TSW: The Game! (split from main thread)

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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by Werrf »

Eddie Van Helsing wrote:
Werrf wrote:So the story would be about the demons losing, but still causing grief to one grunt who keeps getting patrol assignments.
Maybe we could stick the player in the boots of that asshole sensitive who demanded a seven-figure-salary and a blowjob from Scarlett Johanssen in exchange for opening portals for the HEA. Karma kept pimp-slapping that guy. Oh, wait. He died from the anthrax after Satan got whacked, so that idea probably wouldn't fly.
It'll work just fine if we decide to start the game in Hell :twisted: If you choose to start in Hell without covering any of the earth segments, then we get an opening cutscene of his jackassishness, his (horrible) death, then waking up in Hell. We'd have to twist the time line a little, but that's no great problem.

If you choose to start on Earth, we'd open with the PC as a regular infantryman who gets jumped by a berserker before the Message, and carry on from there.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by [R_H] »

Arachnidus wrote:Just thought of something. A TSW themed Battlefield 2 mod. Discuss.
How about a World in Conflict mod. Sweet demon-annihilating RTS goodness.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by RowanE »

Eddie Van Helsing wrote:
[R_H] wrote:How about a World in Conflict mod. Sweet demon-annihilating RTS goodness.
Weren't Abigor's tactics just a couple steps up from a Zerg rush?
What steps?

Seriously though, it'd probably be something like a tower defence game, with artillery wiping out parts of the demonic horde, but it's a close thing whether they'll survive long enough to overwhelm your positions. Could be fun, depends how the artillery is managed. I'm notr sure what world in conflict is like.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by darksoul »

I believe we are getting all sort of troubles here in the game design because we are thinking too big.
I was a gamer a while back, before work took my time and the games overcame mi ability to find hardware to play them on, so I`m outdated on the area. but let`s give this a try:
a FPS is good, except that with good guns, it`s a massacre, with standard guns, you are massacred. And of course, there is the trivial issue of the lack of real infantry skirmishes in war. Isolated events can`t count because they are isolated, duh. Something could be worked out by making the player part of a team, kind of a swat or special ops team. Also, the scenarios must be carefully constructed to allow the player to call aerial or artillery strikes, or at least use them as they happen.
a RTS is even better, except that the best RTSs are based on the well balancing of factions, and the whole point of TSW is the great unbalance of it. So humans would have to be kept in a short leash concerning ammo, population caps shorter than the other factions and making tin foil a researched technology rather than a faction perk, to level the early tech tree and give the baldricks a shoot at rushing. heavy balancing stuff to do here.

But I was thinking more like Star Wars. Have you noticed that Star wars is not A game, but rather gameS? because it`s too hard to encompass an Universe and all its possibilities in one story.

So, for what we have here, we can start with a RTS, TSW: Armaggedon, having humans vs baldricks in campaign mode and using it to level up the techs gradually. Of course there would be a lot of commando type missions, but the great battles will also be there in all splendor. and having humans, demons, orcs and whatever else we find interesting in multiplayer mode, (and some HEAVY balancing stuff to do there). For the expansion TSW:Armaggedon, Belial`s Revenge, we introduce Belial's minions and maybe second lifers as playable :). Or switch orcs with second lifers. Also, angels as non playable but constantly present. There is also Caesar`s New Rome, which can be modeled as a separate faction.
Balancing can be helped by having some missions going baldrick vs baldrick and human vs human.

Then we go with another RTS, TSW: Pantheoncide, which, unsurprisingly introduce angels as a new faction. Or this could be the expansion of the first game, take your pick. having angels as a playable faction in a RTS is heavy, because to remain loyal to the story it has some flaws. Angels can`t be produced as fast as the other races and remain consistent with story. We can make second lifers the standard unit of this faction, though. And make then really, really tough and hard to see or hit. Also, angels could have as a faction trait the ability to retreat instantly through portals and/or to be reinforced in the same way. Again, HEAVY balancing to do here, specially for the missions and specially since there were almost any battle fought directly by angels. The campaign mode could start (or have a tutorial, even a distinct campaign) with some scenes of the Celestial War. that would emphasize the asskicking angels will get afterwards.

