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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Mrthallis system patrol fleet.

"Damn pirates. We dont have to wrry abut Black Alliance vessels but these freelancers are really starting to piss me off. How many hits on cargo vessels this month?"

"Admiral sir, we have had 12 attempted hits on cargo vessels, most of which were intercepted by Mako class patrol ships. So that makes, 2 successful hits. "

Meanwhile in Mythallis system

"This is cargo vessel CGH-26 we are about to reach hyperspace jump point... WE have a bit f a problem here, unmarked pirate gunship is hailing us"

"Heave to and prepare to be boarded"

"Can we get som assistance here?"

"This is mako class patrol ship Megalodon, we will be here... well, now"

Witha bright flash of light The Megalodon apeared out of nowhere, its hyperdrive engines wstill glowing as it decellerated.

"This is the Megalodon, I suggest that you, heave to and prepare to be boarded"

With tht the pirate ship simply opened fire. Plasma bolts lancing out at the Patrol ship that was about a light second away. it took evasive action, and put the pulse guns on'intercept' taking ut the plasma bolts before the hit

The massie gun turrets on its dorasal and ventral sides rotated into position and opened fire with capital-ship killing particle cannons. Purple beams of highly accelerated matter and energy lanced out and slammed headlong into the pirate's shields, energy washed over them as they tried to deal with more energy than they were designed to. Then the Mako turned on its side and fired again, cuting the pirate ship in 3 pieces before jumping out.

The patrol craft
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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Post by SirNitram »

phongn wrote:"<bzzt--splash--bzzt>We're close to the cat. We're trying to boot up the ship, but those pirates took so much off the computer is screaming about missing hardware and modules and ... noodles? . I dunno if we can get to the displacer control panel, so think or something to get us the fuck out!"
Doors were slamming shut in the path of the marines, further delaying matters. Oh, they were well equipped enough to cut through them, and the pirates were more interested in finding a way off the bleeding frigate before it finally gave out.

Aboard the Archon, the sensor operator watched the incoming blip. Four minutes. It should be entering it's deceleration stage... But it didn't. Blanching, the sensor-man tried to re-calculate how long it would take the giant starship to reach them at full tilt.. And how bad the shockwave from a crash stop would be.

The shockwave came first, two minutes early. It was a massive energy release in the Grid, bleeding into other subsets of realspace, flooding across sensor boards and burning out long range scans.

Not that such was needed: The new arrival that dominated every view was nearly a hundred and fifty kilometers long, a long, flat vessel like a wet-navy carrier. The Field around her stretched out for hundreds of klicks, making her arrival akin to the appearance of a new planetoid. Yet the behemoth held no guns of her own, so no fire came from her, as she closed in on the stricken Unjust. Her comms unit powered up.

"Mercenary fleet. You will immediately cease weapons fire on our craft. Failure to comply will be quite painful for you, and quite distressing for your families."
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

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Post by phongn »

A rather sarcastic female voice suddenly filled the commscans as everyone's weapons fell silent - Unjust Desserts from cascading power failures and everyone else's in temporary compliance with the order. "Hello, Daddy. Been a long time, hasn't it, since Mum and I left, no? Nice ship you got. Bigger than your last. Busted down to a fleet tender after you lost Conquistador trying to shoot up Lucky Trader ---"

"Andrews! Shut the fuck up before you make the situation worse." Archon's long-range sensors were mostly overloaded; their breakers forced into emergency shutdown after the massive Grid-spike. That'd be expensive to repair. "I Saw It First, this is Archon. We don't want to blow up that damned frigate. We want to free our Cat, her Star Galleon, her crew and leave. If you hadn't noticed, most of the damage on that overgrown trash hauler you call a frigate is superficial or from ionization. Repairs will be easy. "

"So here. You let us go, we don't shoot you up - and we know you're unarmed. Hell, we'll even call in Lucky Trader -- I have some favours due -- to get you some support. Her captain don't hold grudges, you know that too. It's all business.

