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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-23 05:27pm
by Stark
But then they wouldn't have discovered how SPESHUL the humans were. Wouldn't they be sad?

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-23 05:32pm
by Losonti Tokash
They'd probably have gotten around to it. They had the Prothean studies of early humans on file, after all. :V

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-23 05:49pm
by DarkArk
Hmm...the Protheans were way ahead of current galactic civilization
Do we have any real evidence for that though? We know they were likely larger, probably because they didn't have the practice of not opening relays that they didn't know both sides too, but I don't see a lot of evidence that their base tech level was that much better than the present. Remember the Prothean ruins on Mars were discovered by a significantly weaker humanity. Also remember that they might be more advanced in some areas and not in others.
if he was on Ilos and survived then he's almost certainly a Prothean scientist, which mean a bonanza of knowledge for the galactic powers.
Well that's the issue isn't it? What kind of Prothean is he?

If he is a Prothean scientist then it is likely that you discover him on the Citadel, not Ilos like so many people seem to think. Did he create a suspension unit that was then hidden away deep in the bowels of the Citadel? That seems the most likely possibility, as a kind of bottle that would hold him until before the next reaping so that they would have a fighting chance. Maybe he wasn't hidden and instead was hoping to be discovered by putting it in an obvious place (like the tower) that was then completely looked over.

He could also be entirely unrelated to the science team, though that seems somewhat less likely.

In a lot of ways I feel sorry for the guy, surviving one Reaper invasion to jump straight into another.
Rachni Wars had nothing to do with Sovereign trying to gain access to the citadel nor did Sovereign know at that time that the citadel wasn't going to respond to his signals.
And yet they were indoctrinated by the Reapers and used in a massive galactic war, and the only Reaper left in the galaxy was Sovereign. No I'm inclined to think that the Rachni Wars were Sovereign's first attempt to wrest control of the Citadel.
the signal is supposed to go off around now not 2000 years ago
A source of questionable veracity.
Also i find it hilarious that you think that Sovereign just fucked about for 2000 years without being able to gain access to the citadel.
What else was he going to do? Charge in by himself? That's a sure way to be destroyed, as happened in ME1, and that was with a sizable Geth fleet. Gathering allies to take it over makes sense in that context.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-23 06:42pm
by Havok
How were the Protheans A. in this cycle Los? They got wiped out by the last Reaper homecoming.

As to the Reapers indoctrinating the Rachni, it is logical to assume, especially given the way they used the Geth, that the Reapers like to soften the galaxy up first, so to speak. And the wars being that long ago and the signal going off now just lends credence to the idea that it was a Reaper scheme, not the reverse. They tend to have long views of plans.

2000 years is pretty much nothing to a life form that sits around outside the galaxy for 50,000+ years at a time just waiting. Sovereign probably felt like he was running a fucking obstacle course with all the activity he had undertaken over the last 2000 years.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-23 06:52pm
by Stark
Its a shame the game is so married to tough-guy bullshit, because the reapers are (potentially) interesting, and they could shake up the setting in an interesting way.

But that wouldn't sell any N7-branded backpacks I guess.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-23 07:38pm
by Losonti Tokash
The Protheans weren't around for this cycle, obviously. But 50k years ago they had a research outpost on Mars. Some of their activities involved study of the early humans on Earth.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-23 08:30pm
by Aaron MkII
Thats from the disco ball you activate with the gift from the Asari Madam?

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-23 08:41pm
by Losonti Tokash
It's also in the Codex. Mars output was where humans learned how to use mass effect technology.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-25 12:39am
by xthetenth
I tried it, and I'm not fucking joking, tonight in a few hours of play I found more bugs in the demo than I ever found in a comparable stretch of time in the World of Warplanes alpha. I never had a game breaking bug in the latter, I'm typing this as I slowly sink below the map, and whenever I die I get right back up, sinking into the map, unable to do anything. Apparently my body is twitching and strobing. I wouldn't know. Coffee is similarly incapacitated. Coaan is unable to use any biotic other than singularity. I found two bugs with the store as well.

What. The. Fuck.

EDIT: Nifty, it ate two AP ammo and two armor upgrades as well. Fuck yeah.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-25 12:41am
by White Haven
Also, I was invincible to all but instant-death effects (Phantom execute, I'm looking at you). Hooooly bugs.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-25 05:20am
by FaxModem1
What systems were y'all on?

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-25 06:02am
by Stark
Do you expect any answer other than 'PC'?

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-25 06:47am
by FaxModem1
Honestly, yes. Fallout New Vegas was buggy as hell when it first premiered on the Xbox 360, so I was wondering if it was the same type of deal.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-25 10:28am
by Omeganian
if he was on Ilos and survived then he's almost certainly a Prothean scientist, which mean a bonanza of knowledge for the galactic powers.
Well that's the issue isn't it? What kind of Prothean is he?

