Mass Effect 3 Demo

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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by FaxModem1 »

I think they're having the game reward people storywise for those who take their time and explore all the side missions, and acquire all the allies, tech and resources to fight the Reapers, while those who rush get the worst ending.
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by White Haven »

With any luck (and how I'd write it), the Normandy does something to disable the outgoing Sol relay on the way out, penning up the bulk of the Reaper fleet to buy time.

The point about the Reaper intel is quite valid, though. Their understanding is that the human Fifth Fleet skullfucked Sovereign after Sovereign was more or less done doing his Killfuck McRaperson impression to what they expected would be the most dangerous concentration of military might anywhere (the defenders at the Citadel, given their previous MO, would almost always have been the single greatest concentration of military force, hence why their recurring plan was to sucker-punch it). With that assumption in place, and with the numbering involved (FIFTH fleet, implying the existence of at least four other fleets capable of doing the same thing), it's not at all unreasonable for the Reapers to infer that, just this once, the greatest military force wasn't based at the Citadel, but instead at the homeworld of the species those fleets belong to.

The Arrival DLC supports that as well. We know the Reapers don't have extragalactic FTL comms, or they could activate the Citadel without relying on Sovereign to do it for them. IIRC the normal plan is for Sovvy to dial the Citadel from inside the galaxy to let them all in. So from the Arrival DLC, assuming they have an active comm link with the indoctripodthingy, they may know that a human warship was present just before their plans went all to hell. If they know THAT, they know that humans have both the knowledge and determination to use mass relays as weapons of mass destruction. Put all that together and the humans look like a far more pressing concern than the massed forces of the rest of the galaxy.
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by FaxModem1 »

Don't forget to add in that the Collectors were also destroyed by a human ship, with all three instances being led by Commander Shepard.
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by TheFeniX »

PeZook wrote:One Reaper did a real number on the citadel fleet ; Five hundred would make any attempt at defence completely futile.
Sovereign also showed up with a massive Geth fleet. But yea, it wouldn't be a stretch to say even 20-30 reapers could have done the job. In the opening scene of the battle, Sovereign just rams a Turian Dreadnaught out of his way and it didn't even slow him down.

I always assumed the Reapers had been slaughtering cattle for so long they were totally unprepared for the cows to start shooting back. This actually explains, even though he talks a big game, why Sovereign was clueless about what to do in ME1 when his plan fails, and instead relys on an indoctrinated Spectre telling him about this fancy Mass Relay that will teleport him to the Citadel. When even that turned out to be fallible when Saren was resisting him (forcing Saren's "upgrades"), he just says fuck it and goes all-in on the Citadel.
Stark wrote:Thanks for posting. :lol: Calling games like Syndicate and ME3 not 'decent coop games' is a fucking riot, and comparing a fucking MMO to a shooter is precious in the extreme.
So, my definition of co-op is narrowminded, but you dismiss MMO co-op out of hand because... it's different? If this is the caliber of people laughing at me, then enjoy being king of the idiots in your Internet popularity contest. I'll stick to games I can play all the way through with my friends.
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by Stofsk »

I am really struggling to understand what your argument against the ME3 co-op even is.
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by Anacronian »

Stofsk wrote:I am really struggling to understand what your argument against the ME3 co-op even is.
Let me explain TheFeniX's reasoning.

You know Pong right, Right imagine this - Some dude back in 1976 tries Pong for the first time and realises that he can play it with his buddy, So he invites him over and they have lots of fun if fact they play all night and maybe there is a little touching of penises but most of the time they just play Pong.

So the day after the dude calls his friend on the phone and they discuss all the fun they had and both of them wondered what they should call the experience.. they decided they would call it multiplaying, So from that day forward the dude and his buddy knew what multiplaying is - It was two bats moving up and down on a screen one controlled by the dude and the other controlled by buddy, Anything that didn't work in this fashion was not multiplaying it was something different and not true multiplaying.

They formed a subjective definition of what multiplaying is without realising that the term it self covers so much more - just like TheFeniX's ultimately subjective definition of co-op even though the very nature of the term is far broader.
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by Stark »

He honestly thinks that because Bioware made an MMO that ME3 'should' have story coops or something. That nobody ever said it would and there is massive resistance to any multi at all doesn't matter. Los considers the coops it has baby steps educating fatties and clearing the way for (hopefully) more in-depth stuff in future.... But ranting about how it's not a 'proper' coop game because 'proper' coop games are story coops is the core of it.