"Yeah, we know you've got those nice displacers and a Field bigger'n God herself, but we can damage you enough. Maybe even call in someone's Navy to finish the job for us. Or hell, that grid malestrom you started is going to subside soon enough. We'll throw off another Bonehead maneuver and kill us all anyways.

"So what'll it be? Hell, I'll throw in a few crates of rifles and grenades --" at that her crew nearly screamed at that, but a hold-out blaster shut them up "-- and we all go our merry ways. You'll even make some extra cash of the deal, we know how much that stuff'll sell. "

"Stupid mercenaries. This is the Black Alliance you're talking to. We don't take shit like that. Stand down, now. Maybe we'll let you live after this."

"In case you didn't notice, pirate, this ship is registered to the Star Kingdom. Yes, that means I'm a subject of the Crown; a Queenie as you sons of bitches like to call us. That also means that this ship has a hyperethercom distress beacon. You know that. I activate it and reinforcements come. Fleet Base Haruna should be close, as last I remember they have HMS Liberator based there.

"So we can mutually profit from this. Or we can all die."
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In the Lurker of the Shadows's cockpit, Ragle listened to the exchange with no small amount of concern. He glanced around at the bridge crew that the scavengers had provided; many of them looked mad, while yet others were simply scared.

Ragle reached over to a control board and unlocked a hidden panel, then flipped it open. Inside were a set of controls that looked rather alien; it was for the Taelon interdimensional drive that he'd stolen so many years ago.

"How's our weapons status?" he asked the person who was running the fire control board.

"We're all but out of VLS missiles, but we've still got plenty of juice for the turbos. A few of the point-defense railguns are out of ammo."

He nodded grimly. "Keep the weapons ready. If this situation gets any worse, we're going to appear inside that fleet tender with all guns blazing, and blow our way out."

That got the attention of the entire crew. "We're going to what? How? That's suicide!"

"Not at all," the bounty hunter replied, tapping the control panel. "I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve."
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Post by Dahak »

Avalon Prime, Fleet Central

The Fleet President looked once more at the report. "This is confirmed?" Miller asked his Chief of Staff speculativly.
"Yes, sir," the stocky young man answered. "The system is on the fringe of the core. It once was inhabitated, but seems to the prevailing civilization seems to have been destroyed in a recent war. Nonetheless, it's position would be ideal for the forward listening post we're planning. It could observe a huge portion of this galaxy's inner portion."
He glanced once more at the report. "Well, give the ok for the operation."


Seconds after the ship translated in high orbit of the system's gas giant, it immediately dived for it, vanishing in the low atmosphere of it, leaving only some turbulences in it's wake for the deep atmosphere.
It began to listen, and record.
Last edited by Dahak on 2003-11-09 05:08pm, edited 1 time in total.
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
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Post by Thirdfain »

TO: All National Governments
FROM: Senate of the Commonwealth (Desjardins)
SUBJ: Annexation of Territory


The Fleet and Army of the Three Suns Commonwealth have completed pacification efforts in an area 1000 by 500 lightyears in area to the immediatee galactic northwest of the Commonwealth's current borders, between the Commonwealth and the Fenari worlds.

This territory, and it's population, has been brought under Commonwealth jurisdiction. Commonwealth law is now in effect within in this area, which is now the province of Shiva March. All problems or complaints about business or trade agreements with the former pirate fiefdoms in the area should be routed to the provincial capital on Maharashtra.

The uninhabited systems of the sector are reserved for Commonwealth colonists. Systems reserved as such are tagged with message bouys, and patrolled by elements of the Commonwealth Navy. Those looking for citizenship and settling room on these newly opened planets should contact the Commonwealth Bureau of Immigration (Jacob's Landing.) TSC citizenship is free, and immigration policies are extremely lenient.

Additionally, any nations currently engaged in a free trade alliance with the Three Suns Commonwealth will now recieve all benefits of said alliance when engaging in trade in Shiva March.

This marks a new era of order and freedom in this once benighted sector, and is the first of three such operations to bring the northern Cygnus arm of our galaxy back under the rule of law.


(ooc) Crazy9000, would you be so kind as to expand TSC territory on the map to now extend TSC territory about 1000 lightyears to the northwest, to represent the recently pacified territory? This space consists largely of scorched, postwar worlds, with three or four lightly developed worlds.

