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Post by Perinquus »

Darth Wong wrote: \
Perinquus wrote:
Ryoga wrote: Oh my god, did you really just half-assedly threaten someone over the Internets?

You, sir, fail at life. :lol:
No, I didn't. I merely point out the cowardice of goading someone, when protected by distance, in a way that you would never do when standing face to face with that person. People find it easy to quickly, almost instantly resort to personal insults when they are protected by both the distance and the anonymity of the internet, when they would never in a million years descend to such behavior so quickly when, for example, talking with a coworker around the office watercooler, or conversing with a stranger in line at the grocery store.
So? People don't tell the truth in real-life either; I suppose we should start suspending our honesty rule as well, so that this can be the Tea Room? The whole point of a forum like this is that we do not have to observe the kind of ridiculous bullshit rules that govern "polite" conversation, in which you can't say what you think because you're afraid of offending the kind of belligerent asshole who would actually assault you for calling a spade a spade.
Come off it. You know as well as I do that in face to face contact people still express opinions, still get into arguments, still have disagreements, etc. However, when they face each other, they tend to argue at least a little more respectfully. As a result, things don't get quite so heated. This is a good thing, generally, since what does getting into a bitter shouting match (or getting so enraged that someone does resort to violence) accomplish? Whose mind have you changed then? Whom have you persuaded?

I have no qualms about flaming someone who has demostrated he richly deserves it (e.g Darkstar). However, when you move to insults in the first reponse to someone (which you did), you are pre-empting civilized, respectful debate. You go directly to flamewar. Why move straight into bitter argument? Why not bat it back and forth for at least a few posts first? What does it cost you? what is the point of debating at all if you are immediately going to ratchet things up into a very angry, confrontational tone? What is the point to a debate at all if you are not hoping that you just may possibly get through to someone, and change his point of view? Or do you just want to achieve an intellectual beat down on someone while a gallery of viewers cheers you on from the sidelines? If that's what you want, fine, but at least have the honesty to admit that your goal is taking an ego trip rather than engaging in honest debate.
Darth Wong wrote:
The reason they would never do such a thing face to face is that most people fear what may happen when they are so insulting to someone's face. That fear is totally absent when they are typing messages to someone thousands of miles away, so they use that as an excuse to engage in inexscusably rude and provocative behavior. What is it then, if not cowardice, if you allow yourself excesses of behavior when it is safe, that you do not allow yourself when there may be immediate consequences? I merely point this out, and I'm supposed to be the one who's acting uncivilized?
Yes, because you actually think that arguments are better when physical intimidation is a factor. Thanks, you just demonstrated for the second time that you're a knuckle-dragging troglodyte.
See above. I don't think the arguments are better. (I see you are not above asserting mind reading ability either.) But they tend to be expressed better, when people make an attempt to be civil. Things don't tend to degenerate to an angry, and entirely unproductive shouting match when people make some attempt to be civil.
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Post by SirNitram »

*Dusts off Supermoderator Hat*

While I am technically involved with the debate, I feel it prudent to refresh people's memories with this little gem from our Announcement forum.
Do not use someone's rudeness as an excuse to ignore his points.
D.R. 4.

Whining about 'Civility' instead of debating is something not welcome on this site. It's not been since it was founded.

*Removes hat*
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

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Post by Perinquus »

SirNitram wrote:
Perinquus wrote:
SirNitram wrote: So called it. Welcome to the Right Wing View Of The World: Your political extremism is not based on actual political views, just on whether they speak out vehemently.
And Welcome to the Moving the Goalposts debating tactic, where I am challenged with (and I quote) "And while direct quotes have been provided of Delay saying incredibly insane things to back up the claim that he's a fringe-nut, I haven't seen you provide any similar quotes of similarly high-ranking democrats saying similarly insane things". And I, accordingly respond with such quotes, and that is not held to fulfill the requirements.
It's always hilarious when someone, after quietly retreating from where I pointed out they were using a fallacy, immediately tries(And fails) to employ calling it on me.