And the joke is that ME3 coops is fun. Cooperative fun. And he won't play it because... the Old Reoiblic exists? Dungeon Siege 3 exists? Shooters too hard? Coop not coop?

It's funny because right now is a good time to be playing coop games. But being an elitist and crapping on about bullshit is more important than playing games with your mates, I guess.
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Oh man I can't wait to play Mass Effect 3 with my Shepard and take my buddy's Shepard along with me in co-op! Wait, what do you mean you destroyed the genophage cure? I didn't! Who did you leave behind on Virmire? What about the Rachni? And hold on, Garrus died during the Suicide Mission?

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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by Stark »

It *is* ironic that the solution to Bioware story multi (as shown in DS3) is the kind of thing he hates from Fable - letting people drive the other characters and contribute in some way to dialog. But its not 'real' coop unless you can bring your own character (somehow).

I wonder if Syndicate is 'real' coop; it isn't main story, but there is a 'campaign' of coop and you bring your own characters. Oh wait - you choose from one of four appearances. What if you are RPing the bolt-chested chick and someone takes that slot? GAME RUINED! :lol:
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by bilateralrope »

Mass Effect 3 is going to have day 1 DLC that you have to pay for, unless you get the collectors edition.

That content ? Spoiler
A Prothean squadmate. The demo included some of his dialog.
I guess you're too stupid or lazy to use spoiler tags. Thanks for letting me do it, as I've been trying OH SO FUCKING HARD to stay spoiler free. ~Stofsk
Last edited by Stofsk on 2012-02-22 06:25pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by Block »

Why would I want to pay extra to have Jar Jar mark II on my team?
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by Losonti Tokash »

Man, I was waiting for the wave of racism that was the initial reaction to Javik's dialogue to reach here. While I'm impressed that it only took two months for you guys to catch on to something that's been advertised for ages, I'm less impressed by your accent locating abilities. Protip: Jamaica is not in West Africa.
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by PeZook »

Wait, his voice is supposed to be annoying or something am I getting this right? Please tell me so that I can hate him too and not feel excluded!
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by Losonti Tokash »

Sorry, dude, only white accents are allowed in this scifi series.
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by SylasGaunt »

Also, way to drop an unmarked spoiler there.
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by Stofsk »

Yep. Thanks a bunch for that.
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by Aaron MkII »

Are we seriously bitching about accents?

Fuck forbid we have a non-western accent on a character no one wants to fuck.
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by Losonti Tokash »

Let's be fair, here. People are also complaining that some content that was originally planned to be exclusive to the collector's edition will be also be available immediately for $10.
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by bilateralrope »

SylasGaunt wrote:Also, way to drop an unmarked spoiler there.
I don't see how something that will be mentioned in the blurb describing the DLC in the Xbox marketplace can really be called a spoiler.
Losonti Tokash wrote:Let's be fair, here. People are also complaining that some content that was originally planned to be exclusive to the collector's edition will be also be available immediately for $10.
They are also complaining that content was cut from ME3 just so it could be released as day 1 DLC.
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by Aaron MkII »

Losonti Tokash wrote:Let's be fair, here. People are also complaining that some content that was originally planned to be exclusive to the collector's edition will be also be available immediately for $10.
Yeah that is bs. Release it for free a week after.
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by Stark »

Do you have any reason to believe it was ever part of the basic game? Bear in mind that day 1 (and week 1, and most month 1) DLC exists on launch day, often on the disks. Does that mean it should be free? What if the expected revenue from the DLC sales is the only reason that content was even made? What about pre-order bonuses?
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by Losonti Tokash »

Did you know that a lot of stuff tends to get turned into day 1 dlc because it wasn't finished in time to be put on the disc itself? This is also the 3rd time in a row Bioware has included an extra character as day 1 dlc, so it's not like it's even a new thing.
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by Stark »

If people didn't buy it, they wouldn't do it. But then, Epic sold DLC on day 1 that didn't even exist yet; nobody complained.
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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Post by Losonti Tokash »

Shit, it's actually their fourth time. I had forgotten about Shale from DA1.
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