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Posted: 2003-11-05 03:32pm
by Darksider
Dahak wrote:
Darksider wrote:
Dahak wrote: We'd like to inquire what you have got to offer.

We are interested in forging military alliances with other governments that also believe in freedom and democracy

And free trade and capitalisim
Ah, we are *very* interested in free trade and increasing our profits.
Our markets on the frontier are constantly expandind as more people move into those areas and more worlds are colonized, perhaps you would be interested in some of those reigons?

Posted: 2003-11-05 03:33pm
by Darksider
Alyrium Denryle wrote:
Darksider wrote:
Dahak wrote: We'd like to inquire what you have got to offer.

We are interested in forging military alliances with other governments that also believe in freedom and democracy

And free trade and capitalisim
The Aquarian Union fits that profile, what does the KSE propose?
Perhaps a mutual defense pact and a free trade agreement?

Posted: 2003-11-05 04:07pm
by Dahak
Darksider wrote:
Dahak wrote:
Darksider wrote:
We are interested in forging military alliances with other governments that also believe in freedom and democracy

And free trade and capitalisim
Ah, we are *very* interested in free trade and increasing our profits.
Our markets on the frontier are constantly expandind as more people move into those areas and more worlds are colonized, perhaps you would be interested in some of those reigons?
The Stuart Corporation does not seek territorial expansion, as we don't have any overpopulation issues on our worlds, which still have ample surplus of space.
On the other hand, we're interested in setting up trade agreements and possible trading outposts with friendly polities.

Posted: 2003-11-05 04:10pm
by Darksider
Dahak wrote:
Darksider wrote:
Dahak wrote: Ah, we are *very* interested in free trade and increasing our profits.
Our markets on the frontier are constantly expandind as more people move into those areas and more worlds are colonized, perhaps you would be interested in some of those reigons?
The Stuart Corporation does not seek territorial expansion, as we don't have any overpopulation issues on our worlds, which still have ample surplus of space.
On the other hand, we're interested in setting up trade agreements and possible trading outposts with friendly polities.
We could use some terraforming equitment or atmosphere domes.

Posted: 2003-11-05 04:15pm
by Dahak
Darksider wrote:We could use some terraforming equitment or atmosphere domes.
We can offer you help in the construction of self-sufficient biospheres of desired shape and function.
Unfortunately, as we do not, and never have, needed solid planets for our populace, we have have no need for so-called terraforming technologies.

But we feel confident that you will be hard put to find comparable biosphere constructing and controlling technology anywhere else.

It all depends on what you are willing to pay, of course.

Posted: 2003-11-05 04:19pm
by Darksider
Dahak wrote:
Darksider wrote:We could use some terraforming equitment or atmosphere domes.
We can offer you help in the construction of self-sufficient biospheres of desired shape and function.
Unfortunately, as we do not, and never have, needed solid planets for our populace, we have have no need for so-called terraforming technologies.

But we feel confident that you will be hard put to find comparable biosphere constructing and controlling technology anywhere else.

It all depends on what you are willing to pay, of course.
Then let us begin negotiating price.....

Posted: 2003-11-05 06:38pm
by God Emperor
Darksider wrote:::::::: KSE diplomat pulls out a megaphone:::::::


As i said, we are now open to trade and alliances with all powers except the black alliance
The TSI would like to establish open trade with you.

Posted: 2003-11-05 06:43pm
by Dahak
Darksider wrote:
Dahak wrote:
Darksider wrote:We could use some terraforming equitment or atmosphere domes.
We can offer you help in the construction of self-sufficient biospheres of desired shape and function.
Unfortunately, as we do not, and never have, needed solid planets for our populace, we have have no need for so-called terraforming technologies.

But we feel confident that you will be hard put to find comparable biosphere constructing and controlling technology anywhere else.

It all depends on what you are willing to pay, of course.
Then let us begin negotiating price.....
WHat goods can you offer?

