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Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-01 09:45pm
by Thanas
Jammin411 did a video on my Des Moines play with commentary:

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-01 10:27pm
by Venator
Thanas wrote:I am guessing he was getting close because he was doing a suicide torp run.

In any case whenever you torp a friendly it is 100% your fault.
I'm going to add a caveat of 0.5% forgivable scenarios induced by abject idiocy. The things you see on spectator cam...

Fuso, angled effectively against one enemy BB, but with another who has his broadside at close range. Farragut comes in to save his ass.

Farragut: "Fuso STAY STRAIGHT!! Torping"

Fuso: "Affirmative!"

Farragut fires torps.

Fuso IMMEDIATELY goes full opposite rudder and eats a broadside from the ship he had actually been angled against, Farragut's torps finish him off.

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-05 01:53pm
by Lonestar
"Oh hey I got a supercontainer!"



Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-05 01:54pm
by Venator
Wait really? That's hilariously shit.

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-05 02:31pm
by Thanas
Supercontainers (and flag containers) have been nerfed to shit and saddled with useless upgrades.

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-05 06:52pm
by Nephtys
I haven't had a single supercontainer since december. These upgrades are utterly terrible as well.

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-06 01:34pm
by Raesene
Next in line: French cruisers

just then when I consider giving that game a pause after my premium time expires...

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-06 03:54pm
by Lonestar

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-09 01:26am
by Thanas
Because the Udaloi totally needed a buff....I present to you the following:


What's that you say? "But Thanas, this number is high but not that unusual for you".
Except for one thing:

This was done in 9 Minutes and 50 seconds.

Is balanced, comrade. Nothing wrong with this, Da.

Replay here.

My captain build is here, it is the same as my khaba build.

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-09 05:20am
by Thanas
My epenis is growing:

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-15 11:56pm
by Lonestar
Got the NC finally, woo.

Got the Kotari from the Ides of March event. It's guns are like lasers. Unfortunately, there are only two of them and the ship is slow as suck. Interesting ship though.

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-16 07:14am
by Thanas
You will love the NC.

Just dont ever show broadside :)

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-17 10:26pm
by Venator
I unsubbed from Eurobeat. The constant Nazi imagery and calling anyone who annoys him a [gay slur] rubbed me the wrong way.

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-24 05:27pm
by Thanas
So they are going to nerf stealth fire. And by nerf I mean "remove it from the game".

I am a bit torn on this.

On the one hand, this is yet another buff to BBs.

On the other hand, when I can do things like this with relative ease, then something is clearly wrong.

But I am unsure if stealth fire should be removed entirely or if they should have just nerfed it a bit. Because there are some ships (Akizuki, Zao, Yugumo) that utterly depend on it. If they just remove it without buffing them then RIP those ships.

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-24 08:50pm
by Thanas
As an aside, when are you folks on NA online? Would like to div with you sometimes but never see you guys ingame...

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-24 09:20pm
by ray245
I'm playing the EU server most of the time.

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-24 09:53pm
by Reyvan
Thanas wrote:As an aside, when are you folks on NA online? Would like to div with you sometimes but never see you guys ingame...
Well I play really infrequently due to college, also I have one T7 and everything else is below that, so you'd probably miss me if you're playing the higher tiers.

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-24 09:59pm
by Thanas
Well right now I am only at T5 on the NA server. I mainly play EU but don't know any people on NA.....

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-25 06:54pm
by Reyvan
Well, I'm gohatwoono in NA, you could add me to your contacts and division up sometime when I'm on.

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-25 11:53pm
by Venator
I'm normally on sometime between 7PM and 10PM EST, but I haven't been playing at all recently.

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-26 08:20pm
by Lonestar
Thanas wrote:As an aside, when are you folks on NA online? Would like to div with you sometimes but never see you guys ingame...
Mostly weekends, and Thursday evenings.

On right now


Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-26 10:31pm
by Lonestar
Thanas sounds very...German :D

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-27 09:00am
by Thanas
Lonestar wrote:Thanas sounds very...German :D
Ve haff wayz of zhinking your ship. :P

But half of that is due to the shitty 20€ headset I am using.

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-27 06:03pm
by Agent Fisher
Thanas, what's your name on NA?

Re: World of Warships

Posted: 2017-03-27 09:51pm
by Thanas
Chancellor_Merkel of course.

Mainly to screw that shitter USSDONALDJTRUMP lol.