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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

To: All Star Nations
From: Office of Colonization, Aquarian Union
Re: expansion.

A recent survey has discovered several uninhabited sytems with suitable oceans in an area approxmatly 1000x600 light years to our Galactic North. Unless any other powers has legitimate claim to these systems, they are to be annexed into the Aquarian Union, along wth their surrounding space.
Last edited by Alyrium Denryle on 2003-11-09 05:32pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Stormbringer »

(Let's not go crazy gentlemen, stop and think about how big a chunk of space that is)
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Post by Stormbringer »

Code: Select all

To: All Star Nations 
From: Office of Colonization, Aquarian Union 
Re: expansion. 

A recent survey has discovered several uninhabited sytems with suitable oceans in an area approxmatly 3000x6000 light years to our Galactic North. Unless any other powers has legitimate claim to these systems, they are to be annexed into the Aquarian Union, along wth their surrounding space.
To: Office of Colonization, Aquarian Union
From: Azegart Inquisition, Xenos Corps
Re: expansion.

Quite naturally we object to the patently absurd claim you are filing. Such a vast volume is larger than most star nations. The naked and blatant expansionist policy this implies is most disturbing indeed. Instead we request that you confine your claims to suitable worlds and systems rather than simply declaring an impossibly large volum to be yours.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

((OOC I have scaled down the annex))
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Post by Dahak »

Avalon Prime, Stuart Plaza
"We should do it, Jocelyn," The Foreign Affairs Direcot insisted.
"We have enough territory for centuries. I don't see why we should add to it now, Karl," Jocelyn Gladstone, Hereditary CEO of the Stuart Corporation answered.
"But with all those strange new powers out there..." he stopped for a second. "I think we need that diplomacy/trade station. Just throw in a gate, and we could have talks there, instead of the home system."

She thought about it. Her epople still weren't totally used to the fact that other species and people were swarming around. SUch a station would be suited for reducing the shock to the society.

"Ok, then find us a system, amidst the more crowded portions of space. We can annex it then and build a small station there."
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

From: Office of Colonization, Aquarian Union
To: Azegart Inquisition, Xenos Corps, All Star Nations.
Re: expansion

Very well, we shall decrease the size of our annexation to an area roughly 600x1000 light years, it incorporates the systems in question and minimizes territorial gain.

To patrol this new territory, we shall be commiting the Tsunami and Upwell fleets. And shall begin construction of new ships to pic up the slack left in our coreworlds defense.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

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Post by Sea Skimmer »

To: Aquarian Union
From: HAB Central Bureaucracy
Subject: Territorial claims

The HAB wishes to know how you expect to enforce a claim to a two dimensional area of space using three-dimensional naval tonnage. The HAB will not respect any claim which is not enforced.
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Post by Thirdfain »


Subj1: The latest developement in the Galactic East has given us an... opertunity. A chance to stymie the efforts of potential foes, in a quiet, safe way.
Subj2: And you want the Agency to do this for you?
Subj1: Absolutly. Direct military assistance was considered, and ruled out. We don't have the fleet strength to patrol our own systems, continue Operation Cygnus, and carry out a major operation half the galaxy away.
Subj2: What are you objectives?
Subj1: The Aquarian expansion has given us leverage on a number of the small fiefdoms in the area. I would like to see these fiefdoms put into a position in which they would be able to resist Aquarian expansion, and tie up Aquarian resources in patrolling and pacifying their new territory.
Subj2 : The fools should have cleared the area before claiming it.
Subj1 : Fools? perhaps. Never the less, you are to take the utmost caution in aiding and fomenting resistance in the area. While it may eventually be useful to openly support the resistance, we need to keep our hand invisible at this point.
Subj2 : We are professionals, Senator. I propose that we open back channels with the Azegarte. Having a local power friendly to our operations will make the funneling of weapons and supplies to the area much easier.
Subj1 : I will leave that to your discretion. Meanwhile, here is a list of potential puppet states- the Republic of Aztlan, the Patriotic Union of Assatkra, and the independant worlds K'lan'Ri and Wesley are all possible recipients of aid. None control more than two systems, and none have any real naval strength, but all are near or within the border of the area the Aquarians have cordoned off.
Subj2 : I will begin immediatly, Senator. You can expect a report on our progress this time next week.
Subj1 : Excellent.