Posted: 2003-11-05 07:26pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Darksider wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:
Darksider wrote:
We are interested in forging military alliances with other governments that also believe in freedom and democracy

And free trade and capitalisim
The Aquarian Union fits that profile, what does the KSE propose?
Perhaps a mutual defense pact and a free trade agreement?
Unless we share a common enemy, it is perhaps sightly premature for a mutual defense pact. The free trde agreement on the other hand, will be most agreeable.

Posted: 2003-11-05 08:02pm
by Raxmei
Attention anyone wishing to trade with the Nyfitsar Hegemony

It would be helpful if you would allow us to operate warp gate installations within your territory. Integration with the gate network makes long distance transport much more convenient, cutting a years long journey to an immeasurably small length of time. If you choose to let us extend the network to your space it will man increased trade not only with the Nyfitsar but also with everyone else who joins in.

Posted: 2003-11-05 08:13pm
by Dahak
Raxmei wrote:Attention anyone wishing to trade with the Nyfitsar Hegemony

It would be helpful if you would allow us to operate warp gate installations within your territory. Integration with the gate network makes long distance transport much more convenient, cutting a years long journey to an immeasurably small length of time. If you choose to let us extend the network to your space it will man increased trade not only with the Nyfitsar but also with everyone else who joins in.
We cannot allow the installation of alien technology in our territory, which would allow foreign powers to gain a unprotected access to our territory.

Our systems are tightly integrated into a Gate system of our own, but those seem to operate on a different technological base, as we don't have this "Warp" you seem to employ.

Posted: 2003-11-05 08:18pm
by phongn
It was perhaps by chance the representatives of the three elder nations found themselves together. Others might have dismissed it as pure coincidence: a few observers in the crowd through grand conspiracy. In reality, it was a mix of chance, coincidence and design that the three met. A human, a Kzinti and a youma, sipping drinks and sampling some the delicacies at the table. Of course, few would eat the raw meat the Kziniti preferred (though the Star Kingdom's ambassador had learned to appreciate their subtlties). Earth, of course, always had fresh, new and almost certainly odd ideas on food. As for the Star Kingdom, well, as with so many things in the former empire, presentation often tumped content.

The modern art of diplomacy, at least for any of the remaining powers, had been born on Earth and filtered out elsewhere. Perhaps then it was fitting that the Ambassador to the United Terran Republic was the first to address his colleagues: persons he knew rather well over the past centuries. "The Galaxy has not been such a dynamic place in these past three hundred years. New nations, species and powers seemingly cropping up from nowhere. And see how they flounder in diplomacy! Already they request mutual defense pacts, treaties, protection of commerce and even technology transfer!

"A bit much for a single day's work...but these children are so ambitious. So eager to meet their destiny amongst the stars."

The Kzin was next. "They are little more than weak prey. They already squabble amongst themselves and some are so foolish as to demonize us in front of our faces! No demon could match the wrath of the Kzin should we demand repayment of honor. Their diplomacy is slippery and distasteful, the work of cowardly prey to weak to stand on their own.

"The only honest ones of them are the pirates."

"Those pirates have double-crossed the Kingdom once too many," responded his colleague from the Star Kingdom. What went unsaid was the trivial slight of the matter. Principles and national prestiege were at stake. "But yes, they are indeed the most honest of those out there. Everyone else has their own hidden agendas, yet they parade around as if they were as honest as Serenity herself! No, it would be unwise to trust them. Only time will tell how they ... behave themselves. "

Posted: 2003-11-05 08:20pm
by phongn
Raxmei wrote:It would be helpful if you would allow us to operate warp gate installations within your territory. Integration with the gate network makes long distance transport much more convenient, cutting a years long journey to an immeasurably small length of time. If you choose to let us extend the network to your space it will man increased trade not only with the Nyfitsar but also with everyone else who joins in.
Your request is most certainly denied. The Star Kingdom will not allow the operation of foreign warp gate systems within her territory unless we ourselves are in full control and command of those systems. The risk to the security of the Kingdom is far too high and our freighters may move equipment at the blink of an eye. We need not these gates for trade.