There is always the Red Alert game theory: Fuck story (and History). Set the scenario, and play it for each side involved while history plays itself without regard of how it was played in other faction`s campaigns. That could be fun, having angels kicking human ass in one non-canon campaign, and having human-baldricks kicking theirs in the canonical path. again, your pick.

That`s about RTS. Now we expand farther with the FPS, TSW: PFLH. Self explanatory, I would say :) It starts of course with one human dead, and being rescued by the PFLH. We can take advantage of the silent zone that exists in the development of the PFLH since its inception to the time they get to establish a free zone. Not every ambush or war action is depicted, but certainly there were a lot of them. So instead of playing as one of the book`s characters, we play as an anonymous one, which takes orders from our heroes. Thus armament problem solved. Baldricks are a threat one to one still, so it has great potential. Not to mention that we could include treason as a plot device, either from second lifers or from first lifers that are controlled by daemons or worse. there are choices to be made there, but it has potential. I must say I would LOVE such a game. As someone said before, Doom ain`t got squat over this.

The FPSs can go on. We can have TSW:Left Behind, played from Memnon perspective. A bit tricky since it is not a Shooter, but maybe we can work something out, a la Commando. Not thrilled about this one, though.
TSW: Home Front, in which you play a SWAT like team tasked with the take down of baldrick berserks. There have being games built around this concept, like the eponymous SWAT, where the emphasis is on team management and performance on the mission according to pre established ROE, rather than action. That can provide opportunities to leverage human and baldrick power, since we are constrained by civilian presence and the lack of heavy support. The player can be a militia man, a civilian patrol, or can have a deeper backstory, like that girl that used to be tortured by daemons and later found her torturer to be just a baldrick teenager (or equivalent). That could work, having the war passing at your side while you put fires out in the rear.
TSW: Spetnaz, having to play as a special forces ops furthering a hidden agenda within the Russian Government to establish control and thwart a conspiracy to give angels an advantage in the stalling game michael was playing. you play as (or against) russian special forces, mafia, angel worshippers, civilians, Chinese, you name it. This concept can be taken everywhere, and expands on the idea of internal insurgency Michael played in Thailand and North Korea. Just because we saw those two, doesn`t mean it wasn`t tried in other parts. Although it is not likely given the high profile personnel attached to it. But it`s worth a shot
Alternatively, TSW:Opposing Force, where you play as a daemon soldier survivor from the Phlegethon River massacre that is considered a desertor by his liege, an enemy by first lifers and the PFLH and an oppresor by free second lifers and orcs. Having his worldview shattered, playing like this guy can be interesting, giving the chances of personality building we can have (for example, we can make him work as a protector of second lifers prior to his fall, thus making second lifer`s help available in latter missions, or we can make him align with Satan and the orthodox daemons, or to Belial`s, Dagon`s or Eurydale`s faction, or we can have a choice of him earning the reluctant trust of the PFLH, while his personality changes accordingly. I`m using Drippy as a character model for this one, obviously.)

I could give a couple of other FPS ideas, but it would get boring, so let`s leave it at that.

There are other choices, as well. For example, the battle of Phlegethon River, The battle of Hit, and the battle against the Legion of Light, which I don`t remember if it was named, can be played in a Battlefield style of RTS/FPS scenario. Pretty difficult to play, I recall, but innovative at the time, and fun. No economy, though, so it can degrade to tower defense.

There is also the chance to play as the Spearhead battalion in several missions. Missions which the game can be creative with, since that team attained a high status and not all its missions are depicted explicitly. And in that same line, there is plenty of room for aerial mission gaming, a la F-22 (remember I don`t play since the Universe was young). We could use the idea of using the polluted Hell environment to give the harpies a shot at the planes. Or we could work a flight simulator of sorts, playing the physics rather than the action as the main asset of the game (Microsoft Flight Simulator, for example. And it flew CIVILIAN passenger airliners. Most boring game EVER. I got to say, I never understood why so many people around me liked it).