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Post by phongn »

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
6500 CE

The Star Kingdom of Serenity does not and will not recognize claims by any star nation upon currently uninhabited space unless clearly occupied and maintained.
Now that that part is over with ...

HMS Emancipator was one of the relatively few large cruisers still operating in the Royal Navy. Most of their sisters had been destroyed in the various wars that had ravaged and splintered the Star Kingdom. Yet some remained, indeed, more had been build or refitted to modern standards. Of course, long ago they would have been mere destroyers; now with the huge fleet draw-downs they served as large cruisers.

Commodore Byrnes was an ensign aboard the superdreadnought Queen Serenity in the dark years of the Great War. The ship had fallen after the Fake Peace between Atlantis and the Kingdom; he barely made it out alive in an escape pod before the ship was wrenched apart in a storm of gravitic hypermissiles. Now, hundreds of years later, he was a commodore. Getting flag rank was difficult in the Navy; too many officers in the ranks had survived even the chaos of the Succession Wars. But now he had his stars.

His orders were ... strange, however. He still remembered them, when Admiral Hall briefed him. Hall also had an intel spook at the briefing; the guy said nothing during the entire meeting, so why was he there? Even if the mission smacked of intelligence's hands dipping to the jar, he should have said something... You are to proceed to Indri VII and Yarmuk. You will set up a long-range listening post in the general direction of the Black Alliance. Secondly, you will set up a listening post at Yarmuk. The direction will be primarily towards the Three Suns Commonwealth.

You will make transit via hyperdrive and avoid detection at all costs. Intelligence has plotted out major traffic and patrol lanes - he remembered the complex array of lines and curves on the holomap - and insert the posts. You'll be onboard the Emancipator, and have four missile cruisers detached from the 7th cruiser division, the fleet carriers Athsberg and Vickstown plus escorts. Four freighters will comprise the heavy-lifting for the posts.

Liberator and Mandator will be setting up posts at New Coruscant and New Holywood, respectively. This op needs to be done fast and securely. You have two weeks to get both posts up.

They were very strange orders. He knew that some of the old early-warning line remained intact, couldn't they be used for surveillance? His posts would be over 10,000 light years away from their intended areas of responsbility! And in known star systems? That was invitation for discovery, even if they were uninhabited and unclaimed. Was this just a cover for some other mission?

As his fleet entered the rather convoluted hyperspace route, he left for his office, still wondering what was up...
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Post by Stormbringer »

{System XG-632-(DW), Fourth Planet}

The Ravisher hung in orbit well back from the planet itself, it's scanners probing to the maximum extent. It's invisible eyes penetrated deeply into the ruins covering much of the planet's surface. Detailed scans covered the screens of the Azegart battleship.

"Definitely a high tech world, Admiral. There's nohing alive down there though, it's dead world. Virus strike most likely."

"Anything of particular concern? I want to land the troops and begin securing and surveying that world as soon as possible."

"Possible defensive instalations on the moon, Admiral. There are definitely artificial structures there that have been laid open by weapons fire. As for weapons, nothing we can detect for certain but that also rules out active batteries."

"Very well, we'll send the first five division down to the planet as well as the survey teams. I want former population centers covered along with any defensive centers."

"Very well Admiral, we'll begin landings within the hour." The commodore paused. "And what of the moon?"

"We leave it be for now and continue long range scans."
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Thirdfain wrote:-: DIALOGUE RECORDING :-
Subj1 : I will leave that to your discretion. Meanwhile, here is a list of potential puppet states- the Republic of Aztlan, the Patriotic Union of Assatkra, and the independant worlds K'lan'Ri and Wesley are all possible recipients of aid. None control more than two systems, and none have any real naval strength, but all are near or within the border of the area the Aquarians have cordoned off.
Subj2 : I will begin immediatly, Senator. You can expect a report on our progress this time next week.
Subj1 : Excellent.