Posted: 2003-11-05 08:42pm
by Sea Skimmer
Pablo Sanchez wrote: Chmrran-Tsitok 'smiled,' revealing rows of needle teeth, "I wonder what fool allowed so many beasts to bring their weapons to this meeting."
"We did not become among the chosen of our Great Leader by being unprepared."
He rowled at two of his bodyguards, and turned back to the HABeaver, "The combined weight of these two is 397 kilos. As is the right of the challenged, they choose traditional unpowered melee weapons. Designate a field and they will be ready at any time."
"No such right exists, merely a custom practiced by some, we are not amoung them."

Posted: 2003-11-05 09:23pm
by Chardok
From an Air Vent high above, a slight hissing sound is heard, suddenly a drop of highly acidic liquid drips near the foot of the inquisitor, quickly burning through the floor, the subfloor, and beyond.

Posted: 2003-11-05 09:44pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Ambassador Carcarocles looked at the drop of spittle as it hit and burned through the floor... Then it dawned on him what was climbing in the air shafts.

"If you will excuse me my friends, I have business to attend to, I leave Archibald with the floor"

With that, an Cephapod in what essentially amounted to an electric wheel chair with an aquarium in the seat began took his collegues position.

Posted: 2003-11-05 09:51pm
by Stormbringer
The Lord Inquisitor, once a very capable field man in his day, noted the drop of acid sizzling on the floor. A swift mental command relayed to his retinue brought them all to attention even as they made their way back to the Imperial shuttle craft. All of the adepts had their hands on their weapons.

A shifter-demon loose at the conference. This was a dangerous situation.

Posted: 2003-11-05 10:05pm
by phongn
The acid drop had landed precisely in the center of the triangle defined by the three ambassadors of the UTR, the SKS and the Kzin. None of the three even deigned to look up, so jaded they were to such events. For that matter, since none were actually under the vent, whatever was pouring acid down posed little danger. Still, prudence was prudence and all three of them took a single step backwards before resuming their conversation.

As always, appearence was everything at such gatherings.

Posted: 2003-11-05 10:07pm
by God Emperor
The TSI ambassador seeing other nations withdrawing and a every larger whole forming in the floor with draw and will be heading back to Soth1.

Posted: 2003-11-05 11:10pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Sea Skimmer wrote:"No such right exists, merely a custom practiced by some, we are not amoung them."
[ooc: You might regret that. Kzin have rather good personal weapons and these particular specimens are at the top of their game. Which means a lot when you're talking about two Kzin...]

The ambassador had since gone to speak with the other elder nations, and only the two guards remained.

"Do you mean to say, flaptailed rodent, that you will not protest if we come to the duel bearing five kilos each of flashlasers, nerve-scramblers, and variable swords; fully enclosed in superconducting impact armor?" the leader of the two said, "We would rend you into bits so small that we could not even eat them. There is no honor in such a fight for either of us. So be it. Where shall we meet to end your omnivorous life?"

Another Kzin approached, this being the chief bodyguard, he rumbled in the Kzinti tongue, "I think there is at least one of the accursed eyeless black runners is here. Be on your guard, honored Ambassador Plenipotentiary Chmrran-Tsitok leaves not until the time of his choosing."

He moved back to stand near the diplomat. The other two Kzin looked at eachother, then at the giant beavers.

The leader unclipped what looked like a flashlight from his belt, "We have no more time for posturing, prey animals. Do you wish to begin now?"

Posted: 2003-11-05 11:22pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Ambassador Carcarcles entered his trasports bridge his gills opening to take in the salt water" WHAT in the deep sea trenches is in the cargo manifest of this ship!!??"

"Well, we have a shipment of Urchins... components for jellydrones, classified"

"classified? What is classified???"