Of course, any number of silly little flash games of tower defense and quests, internet games of building, diplomaticy and economics can also be thought out.

the main points I want to make, are these:
1- This is an Universe. As such, it can`t be encompassed in one game, but rather, is encompasses many games and experiences that can be enjoyed in different perspectives.
2 - The best ideas for games concepts and development comes from those times, places and events that are hinted, or not hinted at, rather than explicitly depicted. There is so many going on that we can exploit, that it is of no importance whether we use canonical characters and events or not, as long as we stay within the timeline and the Universe concept.

And as a PS: There are three sentient races at work. We can develop any of them. Do not fall in Most Writers Are Humans.

And remember, every game idea can be developed also as a fan fiction book idea. And many more...

EDIT: I couldn`t let this slide without mention my personal FPS favorite: TSW: Beyond the Pearly Gates. With a gameplay like Commando, Hitman, GTA or Vampire: The masquerade, this game could combine action, camouflage, espionage and team work to make it a very exciting option. It would play as a sandbox (taking a few liberties with the side of the Celestial City, unfortunately) and we could play as one of the several special ops team that entered the city, which doesn`t necessarily have to be friendly to each other. We could accomplish information gathering missions, getting points for stealth and silent killings, we could stage sabotages, etc.
Last edited by darksoul on 2010-08-06 06:17pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by darksoul »

Maybe it would be interesting to have an economy game as well, something like Stronghold, for example? Or Diplomatic oriented....
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by Nematocyst »

I can perfectly see a TSW RTS with three campaigns, like darksoul says.
The first one is the Human one. It is true to TSW: Armageddon.

The second one is the Daemonic one. Abigor realizes the human forces are powerful, but he manages to win the Battles of Hit and Al Yadiyah Al Janubiyah. He eventually completes his mission and conquers the world.
ALTERNATIVE: Beelzebub wins the Battle of Phlegethon River and manages to repel the humans from Hell, as well as crushing the resistance. He then takes the fight back to Earth.

The third one is Angelic one. Jesus and the Incomparable Legion of Light repel the humans from Heaven and counterattacks. He then returns to Heaven just as Michael launches his insurrection. Jesus kills Michael and destroys his forces.
Last edited by Nematocyst on 2010-08-06 06:18pm, edited 1 time in total.
And HUMANITY said: "it is our duty, not as men or women, not as black or white, but as HUMANS, to defend our species from utter annihilation and damnation. These Beings that for so long believed themselves masters of our destiny finally dropped their facade. HUMANITY will, as one, declare WAR on them. HUMANITY is master of its' own destiny. And we will fight to the last"
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by Arachnidus »

How about we just make a finely crafted map for Starcraft II and call it a day for now? :D
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by Nematocyst »

Arachnidus wrote:How about we just make a finely crafted map for Starcraft II and call it a day for now? :D
Like Heaven's Final Hour in SC1, only with a better story? It'd be good, but the scripting limits won't let us.
And HUMANITY said: "it is our duty, not as men or women, not as black or white, but as HUMANS, to defend our species from utter annihilation and damnation. These Beings that for so long believed themselves masters of our destiny finally dropped their facade. HUMANITY will, as one, declare WAR on them. HUMANITY is master of its' own destiny. And we will fight to the last"
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by darksoul »

Nematocyst wrote:I can perfectly see a TSW RTS with three campaigns, like darksoul says.
The first one is the Human one. It is true to TSW: Armageddon.

The second one is the Daemonic one. Abigor realizes the human forces are powerful, but he manages to win the Battles of Hit and Al Yadiyah Al Janubiyah. He eventually completes his mission and conquers the world.
ALTERNATIVE: Beelzebub wins the Battle of Phlegethon River and manages to repel the humans from Hell, as well as crushing the resistance. He then takes the fight back to Earth.

The third one is Angelic one. Jesus and the Incomparable Legion of Light repel the humans from Heaven and counterattacks. He then returns to Heaven just as Michael launches his insurrection. Jesus kills Michael and destroys his forces.
I love the concept of the third one, with Jesus killing Michael.
In the second one, the alternative works better, because it opens a way for baldrick vs human-baldrick forces, when the HEA is forced to launch the remainder of Abigor`s army into battle.

