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Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-06 07:57pm
by Darth Yan
No actually. He's actually well done. He secretly opposes the emperor because while he himself is an evil douche even he realizes that the emperor is too fucking disturbed. If you choose moral comments he gets annoyed. He's the Token Evil Teammate
. He Spoiler
saw a vision of the player knight defeating lord vitiate so he pretended to be loyal to take the SOB down. He's on your side but he's not a good guy. He simply feels that Vitiate is going too far. at the end of day's he is still a sith

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-07 11:43pm
by TheFeniX
Seems BW has pushed up the early access. They should be sending invites out at any time, with players being able to log in as early as 4am CST Tuesday the 13th. Access is supposedly based on when you activated your pre-order key, so seeing as I did so in July, I had better get in on that. If you were in on the late November beta, you should just need to keep your launcher updated and check your e-mail over the next few days. Since STOs launch was kind of finicky, I went ahead and uninstalled TOR and am currently redownloading.

Going to be an early morning ensuring I get all my character names reserved.

I have to say, nothing about the TOR beta really blew my skirt up, but I am still so fucking pumped for this game.

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-08 12:10am
by Mr Bean
Same, also considering Bioware got my money the first day you could pre-order on July 21st and registered my key that day I'm also good. Got 2 gigs left in the 20 odd gig download and currently shopping the boards for a guild in my timezone because I'd rather spend the first few days in good company. I'm pumped for the game as I hope it will finally be the MMO that becomes my game of choice for my already busy downtime. The Space missions being daily and easy to run in five minutes gives me great hope for the kind of quick in and out activities that WoW lacks in the end game.

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-08 10:04am
by Knife
Well that's a bad omen. Went to download the client for early access and the site is down for maintenance.

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-08 10:23am
by Mr Bean
Knife wrote:Well that's a bad omen. Went to download the client for early access and the site is down for maintenance.
They announce that last week for a forum wipe and changing something for launch (Whatever it was)

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-08 10:39am
by Knife
Haven't been following the forum, so didn't know.

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-08 10:48am
by Mr Bean
Knife wrote:Haven't been following the forum, so didn't know.
It will be up this evening/tomorrow from the posts.
The Beta's I were in we nice and stable even the stress test except for odd 5-10 second lag spikes for the entire server which apparently where when the logs were being backed up as for some reason they had a backup every two hours on player activities.

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-08 11:15am
by White Haven
Unfortunately, if the thanksgiving beta weekend is to be believed they seemed to have halved the stat boost values of datacrons. I went through and got a number of them, and the ones that used to give 4 in a stat gave 2. Never got around to getting any of the 6/10 ones I found in beta over the summer to see if they were halved as well, but if so, I'm disappointed. Exploration is nifty, and the datacrons exist to encourage it.

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-08 12:24pm
by Broken
New client downloaded, fairly sure I bought and registered my pre-order in the first 24 hours, and should do some guild shopping, but haven't yet. Datacron nerf sucks, I loved stumbling over those in the beta weekend I was in.

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-08 08:33pm
by TheFeniX
New PSU (old one was grinding bad) and Video Card installed. Hopefully this stops Taris from beating my framerate into dust. I suppose I could have moved my graphics settings down, but that's crazy talk. On the shit-end of the stick, there was another pipeline leak, so Monday thru Wednesday of next week is going to suck. Hopefully I actually have some time to play.

And forget guild shopping. Try and find random groups of people who want to do flashpoints and heroic missions and roll with them. I was about to get the contact info on two guys we ran the Taris Heroic with, that was until they got into an argument in General chat and started dropping racial/sexual slurs like it was going out of style. A shame, they were pretty damn good guys to group with.

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-13 11:55am
by Mr Bean
Well SWTOR is live and the shit has already hit the fan.
Well if you pre-order you were promised early access right off the bat they told us that in July. Well if you did pre-order in July for the collector edition which was the first one offered you don't get to get in today. But if you pre-ordered in August when you could start buying the standard editions when then of course you get invited first.

The shit storm on the boards is... epic. And yes I'm one of the ones affected but then I don't have time to play much till tommorow but I must laugh at that kind of blunder when you screw out the die hard fans who literally threw money at you the first day they were physicaly able except of course said fans will likely forgive anything.

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-13 12:05pm
by Knife
meh, I bought the standard edition in July, still waiting for my invite. :)

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-13 12:16pm
by Mr Bean
Knife wrote:meh, I bought the standard edition in July, still waiting for my invite. :)
Fun fact, according to vz reports nearly 35% of Old Republic pre-orders were within the first week of it being available so that first week in January saw nearly 300,000 pre-orders before they dropped off to 15,000 pre-orders a week or so.

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-13 12:23pm
by Knife
What server are you planning on Bean?

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-13 12:30pm
by Mr Bean
Knife wrote:What server are you planning on Bean?
Dunno yet since I've not even seen the lists yet or which guilds are where. Likley I'm going to snap up names on half a dozen servers then pick one.

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-13 12:51pm
by Knife
Have a feeling a lot of that will happen today.

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-13 01:29pm
by Mr Bean
And I'm in and I have acquired my names

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-13 05:44pm
by Pint0 Xtreme
When I get the chance to play tonight after work, I'll probably start on Ajunta Pall.

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-13 10:54pm
by Knife
Pint0 Xtreme wrote:When I get the chance to play tonight after work, I'll probably start on Ajunta Pall.

Hmm, isn't that a PVP? I'll be on a PVE.

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-14 01:03am
by Mr Bean
I've got my characters on Darth Bandon, Ebon Hawk and Jung Ga or whatever the most populated server is called (It's an RP-PVP server)

Speaking of the RP servers are already the most popular because most of the WoW players assume the idiots and hard core aholes avoid RPers like crazy.

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-14 08:15am
by White Haven
Really? Because in my experience, RPers are griefer-magnets like no others.

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-14 09:59am
by Mr Bean
White Haven wrote:Really? Because in my experience, RPers are griefer-magnets like no others.
Not my experience from CoH, the WoW server I was on because the younger kids stay away from the Rpers. Won't stop the older trolls but in a nice experience guild you'll never run into them.

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-14 10:16am
by Knife
My toons now exist on Corellian Run PVE east coast and Hyperspace Cannon PVE west coast. I'll see how 'WOWish' the kids are on the normal pve before heading over to an RP server.

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-14 11:16am
by White Haven
Just got my early access invite -- at work for seven more hours. *grumbles*

Re: The Old Republic (Final Beta Test 11/25-11/27)

Posted: 2011-12-14 11:22am
by Mr Bean
Advice for anyone, once you hit ten train those crew skills, your first companion should have at least one gathering skill, a creation skill that benefits from the gathering and finally a crew mission skill like diplomacy or trading ect. Bioanyalis is a good way to make low level bank as a Sith as your first 20 levels are spent beating up lots of wild animals which can be harvested and what's gathered stacks into the x99 range which means after a day you can earn another 10,000 from your fellow players or another 1,000 from the vendor. Or save yourself thousands in having to buy the ever useful stims.