contract hit on you, just for this post.
Brother-Captain Gaius wrote:Sometimes I wonder if it isn't a modern day simulator, where you can be taking a leisurely stroll across the countryside and get instantly obliterated by a laser-guided shell from the other side of the map. :P
tank snipaz?

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-09 03:06pm
by Scottish Ninja
AKA "omgwtfbbq godawful omniscient laser-guided cruise missiles", as they were usually described.

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-10 02:18am
by JointStrikeFighter
Rogue 9 wrote:
Thanas wrote:
JointStrikeFighter wrote:The word Grosstraktor exists in english; deal with it.
Yeah, used by people who can't spell.
Or people who use the English alphabet, which does not have whatever funky letter that is and therefore cannot spell words employing it.
Turns out translations are aproximations?

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-10 11:49am
by wautd
Rogue 9 wrote:
Brother-Captain Gaius wrote:So how do you get in? I signed up, but no response. Seems like a pretty cool game from the looks of it.
It took me a few days to get in, and that was with the help of knowing an admin. How long ago did you apply?

Edit: I'm told you should go to; they have 2,000 keys available. Also, their keys give you a free M3 Stuart. Wish I'd known that when I was signing up. :|
Huh? I just got a key from there as well but no M3

edit: how do you aim? Just point, aim and shoot or do you need to elevate your turret for distant targets?

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-10 01:36pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Shots are very high velocity; you really don't need to compensate much for ballistic drop.

When starting, I found it helpful to use the auto-aim lock-on (highlight an enemy and hit right mouse button), especially with rapid-fire weapons like the 20mm German guns. As you play, you'll start to think to yourself, "Shit, I can aim better than this crappy auto-aim," which is a good point to stop using it and learn manual fire.

Leading moving targets like speedy little light tanks is tricky, although I think half of this is the lag and "warping" currently in the game. Also, hitting much of anything without a high-skill gunner often comes down to luck -- when you can afford it, train your gunner up to 75% and your commander too (which will give a bonus to the gunner, and your other crewmembers).

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-10 09:05pm
by Rogue 9
Woo. Ran into Bro-Cap completely by accident in a match. We formed a platoon afterward and just spent a couple hours doing suicide runs against tanks twice our tier because the matching system is borked at the moment. :lol: When it got us in matches with vehicles our own size, though, we did pretty well.

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-10 09:39pm
by Scottish Ninja
Rogue 9 wrote:Woo. Ran into Bro-Cap completely by accident in a match. We formed a platoon afterward and just spent a couple hours doing suicide runs against tanks twice our tier because the matching system is borked at the moment. :lol: When it got us in matches with vehicles our own size, though, we did pretty well.
Just imagine doing that endlessly for complete lack of a matching system, AKA 0.3.3 :P That's the only thing I ever managed to do with the T-28.

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-11 05:01pm
by wautd
So i upped from the noobtank to the indomitable T-26 but it seems like your experienced crew is worthless on your new tank? Seems like you need to train them every time you put them in a new tank or am i wrong?

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-11 05:14pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Unfortunately the crew experience system is a bit silly, in that a hardcore elite tank ace PzIII Ausf A crew suddenly becomes terrible when put in a PzIII Ausf J.

A little bit of experience does carry over, at least -- When I bought a PzIII/IV and sold my PzIII A, I put the old 69% crew into the PzIII/IV and they ended up around 55% instead of the basic 50% level. Supposedly, secondary skills carry over completely, but I've yet to get a 100% crew to try it out.

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-12 03:36pm
by Ritterin Sophia
This ranking system is fucked up, most of the time the best I can do is drive around really fast scouting out enemies so Arty can throw some fire on them and hope not to be hit. Finally had a light-medium match yesterday, though. I took on a PzIII and two PzII with the low penetration rapid fire guns at once, the PzIII got some good hits in but he just stood still and took it rather than trying to maneuver so I got the better of him and the PzIIs' shots couldn't penetrate my turret and kept bouncing.

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-12 03:45pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Yeah, matching has been a little better -- I'm getting IS-3/Kingtiger Suicide Simulators only about 50% of the time, as opposed to 90% a couple days ago. The other 50% are much more reasonable, with other tanks within a tier or two. PzIII is a real scrapper when it actually gets matched in its tier. Its armor is pretty beast for its size, and the high velocity 50mm can tangle with Panthers.

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-12 04:12pm
by wautd
I managed to get a T-28, which most of the time gets pitted against kingtiger II's. Needless to say it doesn't ends too well most of the time. Now saving for the German tank destroyer tree. Loved the panzerjager I so far. It's like a cute little sniper

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-12 04:17pm
by Rogue 9
The T-28 is something you have to suffer through to get to the Russian heavies. The good Russian mediums are up the other tank tree, through the BT-2 and BT-7.