If he is a Prothean scientist then it is likely that you discover him on the Citadel, not Ilos like so many people seem to think. Did he create a suspension unit that was then hidden away deep in the bowels of the Citadel? That seems the most likely possibility, as a kind of bottle that would hold him until before the next reaping so that they would have a fighting chance. Maybe he wasn't hidden and instead was hoping to be discovered by putting it in an obvious place (like the tower) that was then completely looked over.

He could also be entirely unrelated to the science team, though that seems somewhat less likely.

In a lot of ways I feel sorry for the guy, surviving one Reaper invasion to jump straight into another.
Unlikely. in 50 000 years the Keepers would have cleaned everything up.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-25 11:09am
by Losonti Tokash
Javik is not a scientist. He's just a soldier. You don't find him on the Citadel, you recruit him on Eden Prime, which is the extra mission you get with the DLC.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-25 01:47pm
by DarkArk
Well that cleared that up then.

Eh, still less spoiled about ME3 than I was the other two games (What the Reapers are, and what is at the center of the Collector Base). I still massively enjoyed both of them.
But I'd also read that the character is in the game anyway, he's just not a squadmate unless you have the dlc.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-25 01:50pm
by Losonti Tokash
Without the DLC you don't go to the planet where you recruit him, so that's likely a misstatement, referring to something else.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-25 03:23pm
by xthetenth
Stark wrote:Do you expect any answer other than 'PC'?
Actually considering we all got bugfucked on the same run of a level, we're suspecting server shenanigans. It's still terribly disappointing that a demo for a major release by a major company, which you'd expect is putting their best foot forward seems to be buggier than an alpha for a relatively small company's second major release.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-25 03:25pm
by Stark
Oh, was it all in one session? That's pretty suspicious, yeah.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-25 03:40pm
by DarkArk
Losonti Tokash wrote:Without the DLC you don't go to the planet where you recruit him, so that's likely a misstatement, referring to something else.
Really? Because apparently that's what Bioware said. Eh, we'll all find out in 10 days anyway.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-25 03:44pm
by Losonti Tokash
I know, but I'm going from what people who've finished playing through the game have said.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-25 03:48pm
by Mr. Coffee
That particular sessionwas more fucked up than a football bat, for sure. I'm really thinking a lot of it is probably the servers or Origin being a buggy, bloated piece of shit. For some reason the Origin ingame overlay won't pop up despite me trying several different hotkey combinations and a keyboard swap to try and make it work, so in order to accept a game invite I've got to alt-tab and accept from the desktop (seriously, they couldn't have just put a "Join Friend's Game" option in the fucking multiplayer menu?). I've also been getting fun little bugs like abilities suddenly deciding to disapear from the 1/2/3/4/ect buttons and tyring to use the shift key to click on your powers is all but impossible in multi since it doesn't do thefreeze game thing like in single player. Also it seems that when I buy the equipment packs from the store I get a 20% cance that the game will either eat my credits and not give me the equipment or pop up same error involving the server being retarded and just ranomly drop shit into my inventory and randomly reset all of my weapons and gear (The damn thing actually ate Xthetenth's gear when he bought a vetren pack last night).

So yeah, combine this with the hammy with extra cheese bit of single player story I saw in the demo (Seriously, only way they could have made that bit with the little kid getting blown up by a reaper would be if they put a puppy in the kids arms and had a voice -over say "The Reapers hate puppies. You don't hate puppies, do you? Join the Alliance Navy today and save puppies!") and I'm thinking I'm going to wait until this buggy motherfucker gets patched to fuck and gone and winds up in a bargain bin before I'll shell out money for it.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-25 06:55pm
by bilateralrope
Losonti Tokash wrote:The Rachni were clearly indoctrinated and driven to war as an attempt to weaken or destroy the military capability of the Council races.
What about the plan being to eliminate the Rachni and Krogan species ?

The other thing of note is that the Rachni and Krogan were fast breeding species. Which means they would expand faster, and thus be spread wider when their technology reaches the point that triggers the Reaper invasion. Maybe even spread large enough to be a threat to the Reaper invasion fleet.

If the Rachni were unsuitable for the Reaper harvesting, then them dominating the galaxy would also be unacceptable for the Reapers.
Mr. Coffee wrote:Origin being a buggy, bloated piece of shit.
The Origin title bar makes it clear that Origin is still in beta. So it being crap would be acceptable, except that we are being forced to use it.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-25 08:11pm
by White Haven
Origin does, however, have some seriously tricksy-hobbitses data compression for its file transfer. I was getting WELL in excess of my actual maximum bandwidth in terms of data transfer downloading the other day...

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-25 09:14pm
by Losonti Tokash
bilateralrope wrote:
Losonti Tokash wrote:The Rachni were clearly indoctrinated and driven to war as an attempt to weaken or destroy the military capability of the Council races.
What about the plan being to eliminate the Rachni and Krogan species ?
No one knew about the Krogan yet, so that would be a bit odd.