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Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-03-26 03:49pm
by Stark
That's the lol; whatever you make up to make LRMS make sense is generally made absurd by the actual guides missiles they added to the setting later.

The weight thing is solid gold because they are so trained by MW to see it the Battletech way they can honestly say stuff like 'a Zaku is 30t ergo it is a light robit'. Their whole brain is broken and they can't view robots without the lens of 'what did MW2 do'.

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-03-26 06:01pm
by VF5SS
The ironic thing is that guided weapons only make sense if your robots have some agility to dodge them while moving inside a 30 meter wide hex :v

Otherwise, why not just use rocket launchers (lawl MRMs) especially when they often assigned LRMs to what were originally rocket pods on the Dougram Combat Armors :3

Oddly enough the missiles in the preview video do look like dumbfire rockets. I want to give them some benefit of the doubt that the gameplay video is still rough but I know better.

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-03-26 06:11pm
by Stark
You can get single shot rockets... But they count to your weight. They can't be jettisoned once they're empty. Uh oh!

In ACV I've started overloading my robit on purpose and accepting the movement penalties until I decidero throw a weapon away to recover my agility. It's pretty dramatic and let's you hedge your bets a bit. I just wish you could pick them up again later.

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-03-26 06:43pm
by VF5SS

"Fired like lasers"

Oh dear. These are perfect for boating aren't they?

Wait they generate 6 heat? My friend joked that "well they have flames on the end so that's where the heat comes from" but really guys? Do they vacuums that suck in the exhaust? Granted most Mechs don't have any ventilation near their missiles but jeez.

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-03-26 06:48pm
by Stark
Imagine heat is the only mechanic for balancing DPS.

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-03-26 06:57pm
by CaptHawkeye
Stark wrote: In ACV I've started overloading my robit on purpose and accepting the movement penalties until I decidero throw a weapon away to recover my agility. It's pretty dramatic and let's you hedge your bets a bit. I just wish you could pick them up again later.
One nitpick I have on AC's weapon system is how buying a left handed weapon doesn't make it compatible for the right handed slot either. Even if it's the same exact weapon. It would also be nice if instead of dumping the player into a shitty jetpack after his NEXT dies, you could buy back in as a Normal or a tank/helicopter etc.

Yeah I still use the AC4 names too.

Anyway this stuff makes me wonder, ya think From made Chrome Hounds as an appeal to the MW fanbase? It shared a lot the same design ideals...and problems.

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-03-26 07:03pm
by VF5SS
Stark wrote:Imagine heat is the only mechanic for balancing DPS.
yeah imagine if the table top game had individual weapon cool down like MW :v

replacing fun with tables

god the piloting skill table... fuck
CaptHawkeye wrote:
Yeah I still use the AC4 names too.
From the moment I played AC1, I was... a Raven ( ' w')7
Anyway this stuff makes me wonder, ya think From made Chrome Hounds as an appeal to the MW fanbase? It shared a lot the same design ideals...and problems.
Pretty much. Japanese devs never seem to quite understand our market. Honestly I never checked it out because the game look too much like MW :3

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-03-26 07:16pm
by Stark
Gun handedness is pretty retarded and I don't know what it adds to the game. Why does it exist?

Ps the AC4 names are the dumbest shit ever.

In coops you can buy back in from the bizarre jetpack if your partner initiates it. Pretty wierd.

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-03-26 07:26pm
by CaptHawkeye
I thought they sounded cool. :V

It's weird how they handle death in ACV but at least in the story missions they solved the "2 minute mission" problem by finally featuring checkpoints and a garage. The scenarios are still short but hey, that's what a scenario is.

Force joining teams when you sign up for the game comes off as weird but at first but thinking about it later it's actually a pretty smart way to encourage a tight-knit community.

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-03-26 07:29pm
by Stark
If the badguys actually moved and were dangerous they might take longer. There no point avoiding or sneaking or flanking etc any of them because they all die under brief Gatling fire. If each badguy was logic around and had better weapons dropping onto a bridge with four tanks and three snoozes with half a dozen choppers around might not result in victory after 15 seconds.