Unfortunately I concur with Arachnidus... we are drifting on this discussion. If the author wishes to give serious thought on the matter, I suppose we could open a separate thread for gaming concepts.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by Arachnidus »

Nematocyst wrote:
Arachnidus wrote:How about we just make a finely crafted map for Starcraft II and call it a day for now? :D
Like Heaven's Final Hour in SC1, only with a better story? It'd be good, but the scripting limits won't let us.
The Galaxy Editor is pretty expansive, I'm sure a well assembled group or experienced mapper with a disturbing amount of free time could pull off a level or two. Hell, just static defense against a few thousand Baldricks wouldn't be too bad.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by ANTIcarrot »

Would something like a Bolo Ogre game work?

To mangle a quote: "I wanted to introduce sentient super tanks into a game, but however I did it they were just impossibly unbalanced. Then I had an idea. Why not simply put *all* the other units on the other side?" Like a Bolo Ogre, a demon phalanx is large, relatively slow, capable of extreme levels of damage (at short range) and effectively has alblative armor. It's also has a rather smart mind controlling it. To kill one (so I'm told) you need to nibble at the edges to wear it down; usually sacraficing your own units to do so. Or trick it.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by Jamesfirecat »

Nematocyst wrote:I can perfectly see a TSW RTS with three campaigns, like darksoul says.
The first one is the Human one. It is true to TSW: Armageddon.

The second one is the Daemonic one. Abigor realizes the human forces are powerful, but he manages to win the Battles of Hit and Al Yadiyah Al Janubiyah. He eventually completes his mission and conquers the world.
ALTERNATIVE: Beelzebub wins the Battle of Phlegethon River and manages to repel the humans from Hell, as well as crushing the resistance. He then takes the fight back to Earth.

The third one is Angelic one. Jesus and the Incomparable Legion of Light repel the humans from Heaven and counterattacks. He then returns to Heaven just as Michael launches his insurrection. Jesus kills Michael and destroys his forces.

I disagree.

Winning the battle of hit or the battle of the River has no over all effect on the outcome of the war, it would just force humanity's hands to bring on the nukes, and the demons loose all the same if not more horrifically.

The method we should use here is not that of Red Alert series of C&C games, but that to be found in Command and Conquer 3, Tiberium Wars. This story managed to interestingly weave two separate campaigns together, to show how the GDI and NOD forces managed to interact with one another in interesting ways that you wouldn't grasp if you only played one of the two. For example, in one GDI mission you shut down NOD's main chemical weapons lab, and in turn there's an entire NOD mission just about how you have to get these deadly chemical weapons from a backup lab into the main organizations hands.

In the first act of the Game you can see NOD launching these attacks claiming control of much of North America including the US, but then in the first act of the GDI version you get to see them kicking NOD right back out.

We get to see two interesting stories that build to one ultimately satisfying conclusion, and we get to see how the ultimately weaker NOD forces manage to stay one step ahead of GDI long enough for them to achieve what may be a victory great enough to overcome the fact that 75 to 90% of their standing army was ground into the dust beneath the treads of GDI's tanks.

In a Salvation war RTS we should do something similar where the Baldrick story line are a raw struggle for survival in all but your sides few quick victories which soon turn into a montage of "OMG what the F*** is going on?" as humanity unveils one new capability after another. Much like the Scrin storyline in C&C 3.

The Angle story line should be about covert actions and making sure that everything falls into place so that Micheal-lan pull off his magnificent plan for saving his angelic race, just like the NOD storyline. Possibly in the first mission you might even be launching a few probes against the Bladricks to try and slow their advance on humanity before you realize that they can cover things on their own just fine.

Meanwhile the Human storyline should be about raw firepower and Tank Goodness winning out in the end against enemies with unconventional weapons just like the GDI storyline in C&C 3.

Three storylines that all tie together into one single cannon make for a much more dramatic effect than just having three different plots going every which way.

