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Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-14 04:00am
by wautd
TheFeniX wrote: So, we started Inferno not long afterward. I'll start off by saying: I never expected to walk through the hardest difficulty. What I did expect was Blizzard to not skull-fuck my class because of a difficulty change. The first uncommon we ran into was "Molten, Waller, Fire Chains, and Arcane. (at least I think, I know for certain they didn't have Vampiric). This is a pretty bad setup, but it isn't undoable for me as the mobs only had 700k HP. I can burn them before they burn me. Except, whoops, my Hammer can't break 85k since going up to Inferno. Oh and, the mobs have health regen.

I would have been angry if I hadn't pulled a muscle rolling my eyes so hard. I knew there was going to be a lot of bullshit going in, but I have literally the best gear I can get for my build without going broke on the AH (I whored money specifically for this purpose). The problem is, any gear improvements worthwhile for me are in the millions of gold range which means I have to farm gold or get lucky on drops worth selling for the same amount of money. As luck has never been my strong suite, I see soon returning to Skyrim and having actual fun rather than grinding money in a "gear=win" game.
Errr... I've did some Diablo runs on Hell difficulty to farm a few 100K of gold to fit out my barb. It's not the top of the end gear that costs millions, but it's enough kill some stuff in act 1 and stay alive... most of the time - some elite groups are just nasty, and take a few tries but hey, it shouldn't be too easy. And at the moment, that's good enough for me because now I make a lot more gold compared to act V hell mode, which allows me to gradually buy better gear. Rares seem to drop a lot more often as well, but I've yet to find my first legendary item.

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-14 04:34am
by MrDakka
Even with severe price drops (for example say instead of $250, the price dropped to $50-$75 for that bow in the linked gif), would any of you buy stuff off the RMAH? What's the max you would pay in real currency?

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-14 05:00am
by Stofsk
I wouldn't buy anything off the auction house, let along the real money auction house. To me, it destroys the whole point of the game and I think Blizzard has fucked things up by making drop rates so poor so that the RMAH can operate.

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-14 11:09am
by Irbis
Shinova wrote:like Vendetta said Diablo was about this, and Diablo's been out for longer than the concept of MMOs even existed.
Diablo - January 1, 1997.
Meridian 59 [MMORPG] - December 15, 1995.
Mazewar [MUD] - 1974.

Longer, you say? :wink:

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-14 12:18pm
by TheFeniX
wautd wrote:Errr... I've did some Diablo runs on Hell difficulty to farm a few 100K of gold to fit out my barb. It's not the top of the end gear that costs millions, but it's enough kill some stuff in act 1 and stay alive
I'm in the same boat. I don't have a piece of gear above 100k and most I get for around 15k. But I need a very specific set of stats on gear to maintain the hilariously high damage I do (I must have had an off-night because I'm back to throwing multiple 150k+ crits). And now I need to get gear with those same stats, but that also has resistances and/or health regen.
Stofsk wrote:I wouldn't buy anything off the auction house, let along the real money auction house. To me, it destroys the whole point of the game and I think Blizzard has fucked things up by making drop rates so poor so that the RMAH can operate.
There is a screenshot of a blue post out there where it was specifically stated they will raise and lower drop rates to regulate auction house prices. I've also heard (but haven't seen any direct proof) they will lower the drop rate of gear that is specifically beneficial to your class. The crazy conspiracy theory is that this will also affect MP games. Ex: having a Barb and Demon Hunter will lead to drastically more intelligence gear dropping. I doubt this claim because, when running with my buddy (DH), I get a lot of quivers and other dex drops that seem more for DH then Monk. Too bad none of it's any damn good.

My beef is playing on Inferno (level 60 only) and getting multiple level 52 drops. In a single-player game this would be idiotic. With the design idea behind D3 being "give Blizzard another IP to print money with" it makes perfect sense.
MrDakka wrote:Even with severe price drops (for example say instead of $250, the price dropped to $50-$75 for that bow in the linked gif), would any of you buy stuff off the RMAH? What's the max you would pay in real currency?
$0 USD. On the off-chance I got a piece of gear worth selling for $$$, I'd cash out (if you even can) and take the ol' lady out to dinner or something. I already beat this damn game 6 times or so. I'm not buying it against so I can stand a chance at beating "super awesome elite difficulty with no originality."

