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Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-14 10:34am
by Kheitain
The gholem is off put by the animals acting so strangely on the roof of the building, predators and prey seeming to be perfectly comfortable in each others company. The odd flash of their eyes and their continued starring makes him distinctly uncomfortable but there is nothing he can do about it, it's obviously some form of corrupting magic.

Regaining his concentration on the task at hand takes a few moments, and he decides to ignore the animals for the time being. Seeing Safrac in the midst of the battle he takes off across the rooftops of the townhouses keeping to what looks to him like the strongest points of the roof.

(This next bit assuming that he doesn't fall through a roof or get blasted by a shapeshifted pidgeon)

The gholem gets to the main battle just as Safrac bowls over the elf wielding the blade of ice. The gholem leaps from the rooftop aiming to squash the elf woman, roll to maintain his momentum and clothesline the next.

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-14 11:10pm
by Master_Baerne
Valette stays in the alley waiting for the battle to come to a resolution. She's no good in a fight, and knows it, but Rav and the plant are too valuable to leave unguarded.

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-16 06:53pm
by Eleventh Century Remnant
Well, that was a wet weekend in a field- literally. The way it's supposed to work is that the group gets hired, we get a contract, and we turn up and do the show- fixed fee, we're non- profit- and the organiser who hired us usually tries to get as many people as they can to come and see and in some way profit by it. Selling tickets, burgers, silly hats, whatever.
Point of pride, we fulfil the contract terms. Rain, horizontal snow, gale force winds, half way up a mountain, none of that matters; we've said we're going to do a show, so we damn' well do the show. And we did. The organiser, on the other hand, fluffed it completely, overcharged and underadvertised to the point that we ran out of audience- they still owe us, and I don't think they made any money at all.

Norade, even a quick look at the elf is enough to tell Safrac he's of significantly higher status than the rest- finer quality kit, general bearing. He's also older- time doesn't show much on elves, but stress does; slowly but it's there.

'I'd count it an ill day if I had to pick a fight with what you represent,' he says, meaning Tol Authran. 'I was hoping to reach here in time to talk these bloody young fools down, or if needs must take them down, before it came to this. Impetuous...I represent the law that they have just managed to make themselves outlaws from, and I need a few of them alive to put before a court, and also to ask them what by the earth they thought they were doing.'

In all inherent probability, he should be an extremely good liar and tale- spinner, but to Safrac's ears that does ring true. He just looks, and carries himself, like authority. There are some things he's obviously not going to go into detail about- for one thing he's much more embarrassed than he'll ever admit to about being caught behind the curve, and he doesn't enjoy having to do this but that's not going to stop him.
Safrac does get the feeling that he's more senior than he's letting on, too, a fairly high official of the law here as a case of "if you want a job done properly, do it yourself."

More in a moment.

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-17 01:22am
by Norade
That sounds boring, but at least you got to go out and do your thing anyway. To my response:

Safrac feels that he has reason enough to trust the elf, after all with skill enough to so swiftly dispatch foes the Ork has trouble with he could have been made dead already. Acting on this Safrac changes his stance back to his normal riding stance. He is not at ease, not by any means, but he no longer has his full attention set to defending himself either.

Deciding he can gain some more help by speaking again the Ork adds, "There are some injured elves out there for you to capture once the battle is done."

With that he rides around the manor house and takes aim at the elf that he has the best line to run down. Once again he leans out from his mount ready to swing at an enemy before having Turstin run them over. Another simple charge, but one that he hopes will bring the enemies numbers down further.

(Has anybody else in the combat downed anything by the time I come back? I just want to get a feel for how my lance is doing and for what my next move should be.)

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-17 04:34pm
by Eleventh Century Remnant
Kheitain; the gholem is followed by some elements of the strange ensemble of animals, but they don't seem to be doing much more than observing him creepily closely. One of the squirrels does that holding up both paws in an 'L' shape gesture that artists sometimes do (with their hands, obviously) framing a picture in their mind's eye, but if they actually do anything he doesn't notice.

