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Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-13 09:09pm
by Panzersharkcat
"Hi ho, Silver, let's go!"

(OOC: I don't remember his horse's name. Not using his usual horse as Old Paint Bucket is not really a war horse, after all. I assume we're going now.)

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-13 09:11pm
by Simon_Jester
"Silver" isn't really a warhorse either, just less of a peacehorse than Old Paint Bucket.

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-13 09:43pm
by Eleventh Century Remnant
No dissenters, then?

Also, what little the guild can give you- no detections, just a general sense of doom- she's out there somewhere, northeast probably.

Order of battle is the party, Andrea, two archers, two professional men at arms and- anyone else you're trying to bring along? Andrea's lot look level headed enough, she wouldn't have chosen them otherwise.

Which means they're sensible enough to actually be bricking it, and trying not to let that show.

Out and away, then- not easy through the mass and mess of people in the street, a few torches lit, held well away from anything- like most of the town- inflammable; carts and packhorses of the disturbed and preparing to flee, of the spirited and willing to resist, the place stands a fair chance of doing itself some damage through sheer chaos.

To the trees, to the north road and the paths that branch off it, along one of which- there is the occasional fiery hoofprint, isolated, rarely a sequence of two or three; what? One hoof, alone, one scorched branch?

The only thing that makes sense is that she's mocking, deliberately leaving broken fragments of trail here and there, and waiting to see- it certainly feels as though you're being watched.

Along one of the trails, movement. A large being- not on horseback, gait's wrong. Not human- too big. Too many big things carried- not an animal. Moving quickly. How do you react?
Kaelan- tht's your cue, play yourself in.

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-13 10:24pm
by Panzersharkcat
(OOC: Don't tell me he ripped off Fallout and made himself a Super Mutant or a talking Deathclaw.)

"Halt! Identify yourself!"

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-13 11:02pm
by Simon_Jester

Dude, lay off the Fallout references. Just take a break from them for a while, OK?

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-13 11:07pm
by Panzersharkcat
(OOC: Hi ho Silver was a Lone Ranger one. But yeah, I'll lay off the Fallout stuff.)

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-13 11:23pm
by Simon_Jester

Silver was OK, I got that. It's the mutants and stuff. It's like... you're getting typecast, you know?

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-14 03:49am
by Kaelan
The figure halts several hundred yards away on hearing the challenge and starts to speak. Upon realising that you can’t make out what he’s saying he slowly starts to approach – halting 20 feet away.

You see what appears to be an ogre standing in front of you, wearing a smorgasbord of leather armour and backpack. In one arm he has a tower shield that would better serve as a castle door (indeed those who are keen enough of eye can see the remnants of a hinge on one side). A brutal axe hangs from his waist and he has a crossbow that looks more like a small ballista in his other arm – currently pointed at the ground.

He gazes over the group and starts to speak.

First in a deep guttural sound Spoiler
In the tongue of the ogre mountain tribes:
“I don’t suppose anybody here speaks my language? No.”
Then again in a harsher sound Spoiler
Speaking in the orc trade language:
He gives the customary orc greeting of insulting your mother, daughters and tribe and your general personages and awaits the customary return insult. When none comes back.
Then again in a deep musical sound Spoiler
In the flowing languages of the elves
“Greetings fellow travellers, your arrival brings joy to those who know you and hope to those who don’t. Be at peace for I mean no harm”
Upon seeing confusion on some of the party he sighs and continues on some more in elvin.
“Well this is going to be interesting.”
Then finally in svartalfven (common tongue)
“Me Dirt Deadhead. You come”

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-14 09:53am
by Simon_Jester

Unless I am much mistaken, Verone speaks Elvish, at least adequately.

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-14 01:11pm
by Kaelan
OOC I will wait for V's response.

Any other responses in the meantime?

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-14 01:15pm
by Simon_Jester
Larric is actually somewhat relieved to see a giant ferocious ogre instead of Calvern, but he recognizes the sounds of Elvish and waits for Verone to translate that, since he figures that whatever the big (fellow? beast? Larric's jury is still out on that) said in Elvish is probably important.

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-14 03:53pm
by White Haven
Verone's eyes suddenly started to narrow as the ogre spoke a language that, although he couldn't recognize, was definitely distinct from the first. Bilingual...that's unusual enough in the stereotypically-civilized races, much less an outwardly-dumb 'barbarian.' And then elvish, sounding more than a little strange on the lips of such a decidedly non-elven figure. Eyebrows make a bid for the twin safeties of his hairline and the brim of The Hat as some brief work picks out the words through the accent forced on them by vocal chords the size of an elf's entire head. That gives enough of a delay that the ogre continues in common, which produces an amused twist to the mage's lips as he replies in the elven tongue,
"You are really remarkably more eloquent this way, you know. And by all means, greetings, fellow traveller. We also mean you no harm, provisional upon the assumption that your words are true."
The phrasing far more flowery and graceful than Verone's typical dry tone, but it's hard to speak otherwise in the language.