Some time later, a Senator of the Three Suns Commonwealth was paid a visit by two men in rather plain and unassuming black suits.

"We have been informed that some interests within your government are pursuing the arming of several small powers near Aquarian Union space. Instead of simply giving these small powers money, our contacts wish to supply them with older warships that will update their fleets. Do you find this offer agreeable?"
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Post by Dahak »

Report from Astrogatory service:
system found with given parameters, near UTR and SKS territory, with affluent buffer space between them. No currently inhabitants. 4 Planets, 3 Gas giants, 1 smal planetoid in orbit near the system's sun. Gas giant number 2 class 5, acceptable for settlement.


Orders were sent, and a fast construction ship was sent to the Narra system, to build a floating city and an orbital docking station.

<Datasphere connect: Galatic datanet>
To: All Star Nations
From Stuart Corporation Foreign Affairs Directorate
Subject: Diplomatic Contact

The Stuart Corporation is proud to announce the introduction of our new diplomatic and trade station in the Narra systems (coordinates attached).

This system was annexed in order to insure people with less speedy travel methods to be able to enter diplomatic or economic talks with the Stuart Corporation.

<Datasphere disconnect: Galatic datanet>
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
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Post by Thirdfain »

Some time later, a Senator of the Three Suns Commonwealth was paid a visit by two men in rather plain and unassuming black suits.

"We have been informed that some interests within your government are pursuing the arming of several small powers near Aquarian Union space. Instead of simply giving these small powers money, our contacts wish to supply them with older warships that will update their fleets. Do you find this offer agreeable?"
"I am afraid I have no idea what you are talking about, gentlemen. Now, if you will excuse me, I have important work to get to."

-ooc- Um, no. The person oyu would approach would be the Agency, not thee clean-hands senator. More importantly, you have no logical way of knowing the contents of that conversation. Face-to-face meetings between extremely high-ranking members of government are hardly public knowledge.

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Sea Skimmer wrote:To: Aquarian Union
From: HAB Central Bureaucracy
Subject: Territorial claims

The HAB wishes to know how you expect to enforce a claim to a two dimensional area of space using three-dimensional naval tonnage. The HAB will not respect any claim which is not enforced.
We apologize for the ovesight, but our claim spans 600x100x50 light ears in area, and spans roughly 5 systems that contain planets suitabe to support our forms of life.

This territory s to be patrolled y two of our battlefleets.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

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[ooc: You underestimate the power of corporate intelligence.]

"Very well, we will let you attend to your business." With that, one of the suits held up a small device, which emitted a faint beeping noise. The Senator looked startled for a second.

"Wait a moment, what are you two in here for?"

The first suit spoke. "We have never been in here."

The senator nodded somewhat dreamily. "Right, I never saw you."

"Good." With that, the two suits walked out of the room calmly, leaving a somewhat confused senator wondering exactly what he was supposed to be doing at the moment.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

From: Office of Colonization
To: Republic of Aztlan and Patriotic Union of Assatkra and all sentient beings within the Annex zone.
Re: Peaceful intent.

We in the Aquarian Union greet our new neighbors in the Republic of Aztlan and the Patriotic Union of Assatkra. We do not with you to be alarmed by our expansion near your territory. Unlike what may have been done b some f our neighbors, we would never even consider "clearing you out" as some would do. Instead, those that are within our newly aquired territory, have a few choices.

1. You may maintain your sovereignty. We have no intention of subjugating your respective peoples, and our only interest lies in the uninhabited oceanic worlds within this section of territory, and in the recources that can be aquired from uninhabited systems. So far as the resouces go, I am sure we can reach some mutual agreement if you wish to use the resources contained in the systems in question.

If this option is chosen, we will renounce our territorial claims to the areas you control.

2. We can extent citizenship and protection to your peoples. You would be able to kee much of your autonomy in this fashion.

