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Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2014-10-31 12:16pm
by Grumman
My spaceplane.


Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2014-12-10 05:35pm
by HMS Sophia
7th December 1958, the first lunar flyby mission was conducted by the GDR.
Link to the thread where this story continues.
(I just liked the picture)

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2014-12-16 02:07pm
by TimothyC
Beta Than Ever is now out.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2014-12-16 02:36pm
by Lagmonster
For anyone who hasn't played the game in many, many months, like me, the changes and new content are staggering.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2014-12-16 11:50pm
by TimothyC
These new Mk 3 parts are very nice. First try I had a VTHL SSTO.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2014-12-17 08:28am
by Lagmonster
I used the new Mk3 parts to make something large and...phallic...which exploded, because I have never been able to build a spaceplane that lifts off via *any means* other than rumbling over the edge of the runway at 200 m/s and hoping for a hill that points it upwards long enough for sheer speed to push it in the desired direction without explosions.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2014-12-17 11:57pm
by TimothyC
Sounds like you need to add more control authority forward without pulling the CoL forward of the CoM. This sometimes takes some fuel pumping in flight to maintain stability. Have you tried flying the stock SSTOs?

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2014-12-18 08:29am
by Lagmonster
I haven't tried any of the stock ships for sheer glee of launching my own monstrosities, but I will probably have to capitulate at some point just to learn how to build them right.

My brain just looked at "fuel pumping in flight" and blanked out. I assume you mean I can move fuel around to re-distribute weight, but have no clue that is a thing that you can do. I always just watch fuel being drained from things in whatever order the game decides.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2014-12-18 10:46am
by TimothyC
Lagmonster wrote:I haven't tried any of the stock ships for sheer glee of launching my own monstrosities, but I will probably have to capitulate at some point just to learn how to build them right.

My brain just looked at "fuel pumping in flight" and blanked out. I assume you mean I can move fuel around to re-distribute weight, but have no clue that is a thing that you can do. I always just watch fuel being drained from things in whatever order the game decides.
Right click on a part, then alt-right click on another part with the same resource and you can transfer the resource around (only works for two parts at a time). This works for fuel, oxidizer, monoprop, and electricity (although electricity doesn't mass anything in game).

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2014-12-19 12:44am
by Napoleon the Clown
Really big one, you need to make sure that there is a control surface BEHIND the rear landing gear. The landing gear are, essentially, the fulcrum. If all the force to bring up the nose is coming from in front of them, they'll just fight you. If you have a control surface behind them, though, it will effectively "push" the rear of your plane down, bringing the nose up.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2014-12-19 09:08am
by Lagmonster
Napoleon the Clown wrote:Really big one, you need to make sure that there is a control surface BEHIND the rear landing gear. The landing gear are, essentially, the fulcrum. If all the force to bring up the nose is coming from in front of them, they'll just fight you. If you have a control surface behind them, though, it will effectively "push" the rear of your plane down, bringing the nose up.
That's...probably it. I tend to put wheels right under the rear engines, because I kept losing my engines to violent take-offs.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2014-12-19 03:00pm
by Napoleon the Clown
Alternately, there's the JATO or RATO method, where you have a short-lived but high-thrust engine toward the nose of the plane. Rockets work best, of course, since their thrust-to-weight is largely better than jet engines, and they give you full thrust a hell of a lot quicker.

Just don't pull up too fast and you can have some amount of your engines "hanging" behind you. There are also possible designs that keep the engines well away from the ground, even when you pull up as fast as possible. It's possible to build stable designs where the engine is higher up, or more toward the middle of the plane. Takes a bit more effort, though.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2014-12-19 09:30pm
by Beowulf
You can also stick a canard on the nose. It'll move in the opposite direction as the surfaces behind the CG, so you'll gain lift at takeoff. Just don't make it too big, or you'll end up flipping as your CL ends up ahead of your CG.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2014-12-19 10:38pm
by Grumman
Lagmonster wrote:That's...probably it. I tend to put wheels right under the rear engines, because I kept losing my engines to violent take-offs.
See the spaceplane at the top of the page? It's got four wheels in a cross shape, roughly centered on the center of gravity. The rear wheel is mounted higher than the other three, so it is capable of remaining stable either horizontally on the front three wheels during taxiing, or tilted back on the rear three wheels during take-off.

You might want to do something similar with yours, using a fourth wheel just under the engine to protect it from tailstrikes.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2015-01-09 09:45pm
by Grumman
I'm building a spaceplane that fits inside other spaceplanes.


I call it the Jart.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2015-01-11 07:49am
by Lagmonster
Attempted to launch an ultra-ultra-heavy SSTO this morning. The plan was simple: Distract physics long enough that it wouldn't notice the flagrant transgression I was trying to slip by it. It was like trying to lift a rhino by attaching thousands of dandelion seeds and waiting for a strong breeze.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2015-01-11 02:18pm
by Grumman
Define "ultra-ultra-heavy". Preferably in pictoral format. :D

Oh, and I was able to get my first Jart to orbit. It only just made it, and I had to use the satellite's ion drive to get it up to orbital speed, but it's in space and not falling down.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2015-01-13 02:02pm
by Jaepheth
TimothyC wrote: Right click on a part, then alt-right click on another part with the same resource and you can transfer the resource around (only works for two parts at a time). This works for fuel, oxidizer, monoprop, and electricity (although electricity doesn't mass anything in game).
You can select multiple tanks. You can only transfer to/from one tank though.

So for example:

Code: Select all

____         ____
| 1 |         | 2 |
|__|         |___|
       | 3 |
____         ____
| 4 |         | 5 |
|__|         |___|
Say I want to move fuel from tanks 4 and 5 to tanks 1 and 2 in flight without screwing up balance too much; I'd select tanks 3,4,and 5 and click "In" on tank 3. This will transfer evenly from 4 and 5 into 3. Then I'd select 1, 2, and 3 and click "Out" on 3 which will transfer from 3 into 1 and 2 evenly.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2015-01-13 03:35pm
by TimothyC
That is new (to me anyway).

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2015-04-21 05:40am
by bilateralrope
7 days till Kerbal Space Program leaves early access and is officially launched.

Also, female Kerbals are being added.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2015-04-21 02:35pm
by Lagmonster
That's a positive thing, although it'll ruin my image of Kerbals as photosynthesizing asexuals.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2015-04-26 10:05am
by Grumman
Only a few more days now. I'll be starting a new Career mode when it comes out, and adding my mods back in as they are updated.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2015-04-28 10:38am
by TimothyC
The new aerodynamic model really messes with old designs. So does the way fuel usage works.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2015-04-28 11:26am
by Grumman
Hence why I started over. So far the only problems I've had are from mass distribution causing a few rockets to want to tip over, but with the exception of one small experimental rocket I've been able to work around it. The reentry effects are less dangerous than they appear - I've been able to use half-opened parachutes as drogues during reentry without anything exploding, despite the scary-looking heat effects.

Re: Kerbal Space Program, Revisited.

Posted: 2015-05-01 02:53pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Alas, today's patch just "fixed" parachutes. I haven't tested them yet, but I fear my 3,000 m/s Kerbal Re-Acquisition Trajectories will no longer be saved by a parachute or two deploying in the mesosphere...

Which is doubly problematic, given what a bitch it is to get anything off of Kerbin in the first place now. Pre-1.0 making a Mun round-trip rocket for 1 or even 2 Kerbals was almost trivial, but now I'm struggling to get 1 Kerbal there and back again while still packing enough science doodads to make the trip worthwhile.