Compare the storylines of C&C 3 and those of Red Alert 3 and tell me I'm wrong....
Last edited by Jamesfirecat on 2010-08-07 12:52am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by Arachnidus »

I'm still working with the idea that we just mod an existing game(preferably Starcraft since it's the definitive RTS), and work our way up. V1, Starcraft 1/2, v2, World in Conflict/Dawn of War, v3? Full fledged Source based RTS. Or something like that.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by GrayAnderson »

Stuart wrote:You know, a TSW game has a lot of promise. As you say, a branched storyline with the player starting off having to fight daemons on Earth (say berserker raids or something) and, as he gets better, he gets more powerful weapons but meets nastier daemons including Gorgons and wyverns etc. If he gets to the end still alive, then he wins one way. But, if he gets killed, he starts off again in Hell, has to escape, meet up with the resistance etc. Once again he has to do good to get the better stuff.

That could be a real seller.
For some reason, I rather do like the idea of that game. I think we all do. A lot.

I'd say more if I wasn't off on holiday in the Caymans this week.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by open_sketchbook »

If I wasn't already a year and a half into Paradox, I'd be starting a Salvation War C&C mod pretty much immediately.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by [R_H] »

darksoul wrote: a RTS is even better, except that the best RTSs are based on the well balancing of factions, and the whole point of TSW is the great unbalance of it. So humans would have to be kept in a short leash concerning ammo, population caps shorter than the other factions and making tin foil a researched technology rather than a faction perk, to level the early tech tree and give the baldricks a shoot at rushing. heavy balancing stuff to do here.
I was thinking something tending towards an RTT than an RTS (no research/tech tree, as few resources as possible), and focus on the fighting.

*Instead of building units, you get units you directly command, and (the possibility of) reinforcements (that be called in and/or that you receive as part of the mission). (Something like WiC, where you start with a certain amount of points, and the price of calling in units, which takes time, varies from unit to unit.)

*Instead of using different resources, you get the above mentioned points by accomplishing objectives, with bonuses for doing so as quickly and/or efficiently as possible.

*Resupplying and/or repairing units (mission dependant) costs points as well.
darksoul wrote: So, for what we have here, we can start with a RTS, TSW: Armaggedon, having humans vs baldricks in campaign mode and using it to level up the techs gradually. Of course there would be a lot of commando type missions, but the great battles will also be there in all splendor. and having humans, demons, orcs and whatever else we find interesting in multiplayer mode, (and some HEAVY balancing stuff to do there). For the expansion TSW:Armaggedon, Belial`s Revenge, we introduce Belial's minions and maybe second lifers as playable :). Or switch orcs with second lifers. Also, angels as non playable but constantly present. There is also Caesar`s New Rome, which can be modeled as a separate faction.
Balancing can be helped by having some missions going baldrick vs baldrick and human vs human.
Why bother with "leveling up tech" anyways? I can remember Stuart (maybe it was in one of the TSW threads) writing something along the lines of countries going to war with what they have.

To mix things up a little, have missions were you're in command of say, infantry with Humvees, another where you have a platoon of IFVs or MBTs etc.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by darksoul »

[R_H] wrote:
darksoul wrote: a RTS is even better, except that the best RTSs are based on the well balancing of factions, and the whole point of TSW is the great unbalance of it. So humans would have to be kept in a short leash concerning ammo, population caps shorter than the other factions and making tin foil a researched technology rather than a faction perk, to level the early tech tree and give the baldricks a shoot at rushing. heavy balancing stuff to do here.
I was thinking something tending towards an RTT than an RTS (no research/tech tree, as few resources as possible), and focus on the fighting.

*Instead of building units, you get units you directly command, and (the possibility of) reinforcements (that be called in and/or that you receive as part of the mission). (Something like WiC, where you start with a certain amount of points, and the price of calling in units, which takes time, varies from unit to unit.)

*Instead of using different resources, you get the above mentioned points by accomplishing objectives, with bonuses for doing so as quickly and/or efficiently as possible.