It shows so very well that people don't actually understand logical debating, and just parrot what seems successful.

Once more, since you missed it the first time: DeLay's comments show his political position is extreme. Howard Dean's show he is merely loud and vehement. Therefore, it is bullshit to declare Dean an extremist. Loud, vehement, and probably a bit of an asshole, sure. Extremist.. Nope.

In short: Your claim of Moving The Goalposts? Total bullshit. Keep swinging, you might hit something if only you insist we act as if we were physically intimidated a few more times.
I didn't try and fail idiot. I was asked to provide quotes from the other side. I did. You then declared that wasn't enough. Sorry, I met the criteria specified. If that was not sufficient, then more precise criteria should have been specified. And if I am not allowed the No True Scotsman by saying: "okay, there are the greens, but still..." after being called on it, then you are not allowed the No True Scotsman by saying: "okay, so they did say that, but still..."

You employ the same tactic immediately after I do, and then turn around and declare your innocence and my guilt. Such cheek.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Perinquus wrote:Come off it. You know as well as I do that in face to face contact people still express opinions, still get into arguments, still have disagreements, etc. However, when they face each other, they tend to argue at least a little more respectfully.
And quite frankly, I would have said the same thing that I did earlier. Let me remind you that it was this comment from me:
Darth Wong wrote:Perinquus appears to live in fringe-nut land.
Which in turn elicited this comment from you:
Virus-X Wannabe wrote:Go fuck yourself you arrogant goddamn asshole son of a bitch. It's so easy, so safe to goad people when you are thousands of miles away and safe from any consequences.
And you have the gall to lecture me about "respect"? You're a pathetic little shitstain who can't even keep a simple story straight. You responded to a smart-ass remark which I would indeed make face-to-face (and you're lying if you say that you've never said something that rude) with rabid foaming-at-the-mouth stupidity, and then when you were called on your troglodyte behaviour you suddenly tried to pretend that this was all about your utmost respect for decorum and properly polite conduct. Are you trying to win the "most full of shit" award? Not to mention an absurdly transparent attempt to change the subject from your obvious lies to "cowardice". You're a worthless caricature of a real debater.
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Post by Glocksman »

Who's worse: the people who push the religious right into power at every turn because they are part of the religious right, or the ones who do it because they are afraid to break solidarity? Because I see people bitch all the fucking time about the DeLays and the Bushs and the other loonies and say that these people don't represent them. But tell me, who voted for them into power? Who, if they knew what was coming, would still vote them into power?
I consider myself right wing, and I haven't voted once for GWB because I simply cannot stand his pandering, budgetary irresponsiblity and his war based on a tissue of lies.

I *have* voted for my fundie rightwing Congressman (John Hostettler R-IN 8th district) in the past because he was one of the few Repubs who voted against the war resolution and he's also firmly pro-gun, and anti so-called 'free trade', while his Democrat opponents waffled on the war, supported NAFTA, and came across as 'Johnny come latelys' on the gun issue.

Despite that, I'm probably going to vote Democrat this time around, as he's gone off the fucking deep end on religious issues like 10 commandments displays, if the Democrats nominate a suitable opponent i.e; one who is somewhat socially and fiscally conservative.

Failing that, I'll vote Libertarian, like I have since 1992 in Presidential races.
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."- General Sir Charles Napier

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Post by SirNitram »

Perinquus wrote:I didn't try and fail idiot. I was asked to provide quotes from the other side. I did. You then declared that wasn't enough. Sorry, I met the criteria specified.

