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Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-28 07:57pm
by VF5SS

My robot is getting less shitty

but boy does that shotgun eat ammo pretty fast

I think I need to read some old Nintendo Powers to figure out how to take screencaps old school :v

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-28 11:40pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Do they still have those "Pursuit mini missiles" in the game?
I remember those way back in AC2, you could take out virtually any single enemy in the game just by firing those in his general direction :P

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-28 11:42pm
by Stark
Autonomous targeting missiles?


Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-29 02:44am
by Andrew_Fireborn
... I feel somewhat dirty.

Running a medium mech with dual gattling guns. (the 2500 ammo ones) Am I missing something or are all the other Miniguns vastly worse, with less ammo?

But these things are cheese hoses against anything with medium-low KE defense.

Spent this evening mostly Co-Oping with a friend, we burnt through the story missions... with one or two left to go before he had to go to sleep.

Also, what I've been hearing is that Bamco shafted us again, apparently From set up a tonne of documentation and a forum that's linked to the game in Japan.

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-29 03:10am
by Stark
Later you'll get 3500-round gatlings that are even better. Theyre fine for order missions.

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-29 07:44am
by VF5SS
Bandai Namco has long given up anything other than token support for English speaking audiences. Just look at how we never get any of the really solid Gundam games like the PSP series or Gihren's Greed :v

Armored Core has the advantage of not being attached to a failed franchise excursion and has a sizable install base.

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-29 08:20am
by Stark
I would use preferred subs to the incoherent mess we got in English.

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-29 09:21am
by VF5SS
I'm pretty sure Armored Core's story is vague and incoherent in Japanese too :v

Or do you mean shitty translation dumps of Gihren's Greed games :3

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-29 06:13pm
by Ford Prefect
Stark wrote:I would use preferred subs to the incoherent mess we got in English.
Though every plot development is out of left field, Rosary constantly making fun of RD when he opens his mouth works for me.

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-29 06:43pm
by Stark
The corpo police resistance chief Leon father moh alien thing is just


Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-29 07:32pm
by VF5SS
I muted the voices in game so I could concentrate on listening to weeaboo music while playing :v

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-29 08:18pm
by CaptHawkeye
I don't even have a working headset so it's convenient.

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-29 08:31pm
by VF5SS
No I meant the computer voice and in game voices. I don't think that affects voice chat.

I'm getting into the 40's on order missions . I've been shotgunning everything I can but is shit gonna start getting real soon?

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-30 01:01pm
by VF5SS
Oh. The train in the tunnel wasn't the train you guys were talking about.

It's that huge one that is surrounded by laser scoping sniper robots and also has giant guns of its own.

Damn son.

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-30 05:20pm
by Manus Celer Dei
There's always a bigger train.

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-30 06:29pm
by Stark
Amusingly it's supposed to be the same train. :v

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-30 06:55pm
by VF5SS
Fucking trains getting revenge on me neglecting their cousins the transport trucks -w-;

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-31 06:10am
by Ford Prefect
Stark wrote:Amusingly it's supposed to be the same train. :v
It is the same train. Yes, it's longer and has more guns on it ... but it's a train. There's even dialogue about them coupling up extra cars.

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-31 10:19am
by VF5SS

trains never change...

So this one physical blade is pretty damn strong. Too bad the whole animation for using it leaves you open like a jackass :v

I'm getting eviscerated against these tougher tank guys in the 1v1 missions. Any suggestions?

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-31 11:40am
by CaptHawkeye
Sniper rifles. Since tank types can strut around with deployed cannons and heavy weapons everywhere you're best bet is to be standoffish. When he starts getting close, break camp and move somewhere else.

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-31 03:34pm
by Stark
Ford Prefect wrote:
Stark wrote:Amusingly it's supposed to be the same train. :v
It is the same train. Yes, it's longer and has more guns on it ... but it's a train. There's even dialogue about them coupling up extra cars.
In the middle?

In like 90 seconds?


And tanks with KE cannons have decent range performance, but vs snipers they need to rely on terrain because their sustained agility is shit. Story mission chief laser was HORRIBLE.

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-31 05:49pm
by Ford Prefect
Stark wrote:In like 90 seconds?
Man there is no way your slow ass tank got to that point in 90 seconds. :P

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-31 09:50pm
by Stark
The tank legs I had in the tunnel were so bad the train kept stopping and I could still never even see it. Peak boost speed is fine, but boost costs are prohibitive.

Have you fought the laser guy yet? Doing that with tank legs was not fun.

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-31 10:14pm
by VF5SS
Why are you such a leg-ist, man?

Are we going have our own legging issues :v

Just change setup to beat one mission like we all did back in 1997 XD

Re: Armored Core V awesome party thread

Posted: 2012-03-31 10:53pm
by Stark
I'm in the habit of changing in mission

But that fucking laser guy doesn't have any so by the time you're stuck is too late.

After the train I stopped playing story for ages to actually get some other parts and settle etc.

I'm not leggist. Bipeds just suck. :v