Leaping off the roof, the elf target spots the gholem coming and tries to raise a spike of solid rock out of the ground for the gholem to impale himself on; the gholem manages to grab on to it and spin round it trying to slam into the elf, but the female elf dives well clear, into the chaos.

There's one target, the next elf- looking around, there aren't all that many targets left. There were only maybe twelve, fifteen of them to begin with, and there are no more than four he can see still fighting- auras still bobbing around. Two have gone back to back and are trying to edge their way out of the gate, with a group of acolytes circling them; there are four auras still and unmoving, presumably dead or wounded.

Isolating one, charging at him- but he reacts very quickly, turns and blasts a burst of white light at the gholem, the gholem tries to dodge out of the way but is caught by the narrow arc of it- what did the druid call it? Existence- bleach? (Clease and Simplify, actually, two separate powers combined)- that's more or less what it feels like, a searing, corrosive pain that causes the gholem's left leg to fold up under him.

The elf follows up, a sword slash that the gholem manages to snap an arm into place to block; the blade clangs off, and the elf glances round, measures up his chances of being able to do damage to the gholem before some of the humans pile in on him, decides they are not good and attempts to bound clear- but the gholem grabs him before he can, and two of the acolytes rush him. He manages to fend them off, for now, but it's the gholem's move.

Baerne, Valette manages to remain successfully hidden.

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-17 05:03pm
by Master_Baerne
Right - Valette stays there until something to make her move happens, or until the fight ends. Not much I can do here...

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-18 09:21pm
by Kheitain
The gholem is not used to feeling pain, but this sensation is incredible. His left leg curls up underneath him and the Elf attempts to chop him down with a sword and then run. The gholem blocks the pitiful swing with his left and somehow manages to catch the scrawny elf by the leg with his right. Standing up again the gholem yanks the elf upside down and drives a fist into it's spine then hurls it at the next clear target.

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-20 04:26pm
by Eleventh Century Remnant
My life truly is a barrel of random events right now...

Norade, what else is going on; a few of the elves managed to get something vaguely impressive and better yet, practical, off. There are casualties, about five of Novara's men are on the ground, three of the acolytes, there are only four elves still standing and they're all basically trying to get room enough to get a decent zap off before the acolytes close them down.

The green- clad elf vanishes into the darkness- centuries of experience just pay off for some people.

Baerne? Say hello...

a green blur fades itself into existence beside Valette, emerges from the shadows, hard to tell. Sword- a strange burbling surface, to her sight, highly magical but suppressed from vision- raised.

Valette raises her blade to defend himself, and he moves- faster than eye and hand, faster even than mind can follow; her knife ends up embedded in the wall of the alley.

He looks at her quizzically for a second, and is about to strike when another party to the battle arrives- the mad druid. (well, yes, he is actually.) 'Now that's not justice, and you know it.' he says in surprisingly fluent elvish, to the green blur.

'Maybe not,' the elf says, half turning away from Valette, 'but look at where it made you stand.'

'Oh, crap.' the druid realises. 'We have to stop meeting like this.'

'You will persist in surrounding yourself in oddities I'm obliged to take an interest in- her not the least.' the elf says.

Hard to know from that how they really get on, but at a rough guess, they're both players of the same game (metaphorically speaking, of course- Caranthir definitely is an NPC), the elf very much more advanced, but the human druid in there somewhere. Rivalry- unlikely. Much more likely to be on opposite sides of the law.

What is Valette doing, and possibly more importantly saying?

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-20 06:37pm
by Master_Baerne
"Gentlemen, or gentle-elf, whichever you prefer; I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage. Not to mention, isn't it more polite to introduce oneself before stabbing? I was always told that assassins were courteous, as a rule." Sanity clearly has no place in this conversation, and if Valette is being amusing, she's less likely to be killed. At the same time, she subtly nudges Rav, hoping for a convenient miracle.