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-14 04:06pm
by Simon_Jester
Just how big is this ogre, anyway?

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-14 04:17pm
by White Haven
If he's using a repurposed castle door as a shield...

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-14 04:20pm
by Simon_Jester
From the description, I don't think it's a drawbridge, it's an interior door. And relative to his physical size it's a big damn shield...

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-14 04:28pm
by Kaelan
Just how big is this ogre, anyway?
Dirt is just over nine feet tall & just over 3 foot wide at the shoulders. Simon’s right – it’s an interior door being used as a tower shield.

Addressing Verone in elvin once more:
“Well, this is most fortunate. Familiarity in this ancient tongue has improved my elocution and vocabulary. It has been troublesome learning the younger tongue when most of its practitioners turn tail and retreat before conversation can be joined.”
“Allow me to be so bold as to introduce myself. My name translates from its mother tongue as ‘the strength that flows from the surface heart of the mountain’ or ‘dirt’ in a more crude vernacular. ‘Deadhead’ is more of a reference to my former trade and working name that my erstwhile employer imparted upon myself.”
“Forgive me for being so brash, but who might you and your companions be? You have the appearance of marching into conflict with grim determination. I must confess, I have not seen any creatures or bandits of note in the area – save it be the banner of the twelfth over the hills yonder”

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-14 06:43pm
by Panzersharkcat
(OOC: Well, at least he's not called Shrek. I would have to punch myself if I had to resort to Shrek jokes.)

"What is he saying?"Alfred asks as he eyes Dirt/Deadhead suspiciously.

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-14 06:48pm
by Kaelan
"What is he saying?"Alfred asks as he eyes Dirt/Deadhead suspiciously.
Looking at Alfred - "Hel-low"

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-14 07:21pm
by Panzersharkcat
"Umm. Hello." He remains uncertain of whether to go for his hammer or not. He decides to give the others a chance to make absolutely certain he's friendly.

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-15 10:40am
by White Haven
"For my own person, my name is Verone Tanner, which translates to nothing spectacular at all, I'm afraid. Beyond that, well, ardon me for a moment, if you could. I must speak to mine boon-companions and discern their stance vis-a-vis disclosure, you understand how these things go in company."
Verone carefully does not say anything on the subject of 'bloody elvish' as he turns back to the rest of the party and summarizes in a low tone, "He's quite well-spoken, although it's hard not to be in elvish. Sort of how the language works. Anyway, he's wondering who we are, and remarking that we're loaded for bear. Oh, and when he pointed to the hills at the end there, it was to mention that the banner of the twelfth was raised on the far side of them."

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-15 02:21pm
by Simon_Jester
"Are you sure he didn't mean 'twentieth?' That would... um..." Larric's eyes go wide. "Don't tell me there's two armies of them in the county now?!"

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-15 02:34pm
by Kaelan

Simon is right, twentieth not twelfth. My bad. Sorry.

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-15 03:37pm
by Simon_Jester

I'm sticking with Larric's interpretation.

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-15 03:38pm
by Panzersharkcat
(OOC: Yeah, we'd have no idea, in character, that you misspoke.)

"Do you mind not saying that out loud?" grumbles Alfred in annoyance. "I'm hoping the ogre can't read but if it turns out to be true, could you be a bit quieter about it? Morale is shaky enough as it is."

Re: Homebrew tabletop game system thread the II

Posted: 2012-03-15 08:26pm
by Eleventh Century Remnant
The mad panic is over, and normality can resume...until the next mad panic, which is not far on the horizon.

Just to add to the current confusion, the Authrani Army has tried and given up on the notion of non- sequential numbered units, as being more likely to cause chaos in their own logistic chain than confusion to the enemy, and starts at one and counts up.

The hard core of the army is its' heavy cavalry, usually supplemented by lighter units from the member states;

First through Tenth are Chevalier regiments, fully armoured warriors on fully armoured horses, often with retinue- essentially the feudal side. Eleventh through Twenty- Fifth are Cataphract, partially armoured warriors with more versatile load and developed drill than the headlong thrust of the lower numbered and more senior Chevalier units. Past that you get demi- heavy Cuirassiers, and then down through Lancer, Hobelar, Chasseur and towards all- and- sundry.

Twelfth Cataphract are one of the more senior of the branch, and are (by the reputation that maybe only Alfred would have any reason to know) somewhat ramrod- arsed, proud of their close adherence to the manual of arms, the tables of organisation and the existing laws of war. They would be almost as appalled by the actions and makeup of a bunch of bloodthirsty lunatics like the Twentieth as most of you are- and more horrified, because they have less excuse for not doing anything about it.

I'm pretty certain that was just a slip of the tongue. Although, do carry on.