Charter an intergalactic Cruise line(RAR)

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Charter an intergalactic Cruise line(RAR)

Post by FaxModem1 »

So, the Federation met the New(or Old, you pick) Republic a decade ago through the Big Honking Wormhole at the edge of Federation space, things are nice and settled, with them being on neutral terms, if not allies. So, it's time to make some money for those tourists of both galaxies and show off the wonders of the cosmos while making a quick buck.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make a 1 year cruise line (with hyperdrive, just for the sake of travel times) and chart enough planets to occupy that time for tourists to visit, and to keep the ship from being destroyed by pirates, mercenaries, Hutts, Borg, Vong, whatever.

The requirements for this are:
1. Choosing a vessel
2. Picking a crew
3. Choosing at least 5 destinations for them to tour through.
4. Having plans in case of worst case scenarios for example, a territorial dispute, war, technobabble event of the week, space hazards, visits by Q, etc.
5. And doing all this with a reasonable amount of Republic/Federation Credits, the company's not made of money, after all.

So, what's your business proposal?
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Re: Charter an intergalactic Cruise line(RAR)

Post by Lord Revan »

just a quick question does the ship have to have a built if hyperdrive or could it be something like a GCS retrofitted with a hyperdrive?
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Re: Charter an intergalactic Cruise line(RAR)

Post by FaxModem1 »

It can be a trek vessel, but how would you acquire a military ship for a pleasure cruise?
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Re: Charter an intergalactic Cruise line(RAR)

Post by Lord Revan »

Just wondering since while there's an equilevant to modern cruise liner in the imperial/new republic era, I can't remember one for the Old Republic era.
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Re: Charter an intergalactic Cruise line(RAR)

Post by FaxModem1 »

We at least know of the Coronet in the days of the old Republic. Others, I'm not so sure about.
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Re: Charter an intergalactic Cruise line(RAR)

Post by chitoryu12 »

Spaceliners in Star Wars seem to have been pretty damn common. It's not like they suddenly appeared with the rise of the Empire out of nowhere, or that people went millenia without considering making a single one.

Either way, there is an established Galaxy Tours company that was in existence before the Clone Wars. So there's definitely canon evidence beyond simple logical extrapolation.

As for the use of a Galaxy retrofitted as a cruise liner, it doesn't seem totally implausible. They already shove those damn things full of civilians when they're NOT being used as civilian vessels.
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Re: Charter an intergalactic Cruise line(RAR)

Post by Darth Lucifer »

My basic business model is to cater to Imperial Citizens and give them a basic introductory Federation/Alpha Quadrant tour.

1. If we get to use retrofitted starships, I want to start with a Connie-Refit. Not only are they tough ships, I like the pearly white paint and blue deflector unit over the lines of the Galaxy Class.

2. Since this is a pleasure cruise type of deal, I'll be seeking the employ of dabo girls, Ferengi wait staff and bar managers, Orion "Slave" Girls (not real slaves, well compensated employees!), Metamorphs (male and female) and even shapeshifters if I can. I'd prefer Starfleet-experienced personnel for the operations part, but if you've got the right credentials, I think we can slip you on the roster. We also need people who can find exotic things. Like Romulan Ale.

My crew will also be supplemented by holograms and droids, varying in design and function. This may be controversial to both guests and employees, but our policy of being an equal opportunity employer extends to ALL sentient species.

3. Planets to visit: I'll flesh this out later. I have to think about the cooler places in the Federation that would appeal to Imperial Citizens.

4. Worst case scenarios: In most cases, I'd defer to The Starfleet Survival Guide (By David Mack) and obey regulations for Federation ships. Of course if the book fails my other policy is "There is no problem in the universe that cannot be solved by a suitable application of concentrated phaser fire."

5. As a cost saver, my ship isn't as fancy as those Galaxy Class ships with their big holodecks, but I do have a very cool recreation level. Ignore that bald Deltan woman in the robe complaining about the devices serving no function. We have lots of games and other cool shit and they all serve one function...FUN!!

Also energy and $$$ will be saved by utilizing real food instead of replicated. Also a marketing angle since real cooked food is considered sort of a luxury. I'll still have replicators tho, but I don't see the need for transporters; my clientele won't want anything to do with them.
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Re: Charter an intergalactic Cruise line(RAR)

Post by Darth Lucifer »

Sorry, can't edit my OP, so I'll have to ghetto edit...

Wanted to mention the Federation surplus depot, the one with the Zakdorn yardmaster in TNG Gambit (I & II). There were varied and different ships in the field out there, that and other places like it would be a good cheap source to convert starships into civilian cruise liners.

My planetary tour:

Earth and Luna, with a slow cruise out of the Sol system. A flyby of Halley's comet, dance close to the rings of Saturn, check out the moons of Jupiter, etc.

I thought about Vulcan, but the atmosphere is pretty rough on humans, so instead I'll opt for the serenity of Bajor. Deep Space Nine is also a fun place.

I see lots of potential for Post-Dominion Cardassia. Tourism I think will factor largely into its economy long term. Once the trappings of war are stripped away, Cardassia really has a fine culture.

Ferenginar would be a great place to not only have a stop and do some business, the people are more than willing to entertain tourists in any way that involves them giving up lots of $$$...