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-20 07:23pm
by Eleventh Century Remnant
Kheitain, it doesn't quite work that well; the elf manages to get a spell off- from martial arts (agility), slipping himself out of the gholem's grasp as he is twosted into position, rolling with it and hitting the ground running.

The gholem lunges after him- and fortunately this seems to be the same one Safrac has his eye on. The elf, caught between the two, tries to fend off both then resort to animal magic to turn himself into something that can escape.

The gholem's foot is agony when it touches ground but it still seems to be functioning physically, the elf is intercepted again and this time there's a definite snap, thighbone going probably. Then the gholem has to roll out of the way to avoid Turstin treading on him, and the elf is busy transforming to a worm- not obvious to the eye whether he made it or a hoof got to him.

Baerne, from the druid's groan Valette can tell she just managed to get it wrong- the druid says, 'Introductions? Right, Valette, this is- what does your title translate as again? the nearest human equivalent is, what, Grand Inquisitor? Halamath, and if he's here rather than over there,' meaning the D'Cearach house, 'you really are in trouble. You're serious, this is more important?' the last bit is put as a question to Caranthir Halamath, who starts to answer- quotng an elvish proverb in a dialect that goes over Valette's head.

Miracle, you say? From behind Valette, Rav mutters 'Y're wrong, Assassins're ambush predators, ideally target's hitting the ground b'fore they realise they're dead- whah?' It took her brain a couple of seconds to wake up and realise it was actually back in something resembling working order.

She pulls herself together rapidly, starts looking for nasty things in her pouches; the elven officer of the law turns to the druid and says 'I'll let you buy your lives from me, if you show me again in slow motion how that was done.'

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-22 04:54am
by Norade
With only three elves left and none of his lance down Safrac looks to the seemingly pained gholem and says, "Not all battles are glorious and easily won. Be glad that you're tougher than most and consider what the same wounds would do to flesh and blood."

With those words out he looks for his next target, preferably one that isn't going to have him trampling his own men or getting caught up with the horses of his lance.

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-22 07:31pm
by Master_Baerne
Valette schools her expression into one of polite interest. She's got nothing to say at the moment.

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-23 09:57am
by Eleventh Century Remnant
Baerne, the druid prods Valette and says 'back me up here'- doesn't even bother to whisper, the elf would be well aware of it anyway.

'Balls.' he says to Caranthir, quite plainly. 'You know the score better than that, and trying to impress the ladies with your brutal quite an interesting thing for you to be doing.' he says, glancing at Rav, who objects.

'Are you trying to get us all killed?' Rav says to the druid.

'No,' the elf answers, 'he's just calling my bluff, assuming that he's too useful to my interests to be casually disposed of.' He doesn't sound particularly worried about it.

'And trying and failing to lower the price for it.' The druid says. 'Seriously, if you're opening with a death threat it's fairly obvious you're desperate, which even advanced elven mathematics should be able to-'

'Yes, thank you for making it obvious in front of the svartalfven and the human with mirrors in her head.' the elf sighs. 'Some days I fail to recollect why we ever gave you a shrub of your own.'

'Because then, there are days like this.' the druid points out. 'give me a moment.'

He leads Valette aside, and proceeds to explain. 'It's like this; he's an officer of the law, but he's more political than petty. I'm frequently in trouble with the human law- perfectly reasonable, I suppose, I did go through a phase of ambushing tax collectors- his law doesn't give a damn about that. So I occasionally end up doing odd jobs for him in exchange for hiding room, like the one we're bargaining about now.

Part of the price of that could be getting him to take a good look inside your head, unravel some of the kinks and tangles, do some proper finding out about your past and the things you can't remember- would you want that?'

While this negociation is going on, in the courtyard of the house, of the almost forty humans that attacked fourteen elves and the some fifty- odd human bystanders, maybe ten of the bystanders, four of the acolytes and seven of the blackcloaks are in various states of hurt, Serjeant Parrol has one arm in a sling but his sword ready in the other hand, and two of the others of the lance are rigging a stretcher from some of the unburnt wood for the third. Six elvish bodies are visible, two alive but seriously injured, four dead.

