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Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-04-12 09:46pm
by Eternal_Freedom
There's nothing left for us here...let's go.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-04-13 12:24pm
by Crossroads Inc.
So to everyone excited here is a BIG Question to consider...

With the Core game being modernized, how many people do you think are chomping at the bit to start making new mods all over again?

Starwars Mods, BSG mods, B5 mods, Startrek, etc etc :D

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-04-13 12:27pm
by Eternal_Freedom
I think the entire modding community has essentially shit itself. Complex has already stated that 9.1 will be the last release for HW2 and they'll start afresh on the new improved platform as soon as possible. I don't envy them the work involved but I do love what they come up with (except the stupid power system, grrr).

I would imagine most large, active mods are looking at this with glee. I very much hope that Warlrods (the SW mod) and Fleet Commander (the BSG mod) get up to speed on the new system quickly.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-04-13 12:52pm
by Crossroads Inc.
LOL I think you are very much correct on that end,
Of course a lot of the huge labor intensive mods were simply trying to Revamp HW1 ships and put them into HW2.
Or trying to make certain races more "complete" and playable.

There were the Kadeshi mods, the Bentusi mods, the Progenitor mods, etc.

Personally I am really really interested to see how they will "revamp" some of the classic ships.
the Bentusi Tradeship and the Kadeshi needleship were two of my all time favorite Homeworld ships from the game.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-05-11 06:00pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Preorders are now Available!!! Get them while you can!
Gearbox are ready so start selling pre-orders for the nifty looking Homeworld mothership replica that comes with the Homeworld Remastered Collection.

The price of this edition is a hefty $99.99 and includes the 13″ Pride of Hiigara Mothership replica which is described as “An exclusive Pride of Hiigara Mothership replica, over 13″tall on an iconic Guidestone Replica base. Beautifully and meticulously crafted with hand-painted detail. Comes to life with USB-powered LEDs illuminating the ship’s engines, ports and bays.”

Also included is a Historical Briefings and Artwork book which includes the backstory of Homeworld, concept art and “newly uncovered details from the game’s creators”.

Gearbox say that development of the game is “still progressing” and the release date on the Amazon site is actually just a placeholder for now.

This version of the rebooted classic is “extremely limited” so they are bound to fly off the shelf.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-05-11 06:13pm
by bilateralrope
After the false advertising around Aliens: Colonial Marines, preordering anything from Gearbox seems like a really stupid idea.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-05-11 07:30pm
by Crossroads Inc.
how do you mean? I didn't follow any of what happened but heard a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-05-11 07:59pm
by bilateralrope
Here's an article on that. The demo video Gearbox put out looked much better than the final game.
Here's a comparison video between the two, comparing the demo video with a PC on high settings.

Which led to a lawsuit over this false advertising.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-05-11 08:03pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Well that sucks :/
Now not so sure about it, had been really hopeful till now.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-05-11 09:08pm
by bilateralrope
It could still be good. So I wouldn't suggest you stay away from it. If it's still looking good after it's released and the press embargoes end, buy it then. Waiting one day after release before you get to play it won't hurt.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-05-11 11:37pm
by Nephtys
Pre-order complete. Begin production immediately.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-05-13 07:59am
by Imperial528
Crossroads Inc. wrote:Well that sucks :/
Now not so sure about it, had been really hopeful till now.
My guess with Colonial Marines is that either they got rushed into finishing, and the scenes shown in the demo were pre-rendered, or near the end they realized that whatever they were doing to deliver that performance would cause terrible, terrible things to happen on a large number of common hardware configurations. So they switched it and thought they could get away without any disclosure.

And frankly, I just want another HW game*. They really can't do worse than the last one, and it gave us the likes of HW2 Complex and oodles of other good mods.

*Actually, I just want modern-graphics Taiidan. But a third game is nice, too.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-05-13 09:00am
by Steel
I didn't really like the over the top mysticism of HW2. Gameplay was decent enough, but I didn't care for the prophecy and religious aspects of it. HW1 was much more grounded, and while there was a "spiritual" side it was still grounded in fact, not in ancient voodoo. Theres no way to excise that aspect from the HW2 storyline, but I certainly hope that they don't try and put more of it in to HW1.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-05-13 09:22am
by Imperial528
I think a careful enough rewrite of the HW2 story could do it, since everything in it (The AI oracle, the hyperspace cores, etc) could be written with a more practical or realistic flavor than the original. Hell, even changing a few lines/voiceovers would do it, imo.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-05-13 11:43am
by Terralthra
Do they have the original composer back? Because at least 1/3 of the majesty and grandeur and poignance of the original HW was the absolutely gorgeous score and voice acting.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-05-17 10:47am
by Steel
Depends what you mean by original, I mean Samuel Barber had been dead for quite a while before the first one came out.

To what extent do you think the score and voice work needs to be redone? If they aren't changing the story, then surely all of it is still usable. They must have the highest quality stuff still, and the score was actually sold as a soundtrack so it is of high enough quality to stand on its own.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-05-17 11:41am
by Ace Pace
Steel wrote:Depends what you mean by original, I mean Samuel Barber had been dead for quite a while before the first one came out.

To what extent do you think the score and voice work needs to be redone? If they aren't changing the story, then surely all of it is still usable. They must have the highest quality stuff still, and the score was actually sold as a soundtrack so it is of high enough quality to stand on its own.
Composing is more than just "Oh right, lets take Samuel Barbar's stuff and throw it at this scene"

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-05-17 12:39pm
by Steel
Ace Pace wrote:
Steel wrote:Depends what you mean by original, I mean Samuel Barber had been dead for quite a while before the first one came out.

To what extent do you think the score and voice work needs to be redone? If they aren't changing the story, then surely all of it is still usable. They must have the highest quality stuff still, and the score was actually sold as a soundtrack so it is of high enough quality to stand on its own.
Composing is more than just "Oh right, lets take Samuel Barbar's stuff and throw it at this scene"
Yes, of course. However given that an entire score was made and voice acting done for the original version, what aspects of these do you think would need to be changed for the remakes? My assumption would have been that voice work and score would be unchanged between versions, that this would be a rewrite of the internals of the game engine and the graphics.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2014-05-17 02:10pm
by Crossroads Inc.
By the way, for those who have not seen it yet.
Some pretty amazing teaser videos of the new Homeworld Prequel game in the works here:

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2015-01-05 10:10pm
by Crossroads Inc.

Ok so...
Anyone else wondering what the heck is going on. And why those of us who pre ordered don't have our games yet?

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2015-01-06 03:57am
by bilateralrope
Crossroads Inc. wrote:RISE FROM THE GRAVE!!!

Ok so...
Anyone else wondering what the heck is going on. And why those of us who pre ordered don't have our games yet?
I haven't heard anything. When was something supposed to have happened by ?

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2015-01-06 12:21pm
by Purple
That's why you newer pre order anything. Instead you wait for it to appear on torrent sites*, be played by every nerd in every nook and cranny on the internet who will than publish their comments online for you to read and see if it's worth your time and money to go buy it.

* This ensures that there are far more voices to listen to than just say the people who bought it on day one.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2015-01-06 01:40pm
by Crossroads Inc.
It was "supposeD" to be released "Around Christmas"
And I ONLY ordered it for the cool Mothership statue you get.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2015-01-06 02:24pm
by bilateralrope
Purple wrote:That's why you newer pre order anything. Instead you wait for it to appear on torrent sites*, be played by every nerd in every nook and cranny on the internet who will than publish their comments online for you to read and see if it's worth your time and money to go buy it.

* This ensures that there are far more voices to listen to than just say the people who bought it on day one.
Waiting for the crowds opinion is only useful if your interests align with the majority. Listening to pirates is worse as you can't be sure if the part they are complaining about is actually there, or some anti-piracy measure that wasn't cracked (eg, Batman's cape not working in the pirated version of one of the Arkham games) when they posted their opinion.

It's much better to find reviewers with useful* opinions who you trust to be honest. Listen to them. Ignore the review score. Reviewers often get access to the game before launch, so they have had much more time with the game than others when the embargo lifts.

*This doesn't mean you agree with them. It just means that you can use their opinions to get a good idea about how you'd like the game.
Crossroads Inc. wrote:It was "supposeD" to be released "Around Christmas"
And I ONLY ordered it for the cool Mothership statue you get.
Delays happen, though they are usually announced.

Preordering to get something that is likely to run out is fair enough.

Re: Homeworld Remakes, It's Actually Happening!!!

Posted: 2015-01-06 03:43pm
by Wing Commander MAD
Crossroads Inc. wrote:It was "supposeD" to be released "Around Christmas"
And I ONLY ordered it for the cool Mothership statue you get.
Same here. I think I read somewhere it got delayed and that GearBox was hoping for a February release, though I can't seem to track that down. I don't frequent gaming news sites or anything, but this seems to be relatively low key with little to any information released. The only reason I even heard about it was either here or the RelicNews forums, can't remember which.

Hell, they haven't even released specs for the game and I believe the first images/video didn't get shown until late October or November. That has me kinda worried. It may be this turns into another Aliens: Colonial Marines, which recently got delisted from Steam, only time will tell.