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-15 12:03am
by Minischoles
Stofsk wrote:I wouldn't buy anything off the auction house, let along the real money auction house. To me, it destroys the whole point of the game and I think Blizzard has fucked things up by making drop rates so poor so that the RMAH can operate.
The entire late game has been geared around the RMAH - gold rates and gold farming zones got hideously nerfed, they've nerfed how many rares you can get from bosses (forcing you to spend 3 times longer farming their shitty rare packs with their affixes), any method of farming has been reduced completely (chest farming, goblin farming).

And they're actually banning bots - which is unreal for someone whose used to playing WoW, where botting is completely and utterly rampant, with botters that have been active for years and haven't been banned.

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-15 01:18pm
by General Zod
Minischoles wrote:
Stofsk wrote:I wouldn't buy anything off the auction house, let along the real money auction house. To me, it destroys the whole point of the game and I think Blizzard has fucked things up by making drop rates so poor so that the RMAH can operate.
The entire late game has been geared around the RMAH - gold rates and gold farming zones got hideously nerfed, they've nerfed how many rares you can get from bosses (forcing you to spend 3 times longer farming their shitty rare packs with their affixes), any method of farming has been reduced completely (chest farming, goblin farming).

And they're actually banning bots - which is unreal for someone whose used to playing WoW, where botting is completely and utterly rampant, with botters that have been active for years and haven't been banned.
They're not banning legitimate players because they mistook them for bots are they? Because that really wouldn't be a surprise.

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-16 10:27pm
by Shinova
I sold a lvl 33 legendary spirit stone for net 2.50 dollars. It's not much, but I'm surprised I managed to sell anything that isn't a super-awesome lvl 60+ item.

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-17 11:27pm
by Cykeisme
Anyone else stuck at the Inferno Act 2 difficulty stonewall?

I could really use a hand. Tips, in-game help, anything really :(

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-18 01:41am
by Minischoles
Cykeisme wrote:Anyone else stuck at the Inferno Act 2 difficulty stonewall?

I could really use a hand. Tips, in-game help, anything really :(

Wait for the 1.03 nerf, or get a friend to give you an Act 3 waypoint. That or spend umpteen millions on gear.

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-18 02:04am
by General Zod
So I probably made the mistake of buying the game over the weekend, and even though it's not bad it is kind of easy. I'm about midway through act 2 as a Monk where you're collecting ghost sorcerer's blood and I'm wondering "does it get any more challenging on the default than this?"

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-18 02:08am
by DesertFly
Nightmare is slightly more challenging (at least as the wizard), hell is significantly more difficult. The monk of course has a different playstyle than the wizard, and I've only gotten to act 2 on normal with a monk.

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-18 02:39am
by Gandalf
My Monk Roosevelt has hit the wall of Inferno.

Seemingly every blue or so enemy has an area effect that fucks me up. I need an escort or something.

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-18 03:20am
by Minischoles
General Zod wrote:So I probably made the mistake of buying the game over the weekend, and even though it's not bad it is kind of easy. I'm about midway through act 2 as a Monk where you're collecting ghost sorcerer's blood and I'm wondering "does it get any more challenging on the default than this?"

Normal is like the tutorial for this game - it's mind numbingly easy to get through. Nightmare is slightly more difficult, but really still very easy - it's only when you hit Hell and Inferno that the game actually starts to get difficult.

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-18 03:21am
by wautd
I got trough act 1 of Inferno, but I'm shocked to see how hard act 2 is. I've got killed by the 3'rd normal monster I've encountered twice in a row :?

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-18 03:32am
by Cykeisme
Minischoles wrote:
General Zod wrote:So I probably made the mistake of buying the game over the weekend, and even though it's not bad it is kind of easy. I'm about midway through act 2 as a Monk where you're collecting ghost sorcerer's blood and I'm wondering "does it get any more challenging on the default than this?"

Normal is like the tutorial for this game - it's mind numbingly easy to get through. Nightmare is slightly more difficult, but really still very easy - it's only when you hit Hell and Inferno that the game actually starts to get difficult.
Hmm, in my opinion Hell is still part of the tutorial.
I blasted through Normal, Nightmare and Hell with no farming, just doing quests and equipping whatever happened to drop along the way. At Inferno Act 1, I had to spend some of the gold I'd accumulated at the Auction House, but not a big deal.. just 10k-50k per piece of equipment.

Inferno Act I is the beginning of the actual challenge, but not a big deal.
Inferno Act 2 is where the game REALLY gets tough.