There are other humans still alert and darting around, but there's no sound of fighting, no sense of presence- things see to be more or less over.

Mathilde, though, and three of hers are still on high alert, eyes darting everywhere. 'There were more of them, ones dressed in green; where did they go? Follow me.' She says, and bounds out, athletics and divine magic, she flows like a drop of mercury- her acolytes are having trouble keeping up with her. She's almost certainly going to try to find Caranthir. That could be awkward.

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-23 10:39am
by Master_Baerne
Valette can't quite keep from showing her shock. After all, she just found the answer - or rather, a means to the answer - to the puzzle she's been trying to solve almost-literally since she could talk.

"That would put me rather solidly in your debt, sir druid. I want to understand myself a very great deal, but I can't help but wonder if the price would be something I can pay."

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-24 03:26am
by Eleventh Century Remnant
Baerne, the druid says 'Actually, if the situation's important enough that Caranthir is out here dealing with it instead of in there, debts be damned- this needs sorting out.'

Actually, before the next bit happens, I'm going to call the end of the session and hand out XP. Looking back it was a long one, a full day rather than an evening, so more than usual.

Relvenous, de Andorra is still alive enough to justify 5 xp.
Norade, Safrac's kind of been the star of the show so far- 7 xp.
Baerne, yes- 5xp.
Kheitain, 5xp- well, four and a half, but it rounds up.
Vehrec (where are you?), assuming Randolf is still in it, he did miss a lot, so 3xp.

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-24 04:43am
by Norade
Sorry if I'm stealing the show too much for others, I just really enjoy playing Safrac and I'm having trouble not doing big bold stuff with him all the time.

Anyway here is how things should shake down:
Sir Safrac Thuruar, Chevalier of Army Group South Vathlin
Temper: 12 [4]
Fellowship: 6 [2]
Charm: 9 [3]

Logic: 11 [4]
Creativity: 12 [4]
Education: 10 [3]

Strength: 18 [6]
Endurance: 15 [5]
Agility: 13 [4]

Advantages: 8ap
Formal Rank: 2ap - Holds the rank of Knight as a military investigator working under Army Group South Vathlin
Formal Rank: 1ap - Holds a novice rank in the church of the goddess.
Wealth: 3ap - Can make major purchases with ease
Iron Stomach: 2ap - Tends to not be very picky about what he eats and can even eat things that shouldn't be eaten in a pinch
Followers: 2ap - Sergeant and 5 men at arms
Magic of the Goddess: 1ap - Can preform minor magics of the goddess.
+1 to Endurance

Disadvantages: 8ap
Duty: 3ap - Takes his position as a Knight and investigator very seriously even if it involves some danger
Duty: 1ap - Is starting to feel somewhat beholden to the church of the goddess.

Code of Honor: 4ap - He acts as he thinks a chivalrous Knight should to the point where breaking his code would likely send him into a bout of depression


Temper: Interrogate +12, Intimidate +9, Leadership +9
Fellowship: Carousing +5, Human Perception +7, Politics +6
Charm: Animal Handling +6, Courtliness +8, Persuasion +8. Banter +4
Logic: Perception +13, Evaluate +11
Creativity: Tactics +12, Inspire +12
Education: Survival +10, History +9
Strength: Warhammers +19, Shields +16, Brawl +12
Endurance: Athletics +10, Resist Injury +20
Athletics: Martial Arts +9, Dodge +12, Horsebow +10

Chevelier Plate (Poor): Protection 11, Encumbrance 3
Warhammer (Fair): Damage Value 13 Inorganic Damage 2
Kite Shield (Average): Bonus +2, Inorganic Damage Threshold 16
Composite Bow (Good): Effective Range 140, Long Range 300, Damage Value 13
I changed one point of duty out of the army and towards the church. Next I gave gave him four points in Politics, spending 3 points to do so (I believe that I would write that as a +6 would I not?). Then 2 points towards hammers giving him a total of +19 in that skill. Lastly 1 point in magic of the goddess and 1 point in church rank. The last two will likely be RP'ed out in a few posts once we get going again.