The criteria was for an extremist, little one. Once again: Being an asshole doesn't make you an extremist. Try again, fucktard.
If that was not sufficient, then more precise criteria should have been specified. And if I am not allowed the No True Scotsman by saying: "okay, there are the greens, but still..." after being called on it, then you are not allowed the No True Scotsman by saying: "okay, so they did say that, but still..."
Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Only the most deceptive or outright stupid of posters would claim that 'I hate them' is political extremism. So you're either a blatant retard.. You might be, you seem to think that in a forum where it's written rule not to bitch about being flamed instead of debating, it's clever to whine about being flamed.. Or you're engaging in more red herring bullshit.
You employ the same tactic immediately after I do, and then turn around and declare your innocence and my guilt. Such cheek.
'I am rubber and you are glue.. I forget how the rest goes, but your momma's a whore!'

Is that what you were going for? Much like trying to dress up me pointing out that Howard's blunt and offensive comments are not politically extreme into 'Moving The Goalposts', you fail. Again. Do yourself a favor: Shut the fuck up with your desperate apologism.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

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Post by SirNitram »

Glocksman wrote:Failing that, I'll vote Libertarian, like I have since 1992 in Presidential races.
I will give the Libs this: If they actually won the Presidency, it'd be some serious amusement as they try and fail to do any of their 'Government down to nothing but the military!' stuff through Congress and their 'Do I want to vote for my own raise..' mentality.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

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Post by Lord Zentei »

Glocksman wrote:I *have* voted for my fundie rightwing Congressman (John Hostettler R-IN 8th district) in the past because he was one of the few Repubs who voted against the war resolution and he's also firmly pro-gun, and anti so-called 'free trade', while his Democrat opponents waffled on the war, supported NAFTA, and came across as 'Johnny come latelys' on the gun issue.
Quick question: why do you oppose free trade? :?
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Post by Glocksman »

SirNitram wrote:
Glocksman wrote:Failing that, I'll vote Libertarian, like I have since 1992 in Presidential races.
I will give the Libs this: If they actually won the Presidency, it'd be some serious amusement as they try and fail to do any of their 'Government down to nothing but the military!' stuff through Congress and their 'Do I want to vote for my own raise..' mentality.
Well, it's more of a protest vote than anything else, and I frankly think the Libertarians are insane on a lot of things.

If they actually won, I'd probably feel like the Klansman in the old joke who voted for Jesse Jackson as a gag, and then woke up to find out that JJ won election by one vote. :lol:
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."- General Sir Charles Napier

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Post by Glocksman »

Lord Zentei wrote:
Glocksman wrote:I *have* voted for my fundie rightwing Congressman (John Hostettler R-IN 8th district) in the past because he was one of the few Repubs who voted against the war resolution and he's also firmly pro-gun, and anti so-called 'free trade', while his Democrat opponents waffled on the war, supported NAFTA, and came across as 'Johnny come latelys' on the gun issue.
Quick question: why do you oppose free trade? :?
I'm a union member (UNITE HERE), and tens of thousands of our members have lost jobs to plants opening across the border thanks to NAFTA.

When it comes to this issue, fuck both parties. :x
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."- General Sir Charles Napier

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Post by Darth Wong »

Lord Zentei wrote:
Glocksman wrote:I *have* voted for my fundie rightwing Congressman (John Hostettler R-IN 8th district) in the past because he was one of the few Repubs who voted against the war resolution and he's also firmly pro-gun, and anti so-called 'free trade', while his Democrat opponents waffled on the war, supported NAFTA, and came across as 'Johnny come latelys' on the gun issue.
Quick question: why do you oppose free trade? :?
He's a member of a union, and he's afraid that NAFTA will lead to American jobs heading to Mexico despite the well-known poor work ethic and skillset of Mexican workers. I personally don't see the threat, myself. And NAFTA only covers Mexico, Canada, and the US.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC

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Post by Perinquus »