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-18 03:35am
by Cykeisme
Minischoles wrote:
Cykeisme wrote:Anyone else stuck at the Inferno Act 2 difficulty stonewall?

I could really use a hand. Tips, in-game help, anything really :(

Wait for the 1.03 nerf, or get a friend to give you an Act 3 waypoint. That or spend umpteen millions on gear.
Sigh, my friends are stuck at the same point. Some started new characters, others stopped playing a couple of weeks ago. I got the game late, so I'm the last one to hit the Act2 wall.

I don't see the point of starting a new character until I've finished the game with this one.

So looks like farming for gold to buy gear is the only way forward, but at this rate I might just take a break from the game, too. A long one.

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-18 11:35am
by TheFeniX
Cykeisme wrote:Inferno Act I is the beginning of the actual challenge, but not a big deal.
Inferno Act 2 is where the game REALLY gets tough.
This was my reasoning for quitting the game for a while Friday night (back to killing Dragons). Blizzards concept of difficulty in Diablo 3 is anything but. D3 has levelling zones. They have a 1-25, 26-50, and 50-60 zones, except they're all the same zone with the mobs level scaled up. Then you start heroics (Inferno) after that and pray you have decent gear and a build that doesn't suck.

So, the game is 99% piss easy and retreaded 3 times over. Then you hit Inferno and it's nothing but cheap bullshit disguised as "difficulty." Oh yea, and it's the exact same game again. Seriously, just let me transfers my PCs over from WoW already.

You can't even even challenge yourself without intentionally breaking your build or staying undergeared. Through normal and Nightmare, I had gear 20 levels below me and even a level 12 ring I used up until level 50 (attack speed, aw yea). You could do Hardcore I guess. But you're more likely to die from cheap bullshit or latency (SP latency, mwahahaha) than from anything wrong with your skill, build, or gear.

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-18 11:41am
by General Zod
TheFeniX wrote:
Cykeisme wrote:Inferno Act I is the beginning of the actual challenge, but not a big deal.
Inferno Act 2 is where the game REALLY gets tough.
This was my reasoning for quitting the game for a while Friday night (back to killing Dragons). Blizzards concept of difficulty in Diablo 3 is anything but. D3 has levelling zones. They have a 1-25, 26-50, and 50-60 zones, except they're all the same zone with the mobs level scaled up. Then you start heroics (Inferno) after that and pray you have decent gear and a build that doesn't suck.

So, the game is 99% piss easy and retreaded 3 times over. Then you hit Inferno and it's nothing but cheap bullshit disguised as "difficulty." Oh yea, and it's the exact same game again. Seriously, just let me transfers my PCs over from WoW already.

You can't even even challenge yourself without intentionally breaking your build or staying undergeared. Through normal and Nightmare, I had gear 20 levels below me and even a level 12 ring I used up until level 50 (attack speed, aw yea). You could do Hardcore I guess. But you're more likely to die from cheap bullshit or latency (SP latency, mwahahaha) than from anything wrong with your skill, build, or gear.
So far I've managed to avoid dying at all through normal. I've come close a couple times because I wasn't paying enough attention but it's nothing that running away from the enemy until I could use a potion again couldn't fix.

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-18 02:10pm
by Stofsk
I died a handful of times in normal with my wizard, and a shitload of times in nightmare with same. Hardcore is out of the question, as a couple of those deaths were easily due to lag. But the nightmare deaths are mainly due to being underpowered/undergeared.

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-19 12:57am
by General Zod
So I actually got killed by Belial a few times. Got a bit too complacent thinking you could just brute-force him. Back to grind grind grind I guess?

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-19 03:02pm
by Stofsk
Looks like they've retooled the gem combos - now it takes less gold and only 2 of a gem rather than 3.

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-19 05:37pm
by MrDakka
Looks like crafting should be more viable. Don't know how I feel about the attack speed fix, esp. as a wizard spamming signature spells; I have yet to try it out.

Link to patch notes: ... -now-live/

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-20 01:39am
by General Zod
I don't know why but so far I've been disconnected from servers 3 times tonight in the middle of an SP campaign. This is frustrating to say the least.

Re: Diablo 3

Posted: 2012-06-20 11:16pm
by General Zod
Item name 1 Silence Wind
Time of transaction 20 Jun 2012 07:33 PM PDT
Sale price $3.00
Transaction fee $1.00
Applicable taxes $0.00
Your proceeds $2.00
People be dumb.