Changes are in italics, as always please let me know if I expressed these things in the right way and let me know if they make sense.

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-24 05:00am
by Norade
Safrac looks over the scene, his lance is more or less alive, Parol has his arm in a sling but he seems able to ride still. Symond is down and being carried on a stretcher, sadly he seems, at a glance, to be one of the more badly hurt out of this battle. Safrac rides to him and dismounts near to get a better look at his injuries.

As he knells, he asks Symond, if he's awake, or one of Leonard or Walter if he isn't, "Are you badly hurt or is this worse than it looks?"

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-25 04:13am
by Kheitain
Kheitain wrote:Name: N/A

Temper 7
Fellowship 10
Charm 13

Logic 9
Creativity 12
Education 5

Strength 18
Endurance N/A
Agility 12

4pts Golemic Metabolism
3 pts Attunement (Natural Environments)
2 pts Supernatural Awareness
4 pts Regeneration
5 pts Nature Magic

4 pts Golemic Metabolism
4 pts Duty to Nature
4 pts Enemies (His Creators want him back)
2 pts Impressionable
2 pts Phobia worked metal
2 pts Phobia Fire


Temper: Determination 6, Resist Magic 7+1=8
Felowship: Culture Elven 8, Culture Human 6, Culture Ork 6, Culture Dwarf 6
Charm: Animal Handling 17

Logic: Geology 5, Herbalism 5, Perception 8, Tracking 8
Creativity: Art (Garden Arrangement) 8, Surgeon 8, Tactics 9
Education: Veterinarian 8

Strength: Athletics 16, Brawl 18, Shield 15
Endurance: N/A
Agility: Athletics 8, Martial Arts 12, Stealth 10

Power 10
Mana Pool 40

Flora 5

Cleanse 0+4=4
Form 5
Grow 12
Cleanse magic seems to be what I should have invested more points in, I'm sure I'll find some way to twist Flora though.

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-25 05:24am
by Kheitain
The gholem only shrugs in response of Safrac's comment, he'll be fine soon enough and can already feel the wood of his leg beginning to reform and grow strong again. He looks around for a moment, trying to spot a water source as he'll need fluids to fuel his rapid regrowth, organic material is everywhere at the moment. He begins picking up the dead and the soon to be dead and walking towards either the water source he sees or if none are in sight, the church gardens.

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-25 07:24am
by Norade
On second thought for magic, I think I'll take something of narrower focus, something to make me tougher, faster, stronger, etc. Very narrow in scope because Safrac doesn't think outside the box that way very much.

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-25 02:41pm
by Eleventh Century Remnant
Plot bit; there are stables attached to the house, round the back, they'll have a water trough. Probably the nearest source for the gholem. The general atmosphere of the place- apart from being full of smoke and hot air- is still, well, some very warped things have been done to nature hereabouts, during that fight.

Symond is basically conscious but delirious, fading in and out; Parrol is nearby, and has been trying to . 'I saw it happen, an elf gathering a shower of ice bolts. Symond tried to ride him down, stop him before he could release it- didn't work. He caught the entire blast, and then what was left of the horse landed on him.' Translation, the prognosis is not good. He's probably beyond surgical help- the horse was ripped in half- and he needs a healer, more or less right now.

Not helped by Mathilde's charging out of the main gate, weapon raised- she evidently thinks it's not over yet.

Character XP bits; buying divine magic- the actual skills available under Krylanyan magic are Mobility, Battle Sense, Deception (I may rename/limit this to Maskirovka, actually- it's narrower but more appropriate), Command, Sword and Shield. Mobility might suit what Safrac is after, but with only one point he'll get one point of power and two points of skill (to begin with, later on they have to be bought separately). The rest is fine.

Kheitain, because of the escalating cost principle, it's actually cheaper to begin with and you get more to srtart. Cleanse should go up to 8.