Lastly, I'll end the trip with Risa, the Federation's finest vacation world.
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Re: Charter an intergalactic Cruise line(RAR)

Post by biostem »

I'd get an old Victory Star Destroyer - rig it for increased automation, and retrofit most of the hangar bay and crew areas into nice state rooms, restaurants, and decent medbay, and perhaps some other luxury areas. I'd keep a small fraction of the weapons; removing and selling off most so as not to appear too aggressive, and also to recoup some of the expense.

If possible, I'd keep at least one hangar, though, and equip it with a few shuttles and like maybe a handful of Z95's.

The ship could make planetfall, so that's a plus.

As for stops, I'd include Earth, Coruscant, Riza, and maybe a few other planets... How is Corellia as far as tourism/safety is concerned? Depending upon it's state in the New Republic era, Naboo might be a good choice to visit.

As for the ship's crew - I'd want a captain and command staff that played it safe rather than tried to impress the passengers. I'd keep n activities director, as well as a few cultural advisers who were up on each planet's customs. There'd be a modest security staff, who would mainly be responsible for the safety and security of the passengers and crew, though I'd also like to maintain a minimal squad of elite troopers, (kept apart from passengers), for if things got dicey. They could also, perhaps, double as pilots for the escort craft.
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Re: Charter an intergalactic Cruise line(RAR)

Post by Lord Revan »

as far as planets to visit in GFFA, you'd best of to stay in the Core and mid-rim systems since those are fairly peacefull and well protected thus solving the pirate issue.
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Re: Charter an intergalactic Cruise line(RAR)

Post by Purple »

Oh gosh darn it.

1. Choosing a vessel
My choice here would have to be a refitted Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 cargo freighter. It's big, elegant, spacious and commands respect. Something that is always good to wow the potential crowds. Internally it's a cargo freighter and one that was meant to be crewed by droids at that. So it should have only a minimal amount of wasted space (things like crew quarters) with the rest being massive cargo holds I can refit into what ever I want with minimal work and structural risk. Plus it's bound to be cheap. God knows that the galaxy was basically overflowing with these back in the day. So there has to be some surplus pile or junkyard I can go to and acquire one relatively cheaply.

The whole ship would be redesigned like a huge space worthy hotel. However in order to save money rather than it being real the entire ship would be partitioned into a myriad of holodecks. This setup should not only be cheaper but also provide an unique experience for my SW native audience. And the ship could be reconfigured between tours to match user input to maximize pleasure and profit in future tours. It would also allow me to use an all hologram crew to save costs and add to the experiance.

First class passengers who pay for the privilege of "royal" class suites would get access to their own personal holodecks in their rooms that would allow them to fully customize their experience and pleasure.

2. Picking a crew
My crew would be entirely non human and non sentient save for the captain and the senior staff. Any and all maintenance would be carried out by R2 droids, preferably cheap old models. And any and all passenger service would be conducted by holographic servants who would all be linked to the ships mainframe and projected through a series of projectors installed in every room on the ship. Yes the initial cost would be high. But in the long run the savings from not having to pay wages should more than make up for it. And the curiosity a hologram crew would present to potential SW customers would be a nice marketing opportunity.

3. Choosing at least 5 destinations for them to tour through.

My ship would travel through the alpha quadrant acting as a mobile hotel and base of operations. When the ship enters a star system it would stay there for several weeks. During this time shuttle craft would fly out to give interested passengers tours of what ever marbles the system has to offer. The cruises would not be mandatory and everyone who declines could instead relax in the ships many facilities.

Earth - Humans will want to see the alt-origin of humanity. Non humans will want to see the capital of an empire that treats them equally. Either way it's an easy choice. The cruise destinations for this system would include any human colonies in the system, a pleasant orbit around Earth with a view of the Feds main shipyards, shopping and sight seeing trips to various destinations on earth etc.

Following this would be an one month long stay on Risa where passengers could enjoy them self and "meet" the Feds.

Following this would be a series of brief stops at each of the major federation planets including: Vulcan, Betazed etc. Each gets a week or so stay for the passengers to tour the system as described above with earth.

After this, the journey would take them to the neutral zone to give them a taste of the strange place. Here they would be told stories about the scheming Romulans and Klingons. And hopefully some could be hired to appear and give the passengers something to write home about. (Meet the strange aliens of the Alpha Quadrant.)

After this the ship would make a long and slow journey back to the wormhole to give the passengers some time to enjoy the facilities and spend their money.

4. Having plans in case of worst case scenarios for example, a territorial dispute, war, technobabble event of the week, space hazards, visits by Q, etc.
I would hire a crew of experienced retired starfleet personnel as a section of my senior staff. They would be explicitly tasked with addressing the technobabble event of the week. If such events are lacking they would also be tasked with acting some out on demand from time to time to give the passengers a good show. This practice would also make it easier to keep them relaxed in the case of an actual event so that it does not disrupt their pleasure unless absolutely necessary.

5. And doing all this with a reasonable amount of Republic/Federation Credits, the company's not made of money, after all.
I have explicitly listed a number of cost cutting measures for both the long and the short term. These will combined with heavy use of surplus equipment such as second hand R2 units and holodecks make for a relatively cheap initial investment.
It has become clear to me in the previous days that any attempts at reconciliation and explanation with the community here has failed. I have tried my best. I really have. I pored my heart out trying. But it was all for nothing.

You win. There, I have said it.

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Re: Charter an intergalactic Cruise line(RAR)

Post by Omeganian »

The Liners category in Wookiepedia seems large enough to choose from.
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