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Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-20 11:58pm
by Losonti Tokash
But those are clearly city lights at night?

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 02:03am
by Anacronian
Fires lights?

For me it looked like those damn dirty reapers had covered the north american continent in pumpkin pulp..and that's just cruel unless it's Halloween.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 02:24am
by PeZook
Stark wrote:Y'know speaking about that stuff... if the ship in the demo was doing anything at all, like had a goal it was heroically trying to acheive at huge risk, it would have worked.

If it was moving to shield a building full of orphans, or firing its weapons and destroying the city with blast waves by accident, or shooting down fliers, or ANYTHING except the one thing every captain knows WILL NEVER FUCKING WORK ie fire tiny blue dots at it while not moving.
A lot of things in the demo were like that. Come to think of it, practically ALL of them :P

"We must get to the Normandy!"

"But uh...why?"

"Fool! It's a Mass Effect game, so it must have us riding the Normandy! Now get a move on!"

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 06:13am
by Anacronian
Longer version of the trailer : Here

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 07:14am
by Havok
It's like we have been saying... Cinematics show a different game than the GAMEPLAY shows.
That trailer is what Stark wanted to see in the demo. The demo is consistent with what we have seen from the gameplay.

That the two departments... which are clearly separate, can't get a unified vision of the game down, is what hurts the franchise as it goes along because it sells one thing and delivers another. I think this is gonna end up going the way Gears 3 did, although I want it to surprise me.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 07:26am
by PeZook
Hey they didn't hire an accomplished sci-fi author to do the story,so at least they have the same old hacks doing it.

It's hard to fathom, but it is possible to do worse.

Oh yes.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 08:10am
by Gaidin
Anacronian wrote:Longer version of the trailer : Here
Is there a name for that trailer? Guy made it private and I wanted to try to find it somewhere.

Re: cinematic trailers v gameplay; would hardly be the first time they differed. In fact I'm not sure I have a major game where they didn't on some level that was disappointing. The right hand's never known for talking to the left in this aspect.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 08:18am
by Shadow6
Gaidin wrote:Is there a name for that trailer? Guy made it private and I wanted to try to find it somewhere.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 10:49am
by TheFeniX
TC Pilot wrote:The... Ferengi?
I got my episodes mixed up. It was "Peak Performance" with the Zakdorn. These guys are supposed to be awesome, but there's really nothing shown of it. Well, one beats Data in a video game.
Turians are more like TNG Klingons, supposedly badass and menacing but ultimately just getting themselves blown up constantly.
Klingnons are always portrayed as brutes with the oddball non-idiot example. Turians are portrayed as a race of competent military commanders, like Cardassians maybe, that just don't accomplish anything when their better are around (humans).
Havok wrote:That the two departments... which are clearly separate, can't get a unified vision of the game down, is what hurts the franchise as it goes along because it sells one thing and delivers another. I think this is gonna end up going the way Gears 3 did, although I want it to surprise me.
You can notice this in the original Mass Effect. Many of the story planets have completely different concepts of what "Paragon" and "Renegade" means. Dialog between characters and Shepards general attitude seems to change as well. I played through the game 6 times and it really feels like different writers were working on different parts with little communication in between since the only thing linking them all was one Plot Coupon.

SWTOR feels the exact same way.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 12:07pm
by phongn
Extended trailer:

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 01:23pm
by Stofsk
Man the uncanny valley on the little girl is horrendous. It really takes me out of the video everytime I see it.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 03:32pm
by Aaron MkII
The what?

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 03:35pm
by Darksider
Man. It's like they blew their entire "earth invasion" budget on that goddamn trailer and didn't have any money or ideas left to do it in the actual game.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 04:12pm
by phongn
Aaron MkII wrote:The what?
The uncanny valley. In short, she looks almost, but not quite enough, human, so we catch all the imperfections and get turned off.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 05:16pm
by Stark
A redundant term for a dubiously consistent effect adopted by nerds because it sounds cool. It's be easier to say 'CG was bad' but not as cool.