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-25 08:21pm
by Norade
(What sort of effect could I accomplish with my magic, more specifically Mobility? I know magic is sort of being left vague, but figuring out what Safrac can do would be nice. Of course I could always test is as I am now.)

Safrac, feels a sudden surge of energy as he lifts Symond in his arms. He feels suddenly lighter than before and he, forgetting about his mount, takes off at a run toward the temple. The knight isn't sure if it adrenaline, some gift from Mathilde, or something else but he's moving faster than he can recall.

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-26 12:30pm
by Kheitain
Thanks for that, I'll be sure to mark the 8 instead on my hardcopy. I was thinking that I would play the gholems increases in magical power as an increase in understanding and imagination rather than a linear increase of power.

The gholem never thought about the implications of cleansing things other than imbalances at the bacterial or fungal stage. These Elves seem to have warped their magic to duplicate an immune system on a large scale. He continues to ponder the differing implications of this magic with the simple understanding of a being whose magic is no more than an extension of will while making his way towards the troughs of water. (I'm assuming he can see them as he wouldn't otherwise know what a stable even was) He continues to sling bodies over his shoulder, taking the occasional chunk out with his mandibles and chewing bone, flesh and clothing all together so it can be mixed with the soil already inside him.

Seeing Safrac charge past, carrying a human in his arms confuses him for a moment. The Ork seems distinctly incapable of channeling even his own energies, let alone something as strange and unnecessarily complicated as the Mathilde woman's.

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-27 12:38pm
by Master_Baerne
Apologies for the delay, things have been slightly crazy around here.

Right, 5xp... what to do? If this trend continues, I'll need to be a bit more capable in a fight, so I'll stick it all into Shortsword. That gives me something like this:
Valette v. 1.2
Temper: 9
Fellowship: 15
Charm: 14

Logic: 12
Creativity: 13
Education: 11

Strength: 9
Agility: 14

1ap Empathy
2ap Wealth
2ap Attuned
2ap Supernatural Awareness

6ap Secret
2ap Duty

Temper - Bargain +10, Resist Persuasion +8
Fellowship - Human Perception +13, Streetwise +12, Acting +12
Charm - Con +15, Perform +11, Persuasion+ 14

Logic - Law +8, Evaulate +8, Perception +8
Creativity - Burglary +11, Dance +9, Scrounge +11
Education - History +10, Elven Culture +9, Legends and Lore +10

Strength - Athletics +10, Club +8
Endurance - Survival +8, Resist Injury +11
Agility - Stealth +14, Sleight of Hand +12, Dodge +10, Shortsword +14

Back to the story: "In that case, let's do it." Valette can barely keep the anticipation out of her voice.

Re: Homebrew tabletop system- playtesters requested

Posted: 2010-05-27 05:18pm
by Eleventh Century Remnant
Well, you all seem to have put some points into "dodge plot event"- Mathilde has sight of the elf she believes is behind all of this, and standing next to him is a notorious, known heretic. Somebody, clearly an elf, broadcast to the city "there'll be another lot of them in fifteen years anyway, kill them all." What else is she supposed to think?

Safrac spots this about to happen- the druid who healed him is there standing next to another human, a light and a dark elf, Valette's at the other end of it with a target's-eye view of Mathilde and four of her retinue moving forward to the attack.

Caranthir and Mathilde are both way out in the land of diminishing returns as far as combat abilities go- he's probably slightly better, but not so much so that he can afford to be complacent, and he didn't get to be that good by taking his skills for granted anyway. Neither of them are so good that followers and supporters can't make a meaningful difference.

As wielders of magic, however, the advantage is almost certainly his; more raw power, more dexterity in using it, more experience, more tricks.

Mathilde's taken him for an enemy, and in the long run she's probably right- but at this precise moment? Worse, his flock- the strange- eyed animals on the roof- spot her coming. The first rule of attacking a wizard is, don't give them time to think. Her has had far too much time to think.

The only thing that might act in her favour is, Rav looks ready to try and backstab Caranthir.

What do you all do?