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-12 06:01pm
by wautd
Yeah I know. Actually I just bought a BT-2 for the hell of it. Their speed makes them seem a lot of fun

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-12 06:48pm
by Rogue 9
wautd wrote:Yeah I know. Actually I just bought a BT-2 for the hell of it. Their speed makes them seem a lot of fun
They are. I have an A-20 that I keep around as my mainstay light tank. The BT-7 is faster, but the A-20 is still plenty fast (I think marginally faster than the BT-2, though slower than the BT-7) and has much better armor and killing power.

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-13 02:58am
by wautd
Can I request to have this topic moved to G&C? There's some usefull stuff in here.
Brother-Captain Gaius wrote: A little bit of experience does carry over, at least -- When I bought a PzIII/IV and sold my PzIII A, I put the old 69% crew into the PzIII/IV and they ended up around 55% instead of the basic 50% level. Supposedly, secondary skills carry over completely, but I've yet to get a 100% crew to try it out.
Where do you see that? When I moved a 56% crew to another tank, the 56 just turned red so I'm clueless what the true level is
Rogue 9 wrote: Here are the tech trees, incidentally.
Did the makers ever implied more nations will be added at a later point? Surely the Britisch could easily make a 4th faction (Hello Tiger, meet my Firefly). Hell, since experimentals are in you might as well trow in the Japanese for good measure.

And what the hell is the Panzer I doing in the final version? What's it supposed to do with just 2 machineguns? :?

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-13 05:06am
by Ritterin Sophia
Well, I remember from the FAQs section they plan on introducing infantry at some point, so no matter how useless you are against a tank you can still fuck somebody's day up. At which point the PzIII Ausf A will get to vent it's frustration at being the redheaded stepchild of the game.:P

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-13 09:33am
by Rogue 9
wautd wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote: Here are the tech trees, incidentally.
Did the makers ever implied more nations will be added at a later point? Surely the Britisch could easily make a 4th faction (Hello Tiger, meet my Firefly). Hell, since experimentals are in you might as well trow in the Japanese for good measure.

And what the hell is the Panzer I doing in the final version? What's it supposed to do with just 2 machineguns? :?
British, French, and Japanese tanks are planned for post-release expansions.

As for infantry, the last word I heard on it is that there are no plans for it and everyone should stop with the stupid rumor. :P

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-13 03:39pm
by Force Lord
Rogue 9 wrote:British, French, and Japanese tanks are planned for post-release expansions.
No Italians?

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-13 04:37pm
by Rogue 9
Maybe. I'd have to go check. My clan has game moderators in it who are in close contact with the devs, so we usually know what's happening first; I just have to bother myself to find out.

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-13 04:45pm
by Marcus Aurelius
Force Lord wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:British, French, and Japanese tanks are planned for post-release expansions.
No Italians?
Perhaps they thought that nobody would like to play them... Then again, the Japanese tanks are only marginally better. Still, starting with the L3/35 would a an underdog lover's wet dream. You could upgrade it with a massive 20 mm anti-tank rifle for some serious firepower :P

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-13 09:00pm
by Ritterin Sophia
Rogue 9 wrote:As for infantry, the last word I heard on it is that there are no plans for it and everyone should stop with the stupid rumor. :P
Then perhaps they should remove this:
Are there any machine guns in the game? wrote:Tanks have machine guns installed on them, but as long as there is no infantry, there’s no need to use them in battles, because even the most powerful machine gun is not capable of penetrating armor of a decent tank. Infantry will be implemented further on.
from here? :P

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-14 02:36am
by wautd
Marcus Aurelius wrote:
Force Lord wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:British, French, and Japanese tanks are planned for post-release expansions.
No Italians?
Perhaps they thought that nobody would like to play them... Then again, the Japanese tanks are only marginally better. Still, starting with the L3/35 would a an underdog lover's wet dream. You could upgrade it with a massive 20 mm anti-tank rifle for some serious firepower :P
I can see the Japanese work and including the Brits is a no brainer, but won't the Italian tech tree be very short and underpowered compared to the other factions? The best tank I know would be the P40 but even that will be comparable to a Sherman/Panzer IV at best. Which experimental designs of them could compete with the upper tiers?

Would be cool to have armored cars included as well though. Italy had pretty good 'uns afaik.

Re: Hey Shep... (Tanks)

Posted: 2010-09-14 05:42pm
by wautd
Hmm, which one to buy... KV-1 or Stug III...
(ps the T-28 is not that bad once you get a proper engine in it)