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-03-29 04:22pm
by VF5SS ... _p__181092

"looks like a Transformer or a Gundam"

"melee doesn't fit the sim"

Never change, guys

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-03-29 04:29pm
by CaptHawkeye
"I agree it's like how transformers has high tech lasers and stuff and every battle degenerates to a fist fight."

Maybe that wouldn't happen if all the game's high tech weapons and stuff didn't do piss for damage.

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-03-29 05:05pm
by VF5SS
Look things like ballistics and wholesome Terminator style pulse rifles are only reserved for a dumbed down console game like ACV XD

The devs did say they are going to add melee at some point. How bad if your game when you can pop in a whole new gameplay feature later on like it's no thing?



not realistic!

Oh christ the people in the thread are decrying these official images as "sensationalist"

it's not a fucking news report!

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-03-29 05:21pm
by CaptHawkeye
Some guy had to bring up that melee has been in the battletech universe for years and it only wasn't featured in the Mechwarrior games for technical limitations. To me that just highlights the fact that their are actually two fan bases in that franchise and neither of them actually seem to like each other that much.

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-03-29 05:24pm
by Darksider
Well you can count me in the former camp. I'd like Btech more if the games were closer to the promo art or that one cartoon series which prominently featured an Axeman that (gasp!) actually used it's axe.

MechAssault use to be my least favorite of the BTech games because they put literally no effort in to story and presentation, but now it's one of my favorites because it has the least restrictive gameplay mechanics.

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-03-29 05:32pm
by Stark
It seems that for heaps of people robits and MW are the same thing, so it's not surprising that some of them want actual robits and not tanks. But guess who MWO's marketing is aimed squarely at? Read their FAQ for fucks sake; it seriously says shit like 'not dumbed down like modern shooters' when MW3 is a fucking dinosaur compared to MW3. They know what reactionary fatties want to hear, and that's what they're saying.

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-03-29 05:40pm
by VF5SS
CaptHawkeye wrote:Some guy had to bring up that melee has been in the battletech universe for years and it only wasn't featured in the Mechwarrior games for technical limitations.
I'm pretty sure the ranges in Btech are so short just so they could have melee with those slow robots :v

Also I dunno about technical limitations. Maybe you could make that excuse for MW2 since I think my washing machine could run that these days, but I've got Gundam games made in 1996 for the Saturn that had melee. And that was a system nobody knew what the fuck to do with when programming it :v

Even the Iron Soldier games had a simple punch attack.

Nobody remembers the two Crescent Hawks games which had a kick attack. Although that was a turn based RPG with Btech.

To me that just highlights the fact that their are actually two fan bases in that franchise and neither of them actually seem to like each other that much.
Well at least they can agree in their mutual hatred of anything from Japan.

Then again I guess they don't have any community leaders at like Sarna or anything that want to openly educate the fanbase about the true origins of their beloved robots :3

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-04-04 06:02pm
by VF5SS

Glue on more lasers to win!

Five fucking times they've done this XD

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-04-04 06:30pm
by Stark
Dear Jesus. It's bandaids on bandaids.

At least it'll let them sell premium content. :)

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-04-05 07:08am
by VF5SS

CIWS gonna ruin missiles just like in ACV :v

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-04-15 09:40am
by VF5SS ... ech-torso/

"cluster AC2's so you can kill people at range"

Oh you guys

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-04-15 09:55am
by CaptHawkeye
What's the point of even talking about how each weapon system will supposedly do? None of this stuff ever works out the way the developers or fan boys plan.

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-04-15 10:37am
by VF5SS
Well there really isn't anything else to discuss about the gameplay since it hasn't changed in two decades.

PS in other news...

I just found out about this game and I'm so gonna play it XD

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-04-15 05:46pm
by Rabid
VF5SS wrote:Well there really isn't anything else to discuss about the gameplay since it hasn't changed in two decades.

PS in other news...

I just found out about this game and I'm so gonna play it XD
Excuse me, but....


Why are the robit's feet larger than its torso ???

Re: MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-04-15 08:06pm
by VF5SS
For stable firing for the main beam cannon


plus that one hovers around