*Resupplying and/or repairing units (mission dependant) costs points as well.
darksoul wrote: So, for what we have here, we can start with a RTS, TSW: Armaggedon, having humans vs baldricks in campaign mode and using it to level up the techs gradually. Of course there would be a lot of commando type missions, but the great battles will also be there in all splendor. and having humans, demons, orcs and whatever else we find interesting in multiplayer mode, (and some HEAVY balancing stuff to do there). For the expansion TSW:Armaggedon, Belial`s Revenge, we introduce Belial's minions and maybe second lifers as playable :). Or switch orcs with second lifers. Also, angels as non playable but constantly present. There is also Caesar`s New Rome, which can be modeled as a separate faction.
Balancing can be helped by having some missions going baldrick vs baldrick and human vs human.
Why bother with "leveling up tech" anyways? I can remember Stuart (maybe it was in one of the TSW threads) writing something along the lines of countries going to war with what they have.

To mix things up a little, have missions were you're in command of say, infantry with Humvees, another where you have a platoon of IFVs or MBTs etc.
Well, level up is a nice tool to keep the interest in a game as it advances. Also helps in measuring the strategic ability of contenders in multiplayer, since it forces strategic thinking and planning. besides, country might go to war with what they have, but they certainly don`t have all stuff operational at the same time, and besides, that`s subjective. Fast or nearly finished researches are sped up rather than canceled, depending their perceived validity, something very patent in the novels.

If we go with the no economy scenario, I suppose the system to earn points / credits / reinforcements can become a balancing mechanism on its own, so it`s not a bad idea per se.
Although we need a way to control the number of baldricks early in the game, since human power is based in both better tech and better strategy. And strategy takes time for recon, positioning, preparing the battlefield, if such applies, etc, while a noob playing baldricks can amass a large army and toss it to the humans before they get to their positions. So without even starts and a tech tree, we need to prohibit baldricks from rushing in some other manner. Maybe a Satan meter, a clock that measures the time until the moment Satan gives them clearance to strike, or something?
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by Ruadhan2300 »

I honestly didn't expect to spark off so much conversation :P
It almost seems a shame to me that I'm not in a good position to -make- the game...
too many demands on my time, and I'm strictly a programmer, not a modeller or animator.
I might play with it anyway though :)
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TSW: The Game! (split from main thread)

Post by xthetenth »

I'd say either leave the economics at home and make a real time tactics game, or do what I think might actually be the coolest idea and make a derivative of victoria 2 (not out yet, I know) set in the aftermath where you get all the various warlords trying to carve out fiefdoms with whatever they can get their hands on, be it a factory contract, farmland, daemon soldiers or a new way to entice rich first lifers to come in when they die. So if you've got say soviet era russian faction, you get a ton of second lifers, maybe not that many daemons and a slight resistance to getting human aid, while new rome would have a lot more access to modern tech and so on but not necessarily the sheer scale of numbers flooding in. Then you get the human factions who have huge amounts of power but are stuck in something of a bloc trying to increase their influence in heaven and hell. I think it might work really nicely and provide a lot of possibilities for players and work really well with the paradox game style.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by [R_H] »

darksoul wrote: Well, level up is a nice tool to keep the interest in a game as it advances. Also helps in measuring the strategic ability of contenders in multiplayer, since it forces strategic thinking and planning. besides, country might go to war with what they have, but they certainly don`t have all stuff operational at the same time, and besides, that`s subjective. Fast or nearly finished researches are sped up rather than canceled, depending their perceived validity, something very patent in the novels.
How about instead of leveling up tech, which isn't really true to the setting, the stats of units which survive improve in a individual manner.

I think keeping interest in the game should be done without focusing on upgrades and increasing tech level, but with missions that vary in scope and focus.

Or how about a game that incorporates turn-based system for research/economy/strategy/politics and RTT for fighting - or two seperate games?

IMO, I think games where you have an economy and research in addition to fighting is too much like Starcraft et al, where all aspect microing and speed are more important than fighting effectively.
darksoul wrote:If we go with the no economy scenario, I suppose the system to earn points / credits / reinforcements can become a balancing mechanism on its own, so it`s not a bad idea per se.