Darth Wong wrote:
Perinquus wrote:Come off it. You know as well as I do that in face to face contact people still express opinions, still get into arguments, still have disagreements, etc. However, when they face each other, they tend to argue at least a little more respectfully.
And quite frankly, I would have said the same thing that I did earlier. Let me remind you that it was this comment from me:
Darth Wong wrote:Perinquus appears to live in fringe-nut land.
Which in turn elicited this comment from you:
Virus-X Wannabe wrote:Go fuck yourself you arrogant goddamn asshole son of a bitch. It's so easy, so safe to goad people when you are thousands of miles away and safe from any consequences.
And you have the gall to lecture me about "respect"? You're a pathetic little shitstain who can't even keep a simple story straight. You responded to a smart-ass remark which I would indeed make face-to-face (and you're lying if you say that you've never said something that rude) and responded to it with the ignorant bleatings of a rabid troglodyte asshole. Not to mention an absurdly transparent attempt to change the subject from your obvious lies to "cowardice". You're a worthless caricature of a real debater.
Of course I've said something that rude. I've said a lot worse. And I have even had to cash with my ass the check that I wrote with my mouth as a result of it sometimes. However I can say that I have always at least attempted not to resort to so insulting a tone with my first reply -- and that even applies when I'm dealing with shitbags at work. It's best to start out being civil. You get a better outcome that way. And then you can always take things to a more derogatory or provocative tone if the need arises. But its almost impossible to calm things down if you start with an aggressive or provocative tone. And you'll just have to excuse me if I harbor just a little doubt that you would really stand in front of most people and throw words like "shitstain" in their faces repeatedly. I don't know many people who do, because I don't know many people who will tolerate being talked to by someone that way, or many people who are unaware of this fact.
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Post by Metatwaddle »

SirNitram wrote:
Perinquus wrote:I didn't try and fail idiot. I was asked to provide quotes from the other side. I did. You then declared that wasn't enough. Sorry, I met the criteria specified.

The criteria was for an extremist, little one. Once again: Being an asshole doesn't make you an extremist. Try again, fucktard.
I hate to interrupt, but maybe he was talking about the quotes he found of Dennis Kucinich and Dick Gephardt, which were pretty extremist in nature.

That, of course, is fucking stupid, because Dennis Kucinich and Dick Gephardt are far from the Democratic equivalent of Tom DeLay. They're not our party leaders and they don't have a lot of power in the party.
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Post by SirNitram »

Discombobulated wrote:
SirNitram wrote:
Perinquus wrote:I didn't try and fail idiot. I was asked to provide quotes from the other side. I did. You then declared that wasn't enough. Sorry, I met the criteria specified.

The criteria was for an extremist, little one. Once again: Being an asshole doesn't make you an extremist. Try again, fucktard.
I hate to interrupt, but maybe he was talking about the quotes he found of Dennis Kucinich and Dick Gephardt, which were pretty extremist in nature.

That, of course, is fucking stupid, because Dennis Kucinich and Dick Gephardt are far from the Democratic equivalent of Tom DeLay. They're not our party leaders and they don't have a lot of power in the party.
No, he specifically quoted Howard Dean, and his 'I hate Republicans' bit. While one could go on for a while on those two, as you said.. It's as relevent as Annthrax Coulter.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

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Post by Lord Zentei »

Glocksman wrote:
Lord Zentei wrote:Quick question: why do you oppose free trade? :?
I'm a union member (UNITE HERE), and tens of thousands of our members have lost jobs to plants opening across the border thanks to NAFTA.

When it comes to this issue, fuck both parties. :x
Ah, I see.

Overall though, free trade does not reduce jobs in a country, since there are gains in other sectors where it has a comparative advantage.

BTW: which sector is your union in?
Darth Wong wrote:He's a member of a union, and he's afraid that NAFTA will lead to American jobs heading to Mexico despite the well-known poor work ethic and skillset of Mexican workers. I personally don't see the threat, myself. And NAFTA only covers Mexico, Canada, and the US.
Aye, it is not the hourly wages that count, it's the wages per unit of prodoctivity of the workers.
CotK <mew> | HAB | JL | MM | TTC | Cybertron

TAX THE CHURCHES! - Lord Zentei TTC Supreme Grand Prophet

And the LORD said, Let there be Bosons! Yea and let there be Bosoms too!
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Post by Glocksman »

Discombobulated wrote:
SirNitram wrote:
Perinquus wrote:I didn't try and fail idiot. I was asked to provide quotes from the other side. I did. You then declared that wasn't enough. Sorry, I met the criteria specified.