"I dont know it is classified"

"You are so useless"

He swam down to the cargo bay, and did what could be considered a gasp at what he saw...

" A shipment of xenomorphs to be prepared for the uplifting..."

He quickly checked the status and mumbers of every single xenomorph in cryostasis. All was well, not a single one had escaped

He swam back up to the command deck

"I want forcefields projected around cargo bay 611p I dont even want anythng to be able to burow the walls floors or cielings with acid spittle.. do I make myself perfectly clear? Nothing gets out of that cargo bay..."

"Yes sir... Forcefields are up"


Posted: 2003-11-06 01:22am
by Kyle
Raxmei wrote:Attention anyone wishing to trade with the Nyfitsar Hegemony

It would be helpful if you would allow us to operate warp gate installations within your territory. Integration with the gate network makes long distance transport much more convenient, cutting a years long journey to an immeasurably small length of time. If you choose to let us extend the network to your space it will man increased trade not only with the Nyfitsar but also with everyone else who joins in.
The UTR would be willing to all ow one such Gate to be setup somewhere in the Outer Districts. Unfortunately security requirements will not allow us to permit you to build an operate a network that could give you free access to our territory.

We would be willing that allow one gate to be built and could then setup a transshipment point which would then allow such cargo to be carried by properly registered UTR transport firms.

If you would be interested we will begin work on choosing a system for the gate to be located at. Of course we would expect the Nyfitsar Hegemony to pay for the construction of such a gate, we would also expect that since said gate would be located in the UTR that contractors for the construction of the gate would be chosen from UTR sources.

Posted: 2003-11-06 01:37am
by Raxmei
Kyle wrote: The UTR would be willing to all ow one such Gate to be setup somewhere in the Outer Districts. Unfortunately security requirements will not allow us to permit you to build an operate a network that could give you free access to our territory.
We understand your concerns. These are dangerous times, and we are strangers to you. Your stipulation is acceptable.
We would be willing that allow one gate to be built and could then setup a transshipment point which would then allow such cargo to be carried by properly registered UTR transport firms.
If your territory is particularly wide spread, that would be for the best.
If you would be interested we will begin work on choosing a system for the gate to be located at. Of course we would expect the Nyfitsar Hegemony to pay for the construction of such a gate, we would also expect that since said gate would be located in the UTR that contractors for the construction of the gate would be chosen from UTR sources.
You may choose the location, and we had already planned to pay for the construction. Local contractors will be acceptable for the bulk of the project, though the final installation of the sacred components of the gate apparatus and the operation thereof may only be carried out by monks of the cargo sect. Is this acceptable?

Posted: 2003-11-06 01:47am
by Crayz9000
<OOC>Mein Gott, how did I miss this?</OOC>

The Corporate Sector is open for business. We are located about 200 ly to the left of the UTR, and are composed of many corporations.

Quaynar Industries and Vega Space Engineering offer their services to anyone interested in naval arms. Hirsch Defense Systems builds various weapons systems, from small arms to turbolasers and railguns. Sirius Automation is the primary manufacturer of artificial intelligence systems, and Industrial Agrotech provides all your terraforming and farming needs.

(note: technical stuff will be posted in the OOB thread soon)

Posted: 2003-11-06 02:10am
by Kyle
Raxmei wrote: You may choose the location, and we had already planned to pay for the construction. Local contractors will be acceptable for the bulk of the project, though the final installation of the sacred components of the gate apparatus and the operation thereof may only be carried out by monks of the cargo sect. Is this acceptable?
Such a condition is reasonable to the UTR so along as the other requirments are met. We ould aslo liek to know to what extent it would be permissible for civil UTR ships to transit and utilize your gate system. An economic commitee believes that the world of New Baltimore would be the best location for the gate.

We would also like to know by what method you planning on building that gate since you appear to have no way of transit to our spce without the gate. Will you need to Charter a UTR vessel?