If this optionis chosen, your self government will be maintined, and you will come under the protection of te Union naval foces, as well as gain representation in the house and senate.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

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Post by Thirdfain »

-: An Agent's Mind :-

I became Melanie Germaine last week. A part of me remembers being not Melanie, but that part is unimportant. Everything is very clear. I know the story Melanie will tell over the next few weeks.

Melanie Germaine is travelling to Marcus Prime, an independent world just to the Galactic south of the Azegarte Empire. She is going to meet an impotant person there, and tell him what her associates need.

Melanie's ship is an independent trader she boarded in the Gorn Empire. Melanie doesn't like the smell, so she is glad when she arrives on Marcus, and has a chance to get out into the fresh air.

Melanie knows where to go to meet her contacts.

Melanie gave them the signal, with her hand, a small and flirtatious motion at the man across the sidewalk.

When he comes up to her, they walk together for a ways. Her accent is pure Terran, as she speaks of mindless, friendly things to the large man. The conversation her mindPC is having with his own implant via tiny, directional datasquirts is undetectable. The casual observer sees only a couple out for a walk. Even advanced detection gear would not pick up the stealthed signals, transmitted by touch- the debate, the
discussion: "My government will accept this. Yes, that is fair. No, that is too risky."

Finally, an agreement is reached. Silent diplomacy of the finest sort agreed upon. Lives, power, money- all bartered away by two pawns of far larger forces, masquerading as a pair of lovers on a quiet street.

Melanie leaves later that week. She will not be Melanie for much longer.

-: End Transcript :-

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Medway Naval Dockyard, Verdun System

A small moon had been the original basis for the yard, but now no rock remained visible, and little more remained after centuries of intense mining and tunneling operations. Over that time the yard had expanded outward as well, the vast durasteel jungle of building barns, assembly hauls and open berths crisscrossed by countless pathways and tubes for the movement of men and material. As happened often in each day, a vessel was departing for a shakedown cruise, its trials and fine-tuning completed. But it was no bulk freighter, scrap scow or even a destroyer. The dreadnought armored cruiser Lion slipped her moorings and began to move. A moderate crowd of onlookers, mainly the workers who had toiled for so long to build her, and a few dignitaries watched. The galaxy was fast becoming more dangerous the ever before and the fleet saw little reason to attract attention to its latest addition. Still a defence platform's commander could not resist a chance to fire his huge Armstrong's and a dozen quad turbolaser turrets fired a three-volley salute. Lion answered in turn with her new octuple's. Several TBD's and destroyers, lead by the protected cruiser Pathfinder now fell in to provide an escort as they cleared the gravity well.

Capitan Steinmaker mentally reviewed his orders one last time. "Cut out the cruising turbines and prepare for hyperspace jump, preload seventeen, adjust and repeat to the force." The first officer leaned slightly to talk to him, "Sir you are aware that that course will take us to the edge of the deep core?" "Yes, and you are already aware of the unusually well seasoned cadre that this ship has received." "Yes." "Well we are going to start make use of it at once, don't worry about finnal training, ample time is in the schedule." The force jumped towards the core.
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
— Field Marshal William Slim 1956
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Post by SirNitram »

Idiot mercenaries, thought the Captain of the First, trying to control his urge to send someone out to smack around his daughter. I miss the days when the Alliance still fought itself. At least your enemies were a threat. "Tell me, Archon, since you know so much about my ship... Why do you think I'm alone?" A hand lifted off the comms and moved to the internal intercom. "Displace our.. Passengers."

Two more Unrelentings appeared, already launching fighters into escort formations. The third ship was much larger; a Gangster class cruiser, though her engine block didn't look to be in the best shape.

"Honestly, do you think I fly around uncivilized space alone?" Was the simple question. "You can even keep that flea-filled bitch-cat. But the Galleon is staying with us. I'm being nice enough to wait until your troops withdraw before picking up the Unjust; don't try my patience, children. A Bonehead maneuver would kill you. Resisting would kill you. Summoning reinforcements would kill you."

The fleet tender moved forward slowly towards it's stricken child, ignoring the insects that drifted in and out of it's field as it moved. "And take that spoiled brat with you, before I feel compelled to take her off your hands."
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

Debator Classification: Trollhunter
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