The criteria was for an extremist, little one. Once again: Being an asshole doesn't make you an extremist. Try again, fucktard.
I hate to interrupt, but maybe he was talking about the quotes he found of Dennis Kucinich and Dick Gephardt, which were pretty extremist in nature.

That, of course, is fucking stupid, because Dennis Kucinich and Dick Gephardt are far from the Democratic equivalent of Tom DeLay. They're not our party leaders and they don't have a lot of power in the party.
Gephardt was Majority Leader (same post as DeLay) when the Dems held the House and Minority Leader for a while after they lost control.
He held those posts from 1989-2003.
Of course the question then is did he say such whacko things while he was Majority or Minority Leader?
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."- General Sir Charles Napier

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Post by Darth Wong »

Perinquus wrote:Of course I've said something that rude. I've said a lot worse. And I have even had to cash with my ass the check that I wrote with my mouth as a result of it sometimes. However I can say that I have always at least attempted not to resort to so insulting a tone with my first reply -- and that even applies when I'm dealing with shitbags at work.
Neither do I, when I'm talking to someone who's being honest instead of playing games like your "tu quoque" bullshit.
It's best to start out being civil. You get a better outcome that way. And then you can always take things to a more derogatory or provocative tone if the need arises. But its almost impossible to calm things down if you start with an aggressive or provocative tone.
Oh this is rich, the fucktard who responded to "Perinquus appears to live in fringe-nut land" with "Go fuck yourself you arrogant goddamn asshole son of a bitch" along with an attempted thread-hijack to your "you wouldn't say that if I could punch your face in" idiocy is now lecturing me on how to calm things down! You are trying to win the "most full of shit" award, aren't you?
And you'll just have to excuse me if I harbor just a little doubt that you would really stand in front of most people and throw words like "shitstain" in their faces repeatedly.
No, I reserve that for the online environment. I'm talking about my first comment, you lying evasive little fucktard. You know, the one which elicited your foaming-at-the-mouth primitive knuckle-dragger response?
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC

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Post by Darth Wong »

Wait a minute, could it be that Perinquus has just now figured out that the standard of decorum on this forum is lower than it is when talking to coworkers? Precisely how dense is this man, anyway?
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC

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Post by Perinquus »

Discombobulated wrote:
SirNitram wrote:
Perinquus wrote:I didn't try and fail idiot. I was asked to provide quotes from the other side. I did. You then declared that wasn't enough. Sorry, I met the criteria specified.

The criteria was for an extremist, little one. Once again: Being an asshole doesn't make you an extremist. Try again, fucktard.
I hate to interrupt, but maybe he was talking about the quotes he found of Dennis Kucinich and Dick Gephardt, which were pretty extremist in nature.

That, of course, is fucking stupid, because Dennis Kucinich and Dick Gephardt are far from the Democratic equivalent of Tom DeLay. They're not our party leaders and they don't have a lot of power in the party.
Uhh, excuse me, Dick Gephardt (And despite how Sir Nitram would so obviously love to limit my remarks to Howard Dean, I did quote Gephardt when challenged to provide quotes, so that is what I meant) was was Democratic leader in the House from 1989 to 2003, serving as majority leader from 1989 to 1995 (101st through 103rd Congresses) and minority leader from 1995 to 2003 (104th through 107th Congresses). Gephardt was majority leader in the House when the Democrats were the majority party. Tom DeLay was majority leader when the Republicans were the majority party. How can you claim that these figures are not comparable?
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Post by Glocksman »

BTW: which sector is your union in?
UNITE HERE is the result of mergers between the old International Ladies Garment Workers Union (no jokes, please. :lol: ), the Amalgamated Textile Workers Union, and most recently, the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union.