Although we need a way to control the number of baldricks early in the game, since human power is based in both better tech and better strategy. And strategy takes time for recon, positioning, preparing the battlefield, if such applies, etc, while a noob playing baldricks can amass a large army and toss it to the humans before they get to their positions. So without even starts and a tech tree, we need to prohibit baldricks from rushing in some other manner. Maybe a Satan meter, a clock that measures the time until the moment Satan gives them clearance to strike, or something?
The "resource" models that games like Dawn of War, Company of Heroes, Joint Task Force and World in Conflict have don't seem to favour rushing, but that is quite possibily also a function of unit balance.

Their pop caps are also quite low, at the most a hundred or so (guesstimation).

I think in addition to better tech, humans also have better mobility, which means they can slip away (if the terrain is in their favour) from a larger, more cumbersome baldrick formation or conversely they can attack and withdraw before the baldricks can mount an effective defense/counterattack.

Perhaps making the maps large(r) would also help.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by darksoul »

The "resource" models that games like Dawn of War, Company of Heroes, Joint Task Force and World in Conflict have don't seem to favour rushing, but that is quite possibily also a function of unit balance.

Their pop caps are also quite low, at the most a hundred or so (guesstimation).

I think in addition to better tech, humans also have better mobility, which means they can slip away (if the terrain is in their favour) from a larger, more cumbersome baldrick formation or conversely they can attack and withdraw before the baldricks can mount an effective defense/counterattack.

Perhaps making the maps large(r) would also help.
In TSW, we can`t have low population caps, at least not for baldricks. That would defeat the purpose.
Also, mobility shouldn`t be the primary advantage of humans in defense. It`s good for guerrilla tactics and aerial strikes, but having humans running around fleeing the daemon onslaught is not quite what the story is about. that`s why I wanted baldricks to be constrained in their earlier attacks somehow.
Larger maps is a very good idea. It might lead to some boring multiplayer games, though.

So, tactical focused game, with reduced if not absent economic model. that is more consistent with the story. it could be not that easy to pull, though. I suppose we can draw different resources for each faction, money for humans, fear for daemons and devotion for angels. Or something like that. And have them augmented in each battle.
Also, the idea of each unit leveling up individually is interesting. Daemons and angels can increase size with each kill or when given command of other fellow caelis, for instance.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by Nematocyst »

darksoul wrote: So, tactical focused game, with reduced if not absent economic model. that is more consistent with the story. it could be not that easy to pull, though. I suppose we can draw different resources for each faction, money for humans, fear for daemons and devotion for angels. Or something like that. And have them augmented in each battle.
Also, the idea of each unit leveling up individually is interesting. Daemons and angels can increase size with each kill or when given command of other fellow caelis, for instance.
What about capturing buildings, like churches?
Humans turn it into barracks or whatever.
Demons corrupt it in a way that causes fear.
Angels bless it, which cause devotion amongst their peers.

Sounds nice, but it takes too much refuge in artistic license IMO.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Post by Stuart »

I think it would be a good idea to split the games stuff out into a seperate thread. Is that possible Mayabird?"
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Re: TSW: The Game! (split from main thread)

Post by Edward Yee »

The main human strength on defense that I think could be "translated" into RTS game terms is sheer long-range firepower, the ability to chew up almost any army that has yet to close the distance.

When I think of the Battle of al Badiyah al Janubiyah, I think of Siege Tanks with supporting Goliaths vs. a rush, with a lot of Vulture mines between them, and aerial units on both sides, the humans chewing up the rush before counterattacking with a "tank rush" of their own... for the Battle of Hit, an attempted rush against a "choke point" of several lines of Bunkers whose inhabiting Marines are pushed back several times and badly battered, until the Wraiths (or Vikings in SC2) were able to clear the air enough for Banshees (the SC2 gunship analogue) to provide CAS and relieve the choke point.
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Re: TSW: The Game! (split from main thread)

Post by Mayabird »

Sorry I didn't note it earlier here (just in the original thread) but I split this off from the main TSW thread on request.
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