If ou think that's 'almost but not quite human' you may be a robot in disguise. :lol:

Is the multi beta demo going to run until launch? I'm curious to see just how many magic cards people can get, only to have them all deleted.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 05:18pm
by TheFeniX
Aaron MkII wrote:The what?
Just Image search "Uncanny Valley." Good god the first picture creeps me out.

On-Topic, I heard the co-op is a separate campaign, but details from the sites I've searched are sketchy at best. Something about Galactic Support Coupons. Anyone have anything more concrete/detailed?

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 05:19pm
by White Haven
I saw a guy with an overall account level of eighty-seven last night. And it's aaaall going away.

Basically the multi is up to 4-man coop, and doing it can effect the overall war in your SP campaign. Basically you can boost the war by doing side-quests or multi or a combination thereof, and so if you're playing a ton of multi maybe you don't need to sidequest it up as much to get the 'the whole galaxy thinks you suck, Reaps' ending.

EDIT: It's also a ton of fun, IMO, so no matter how the integration goes I'll be rockin it.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 05:20pm
by Stark
The coop is just horde mode to earn money to buy magic cards, going by the demo. I'm not sure how it interacts wih the story and in which direction money can flow.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 05:31pm
by TheFeniX
I despise that they can call that "co-op" with a straight face. Oh well, makes my purchasing decision easy.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 05:35pm
by White Haven
Heaven forbid that Bioware refers to a multiplayer mode in which you cooperate with other players multiplayer. The horror.

There are are already reasons to rag on Bioware, you don't need to run around inventing new ones out of whole cloth.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 05:37pm
by Stark
Yeah; Binary Domain's coop is the same sort of thing. So's Shank 2's. Coop doesn't mean 'coop campaign' and Los tells me there was never really any chance of that.

There was enough nerdrage just for this, lol.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 05:43pm
by White Haven
God. I'm agreeing with Stark. I feel sick.

Dammit, say something smarky and unreasonably assholish so I can go back to hating you again.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 05:45pm
by Losonti Tokash
Get a character class to level 20 in multi, then you can "promote" it into a galactic war asset in all your SP games worth 75 points. This resets that class back to level 1 and can be done infinitely. It also increases your "readiness" rating, which is the variable that decides what part of your Total War Assets are Effecive assets for the final assault.

No specific ideas on what the minimum Effective strength you need is, but it's in the thousands and here are some numbers for reference:

Promote multi character: 75 points
Unite Krogan clans: 300
Preserve Collector base at end of ME2: 110
Conrad Verner survives series: 1 point

God. I'm agreeing with Stark. I feel sick.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 05:57pm
by TheFeniX
White Haven wrote:Heaven forbid that Bioware refers to a multiplayer mode in which you cooperate with other players multiplayer. The horror.
"Horde Mode" isn't co-op anymore than Team Deathmatch. It's multiplayer. I would have passed on the GoW series had they done the same thing.
There are are already reasons to rag on Bioware, you don't need to run around inventing new ones out of whole cloth.
Playing up numerous interviewes and their kiss-ass spreads in Gameinformer talking about "fighting alongside friends to save the galaxy" then giving us Horde Mode isn't inventing anything. It's the same thing as Fable 2 promising us co-op then dumping the bullshit on us that they did: it's flat-out lying and made me skip on Fable 3. Blizzard pulled this same shit with Starcraft 2 calling "2 vs 2 comp" "Co-op." Brink also did this by replacing Humans with non-existent AI bots and slapped a co-op label on it so they could reach a wider market.

It's intentional and it's bullshit.

Re: Mass Effect 3 Demo

Posted: 2012-02-21 06:06pm
by Aaron MkII
Look, the only thing you should care about is "is it fun"

Val and I bought it on the multi alone, neither of us are serious gamers. Its entertaining and I like the semi random nature.