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Re: SKYRIM: Let's kill some Dragons!

Posted: 2012-02-09 02:47pm
by Chardok
I have it on good authority that Los has been playing SKRIM - and this amuses me.

I do not know why.

Re: SKYRIM: Let's kill some Dragons!

Posted: 2012-02-09 03:48pm
by Tanasinn
Drooling Iguana wrote:A preview of some Skyrim enhancements that Bethesda's been experimenting with and that may be part of a future patch or DLC package:

This video has caused an absolute shitstorm among people who care. Largely because it includes old saws that ES fans bitch about (Where are the goddamn spears? Why can't I swing my sword on a horse?) and new ones (Skyrim is supposed to have werebears! Bummer we can't ride a dragon.).

If this actually *was* done in a week, the good news is that modders will probably be able to replicate some or all of it soon enough. I expect we'll see a goodly portion of it, anyway. Skyrim is still a very young game; look how long Beth milked Oblivion.

Re: SKYRIM: Let's kill some Dragons!

Posted: 2012-02-13 12:53pm
by Chardok
Alduin is defeated. Underwhelming (read: completely useless and providing no closure or sense of accomplishment) ending is underwhelming. I am done, thanks.

Re: SKYRIM: Let's kill some Dragons!

Posted: 2012-02-13 01:40pm
by White Haven
For all its flaws, Oblivion at least had the forces of hell burnifying towns and shit to drive home that they were a threat and to put the player on the clock. The dragons were just so...unthreatening. Oh no, a dragon has appeared, whatever shall w--ARROWWWZZ! and it might kill an outdoor shopkeeper.

Re: SKYRIM: Let's kill some Dragons!

Posted: 2012-02-13 05:45pm
by Serafina
White Haven wrote:For all its flaws, Oblivion at least had the forces of hell burnifying towns and shit to drive home that they were a threat and to put the player on the clock. The dragons were just so...unthreatening. Oh no, a dragon has appeared, whatever shall w--ARROWWWZZ! and it might kill an outdoor shopkeeper.
That's why i love the dragon-summoning shout: If you use it on a properly large gathering of enemies (such as when you attack the forts during the civil war storyline), it just shows hot utterly devastating dragons actually can be.

Re: SKYRIM: Let's kill some Dragons!

Posted: 2012-02-13 05:55pm
by Chardok
You actually have a desire to play beyond completing the main quest?

Re: SKYRIM: Let's kill some Dragons!

Posted: 2012-02-13 05:58pm
by The Vortex Empire
Chardok wrote:You actually have a desire to play beyond completing the main quest?
I didn't even do the main quest until I did everything else. And even after finishing that disappointment I'm still playing.

Re: SKYRIM: Let's kill some Dragons!

Posted: 2012-02-14 02:55pm
by Ziggy Stardust
Skyrim is quite a conundrum. It's so intoxicating and fun to play, but I can't think of a game I have played recently that has more bugs or just plain stupid shit about it. There are at least a dozen quests that I simply can't complete because the game bugged out in one way or another (Pantea's Fucking Flute can kiss my ass). The dungeon design gets repetitive, too, there isn't a lot of variety. And why are all the unique weapons that you get from completing quests so shitty? Virtually none of the items you get from the daedra quests or from the Jarls are worth a damn, I am still using just some random axe I picked up from a draugr, and it's better than anything I have been officially awarded. Also, for the love of GOD, why were they so stupid as to divide the Thieves' Guild into multiple chambers separated by loading screens? Each room is fairly small, and looks identical to the other ... if fucking Blackreach doesn't require multiple loading screens to walk around in the Thieves' Guild sure as hell shouldn't.

But it's still so much fun!

Re: SKYRIM: Let's kill some Dragons!

Posted: 2012-02-17 05:34pm
by Pendleton
Chardok wrote:Sounds like you just had your Skyrim moment.
Mine was watching my girlfriend wander along a pier, find a cabbage, exclaim "Precariously balanced cabbage" then kick it off into the water to go plop.

Brilliant game.

Re: SKYRIM: Let's kill some Dragons!

Posted: 2012-02-18 03:35am
by Executor32
Cool story, bro?

There's a mod out now that gives you an Elven-armored sabre cat mount, and it's hilariously buggy. If you stop and it lays down and falls asleep, you're not going anywhere until it gets up, and if you go into water your character starts doing the swimming animation. Then, when you get back on land, you walk/run/sprint in place hovering above the saddle. :lol:

Re: SKYRIM: Let's kill some Dragons!

Posted: 2012-04-07 08:59am
by Themightytom

Skyrim single by Lindsey Stirling, it's insanely good.

Re: SKYRIM: Let's kill some Dragons!

Posted: 2012-05-31 03:04pm
by Dartzap
I apologise for the thread resurrection, but as it was only the 2nd page....

The new DLC expansion, Dawnguard has been announced with a trailer - further details to appear at E3

Re: SKYRIM: Let's kill some Dragons!

Posted: 2012-05-31 03:34pm
by Losonti Tokash
Meanwhile, if you want to play an open-world RPG that's about killing dragons and other big monsters and is actually good, Dragon's Dogma has been out for over a week. :D

Re: SKYRIM: Let's kill some Dragons!

Posted: 2012-05-31 07:53pm
by Agent Fisher
Looks like they've incorporated a lot from that game jam video. Like the dragon lord and mounted combat.

That should be vampire lord

Re: SKYRIM: Let's kill some Dragons!

Posted: 2012-06-01 10:45am
by CaptHawkeye
Still no polearms for me. :(

Re: SKYRIM: Let's kill some Dragons!

Posted: 2012-06-01 07:56pm
by Stark
You're sad about a lack of a different texture on your feather duster? Surely you're better off starting with 'wow the combat sucks'. :)

Re: SKYRIM: Let's kill some Dragons!

Posted: 2012-06-01 08:10pm
by CaptHawkeye
I can't wait to see how the Crossbows basically aren't different at all from the regular bows.

Why can't I have Mount and Blade style combat in games that actually have good graphics and a lot of content? It took until now for Bethesda to even grasp that people can swing swords on horseback.

Re: SKYRIM: Let's kill some Dragons!

Posted: 2012-06-01 08:47pm
by Stark
Because obviously nobody really cares about the combat. They just want to wander around and be powerful.

Other people wonder why Dragons Dogma isn't harder, because no challenge = boring.