Our members now mainly work in distribution centers for large retailers (I work at the TJ Maxx DC here in Evansville), the remnants of the textile industry here in the US, industrial laundries, light manufacturing, and large hotels on the East and West coasts.
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."- General Sir Charles Napier

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Post by Metatwaddle »

Glocksman wrote:
Discombobulated wrote:
SirNitram wrote:

The criteria was for an extremist, little one. Once again: Being an asshole doesn't make you an extremist. Try again, fucktard.
I hate to interrupt, but maybe he was talking about the quotes he found of Dennis Kucinich and Dick Gephardt, which were pretty extremist in nature.

That, of course, is fucking stupid, because Dennis Kucinich and Dick Gephardt are far from the Democratic equivalent of Tom DeLay. They're not our party leaders and they don't have a lot of power in the party.
Gephardt was Majority Leader (same post as DeLay) when the Dems held the House and Minority Leader for a while after they lost control.
He held those posts from 1989-2003.
Of course the question then is did he say such whacko things while he was Majority or Minority Leader?
No, the quote about overriding the Supreme Court was from June 2003, when he was no longer minority leader. He was preparing to run for president at that point.
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Post by Darth Wong »

So when Dick Gephardt says that he would overrule the Supreme Court if he felt it necessary (a position unfortunately held by both parties), that is just as extremist as "it's never been proven that air toxins are hazardous to people" or saying that these judges "need to be intimidated"? :lol:
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Post by Lord Zentei »

Glocksman wrote:
BTW: which sector is your union in?
UNITE HERE is the result of mergers between the old International Ladies Garment Workers Union (no jokes, please. :lol: ), the Amalgamated Textile Workers Union, and most recently, the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union.

Our members now mainly work in distribution centers for large retailers (I work at the TJ Maxx DC here in Evansville), the remnants of the textile industry here in the US, industrial laundries, light manufacturing, and large hotels on the East and West coasts.
Since I have in fact worked in a Garment-related environment, I doubt it would be appropos of me to make a joke about it. ;)
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Post by SirNitram »

Perinquus wrote:(And despite how Sir Nitram would so obviously love to limit my remarks to Howard Dean, I did quote Gephardt when challenged to provide quotes, so that is what I meant)
Ah, another lovely lie; that I said that was your only statement. Nope, sorry, fucktard. You simply tried to imply he was an extremist for this:
So Tom Delay is an extremist for saying the things he's said, but Howard Dean is not for saying: "I hate Republicans and everything they stand for"?
What is that argument where you portray what the other guy says as something else, then defeat it? Oh yes! Strawman fallacy! You really need to use less fallacious logic in your posts, Perinquus.
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Post by Durandal »

Perinquus wrote:Dick Gephardt: "When I'm president, we'll do executive orders to overcome any wrong thing the Supreme Court does tomorrow or any other day." (23 June 2003)

Bye bye separation of powers.
Yeah, good thing the Democrats didn't nominate him for president.
Dennis Kucinich: "Citizens across the United States are now uniting in a great cause to establish a Department of Peace, seeking nothing less than the transformation of our society, to make non-violence an organizing principle, to make war archaic through creating a paradigm shift in our culture for human development, for economic and political justice and for violence control. Its work in violence control will be to support disarmament, treaties, peaceful coexistence and peaceful consensus building. Its focus on economic and political justice will examine and enhance resource distribution, human and economic rights and strengthen democratic values." (9 June 2002)

Dennis Kucinich: "I have a holistic view of the world...I see the world as interconnected and interdependent and that leaves no room for war." (May 2003)

Dennis Kucinich: "Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." (9 June 2002)

No, dovish wackjobs find no home in the Democratic party.
I must've missed the part where Kucinich won the Democratic nomination for president.
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