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Star Trek: Insufficient

Posted: 2016-09-24 06:30am
by SolarpunkFan
Basically a faux-script parodying Star Trek Insurrection. I read this years ago and got quite a few laughs out of it. :wink:


Re: Star Trek: Insufficient

Posted: 2016-09-30 03:02am
by FaxModem1
SolarpunkFan wrote:Basically a faux-script parodying Star Trek Insurrection. I read this years ago and got quite a few laughs out of it. :wink:

I gave up after a little while. It's amazing how a decade and a half make pop culture references stop being funny and just sort of 'meh'.

Re: Star Trek: Insufficient

Posted: 2016-09-30 03:16am
by Prometheus Unbound
ye i gave up after about a page... when i realised it was actually a full movie's worth.

A for effort though

Re: Star Trek: Insufficient

Posted: 2016-09-30 03:18am
by Lord Revan
can any one explain that seemingly random violence to animal bit at the start it doesn't seem to make any sense to me, hell it makes even less sense to me then Insurrection did.

Re: Star Trek: Insufficient

Posted: 2016-10-05 10:02pm
by Darth Lucifer
Sojef clubs a cow in the head, which falls unconscious. Sojef proceeds to tear the cow's throat out and eats it hungrily.
Reminds me of "The Beast" Rabban Harkonnen from Dune (1983). That's not funny, that's just gross.

Re: Star Trek: Insufficient

Posted: 2016-10-06 04:36am
by Lord Revan
Darth Lucifer wrote:
Sojef clubs a cow in the head, which falls unconscious. Sojef proceeds to tear the cow's throat out and eats it hungrily.
Reminds me of "The Beast" Rabban Harkonnen from Dune (1983). That's not funny, that's just gross.
and it doesn't make any sense storywise either, for all it's faults Insurrection I never got the feeling that Ba'ku were suppose to be "the true evil" more like naive and misguided but not evil and this just seem the writer of this thing indulging on his brutality to animals fetish.

That's the part when this thing lost me, it was just random violence and brutality for no good reason.

Re: Star Trek: Insufficient

Posted: 2016-10-06 04:53am
by Crazedwraith
I think the point was 'oh look at us saying we're so peaceful and enlightened' and yet if they still eat meat, they still be being cruel and violent to animals. Obviously exaggerated for effect not representative of actual animal slaughter.

Re: Star Trek: Insufficient

Posted: 2016-10-06 05:01am
by Lord Revan
Crazedwraith wrote:I think the point was 'oh look at us saying we're so peaceful and enlightened' and yet if they still eat meat, they still be being cruel and violent to animals. Obviously exaggerated for effect not representative of actual animal slaughter.
well if that's the case by making it so unsudtle they actually ruined the intended meaning, it doesn't come of as showning hyprocrity so much as it comes of as random violence with no ryme or reason.

Re: Star Trek: Insufficient

Posted: 2016-10-07 12:24pm
by EnterpriseSovereign
I raise you this. :mrgreen: