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Posted: 2005-01-14 07:53am
by Crown
Wicked Pilot wrote:Alright, let's cut straight to the chase here.

JeanLucPicard, I see you fly F-22s, that's very impressive. You have my envy. I must ask, where did you get your commission, where did you attend UPT, IFF, and RTU, and what did you fly there? Do you currently fly out of Nellis or Tyndall?
Like he's going to answer. He'll just come back with; 'I can't say, 'cause it is a secret preciouuuuuuus' .... :wink:

Posted: 2005-01-14 08:00am
by Gandalf
Crown wrote:
Wicked Pilot wrote:Alright, let's cut straight to the chase here.

JeanLucPicard, I see you fly F-22s, that's very impressive. You have my envy. I must ask, where did you get your commission, where did you attend UPT, IFF, and RTU, and what did you fly there? Do you currently fly out of Nellis or Tyndall?
Like he's going to answer. He'll just come back with; 'I can't say, 'cause it is a secret preciouuuuuuus' .... :wink:
Perhaps he's doing Top Secret work for the Stratigic Defense Instatute? :P

Posted: 2005-01-14 08:47am
by Sir Sirius
Check out his website, just click the www tab under his posts (or use this link). There probably aren't terribly many 15 year old F-22 pilots with braces...

Posted: 2005-01-14 10:04am
by Wicked Pilot
Crown wrote: Like he's going to answer. He'll just come back with; 'I can't say, 'cause it is a secret preciouuuuuuus' .... :wink:
He'd be the second to give that responce. I've answered every one of those questions at least once on this board, so that obviousily wouldn't fly. Besides, I already know what most of the answers would have to be.
Sir Sirius wrote:Check out his website, just click the www tab under his posts (or use this link). There probably aren't terribly many 15 year old F-22 pilots with braces...
Wow, I find it interesting how he links to a site claiming Kerry lied about his military service while he runs around claiming to fly the F-22.

And his LDraw models suck too.

Posted: 2005-01-14 10:05am
by JeanLucPicard
Sir Sirius wrote:Check out his website, just click the www tab under his posts (or use this link). There probably aren't terribly many 15 year old F-22 pilots with braces...
I just have to laugh @ that comment! lol! Anyhow, in reality, the closest I can honestly claim to being in the Air Force is the Civil Air Patrol. Any of you guys who are in the Air Force should know what it is.

Posted: 2005-01-14 10:24am
by JeanLucPicard
Wicked Pilot wrote:
And his LDraw models suck too.
Hey! I'm not a LDRAW pro yet ok? I just started doing that stuff a couple months ago. And my computer does't have the power to do really large and complex models. And the cool models that I have made in real life have often been made with parts other than Lego brand name ones. So just chill.

Posted: 2005-01-14 12:19pm
by RogueIce
JeanLucPicard wrote:I just have to laugh @ that comment! lol! Anyhow, in reality, the closest I can honestly claim to being in the Air Force is the Civil Air Patrol. Any of you guys who are in the Air Force should know what it is.
I take it you're a CAP Cadet, if the 15 year old comment is to be believed.

That's about as close to being in the Air Force as being in AFJROTC, and that's probably debatable (in favor of the JROTC).

I have had less than positive experiences with them, in case you hadn't guessed. But I'm willing to accept that it just might have been the local Cadet Wing only...

Posted: 2005-01-14 12:38pm
by Elheru Aran
CAP eh? That still doesn't explain what the fuck you're talking about with your lucridious claim of being a F-22 pilot. Here's a hint, boy-- Microprose is NOT the USAF...

Posted: 2005-01-14 12:42pm
by JeanLucPicard
Elheru Aran wrote:CAP eh? That still doesn't explain what the fuck you're talking about with your lucridious claim of being a F-22 pilot. Here's a hint, boy-- Microprose is NOT the USAF...
well, i fly F-22s in flight sims... :roll: but thats about it. i don't even know how to fly a Cessna yet.

Posted: 2005-01-14 12:58pm
by Elheru Aran
JeanLucPicard wrote:
Elheru Aran wrote:CAP eh? That still doesn't explain what the fuck you're talking about with your lucridious claim of being a F-22 pilot. Here's a hint, boy-- Microprose is NOT the USAF...
well, i fly F-22s in flight sims... :roll: but thats about it. i don't even know how to fly a Cessna yet.
Oh? Let's see...
JeanLucPicard wrote:
Howedar wrote: Excellent, a retard being a retard in a non-closed thread.
*pulls out his phaser*

I'm not a retard, I am a Star Trek "expert". I'm also in the USAF, so watch it.
JeanLucPicard wrote:I'm a F-22 pilot. BE afraid. :twisted:
Care to explain? No? We don't look well upon barely pubescent kneejerk kids who bring up topics along the lines of "OMG TREK PWNZ0RS WARZ SUX!!!11!!!" and boast about being in the Air Force and flying the latest in USAF fighters, claim to have several websites and a forum
JeanLucPicard wrote:U evidently arent' aware that I can biuld entire websites. I have my own forum, my sites are registered in Google, Alta Vista, Yahoo!, and several other directories, and I have friends that know a lot...*ill let you figure out what that means*
and then, after you've been thoroughly browbeaten and lambasted all over the place, admit that you're some pathetic, thoroughly lame fucktard from Jerkwater, USA who's got a thing for Lego, is in the pansy-ass little brother force to AFJROTC, and can't build an Internet message board to save your life?
JeanLucPicard wrote:I don't even know how to create a forum from scratch, ok? Just chill out, you're starting to piss me off. (liek you already havent...)
I think I speak for us all, when I tell you straight out to just plain quit it. We are not impresed. You have a lot of work to do before you're going to get ANY respect here...

I'd say "Concession accepted, moron", but since there was never any debate worthy of the name, I shall merely leave you wallowing in this cesspit you dug yourself into...

Posted: 2005-01-14 03:16pm
by Petrosjko
JLP. Mind if I call you Josh?

Well, I don't care if you do or don't because my name is Josh as well, and I'm the one and only. All other Joshs of the world get to use the name because I'm generous about loaning.


Please listen to me and take this to heart. You want to fit in here, that's understandable. But don't try to impress us by making things up. Just be yourself, okay? You're obviously an intelligent young man. Just relax, learn how things are done here, and go with the flow.

The reason the F-22 thing pissed a lot of people off is pretty simple. We have a great many board members who are or were active duty members of the military. One of our members, Coyote, is currently in Baghdad, and we do worry about him and wait for him to get back to the states. Another, Lonestar, has been fishing bodies out of the sea over near Indonesia. Cpl Kendall was maimed for life while serving in the Canadian army, and is in a considerable amount of pain on a daily basis because of it. FrigidMagi served in Iraq with the Marines. The list goes on and on here.

Wicked Pilot here risks his life every time he goes into the air.

My son is at Ft. Lewis, Washington, where he just joined the 2nd ACR as a medic. While they're not supposed to deploy for another two years, having just finished an Iraq hitch, if something goes sideways in Korea or with Iran, in all likelihood he will end up going into combat.

It's personal for nearly everyone on the board, and that's why you got so badly hammered over it. I think most will be willing to forgive and forget, though. Frankly, if you don't have anything you look back and cringe at, you thoroughly wasted your youth, and we understand that.

I understand your enthusiasm. There is a lot of interesting things around here, and interesting things to talk about. Just show us what you really have, and you probably will fit in here. Just remember that it can get a bit rough around here, and if you pick a fight you better be able to back what you say, or you will get burned.

Posted: 2005-01-16 02:02pm
by Superman
Picard, your website says you're a bit too young to be in the USAF. Must be that shining Christian honesty.

Posted: 2005-01-16 05:25pm
by Jason von Evil
Petrosjko wrote:*snip*
Man, I've been out of the loop for far too long. I wasn't aware Kendall was injured.

By the way, that's one of the best posts I've seen in a while. You were calm, reasonable and didn't flame him like so many others have done. As such, you shall be given the Aya Medal of Excellence in the field of Diplomacy. *Pins medal on his chest and hands him a "good for one dinner" Dennies coupon.*

Posted: 2005-01-16 05:58pm
by Petrosjko
Aya wrote:Man, I've been out of the loop for far too long. I wasn't aware Kendall was injured.

By the way, that's one of the best posts I've seen in a while. You were calm, reasonable and didn't flame him like so many others have done. As such, you shall be given the Aya Medal of Excellence in the field of Diplomacy. *Pins medal on his chest and hands him a "good for one dinner" Dennies coupon.*
Well, I did call him a 'lying sack of shit' earlier on, and write a nasty spoof about his proclaimed F-22 piloting l33tnese over in AMP, so in all fairness I can't really accept the award.

I will, however, accept the Denny's coupon without remorse, because Denny's is my favorite chain restaurant.

Posted: 2005-01-16 06:25pm
by Stark
I find it fascinating that while the lad doesn't deny anything directly, and tries to laugh along with much of his bullshit, he never just outright admits he was talking through his ass because a) he thought we were people like him and b) he wants to impress people. I think thats lame; he even responds to posts, but edits OUT parts like 'says Kerry lies about his military service, but lies himself' etc. What does that say about him?

Posted: 2005-01-16 06:45pm
by Petrosjko
He probably is quite used to being the apple of his parents eye, for one thing. The way he thrusts his qualifications forward is indicative that they probably are highly impressed with such things as his CAP membership, debate club performance and so on. I wouldn't be surprised to find out his parents rattle off his various educational highlights when playing the eternal parental game of 'my kid is better than yours'.

So it follows that he learns that outside certifications of qualification loom large in his mind as being the measure of a man, as it were. Combine this with the anonymity of the net and the fact that on most boards one generally doesn't face a mod tracing their IP shortly after a ludicrous claim is made, and he felt quite safe in pulling things out of his ass.

Posted: 2005-01-17 10:25am
by LordShaithis
Retards like this are great reading material. I go now to look up his other contributions.

"Stop making personal attacks or I'll call the admin!"

What I wouldn't have given for Mike to come in and say "Hello, I own this website. Fuck you." :lol:

Posted: 2005-01-17 04:17pm
by Petrosjko
He had a reasonably lengthy exchange with DW over in the HoS.

Posted: 2005-01-21 09:46pm
by Executor32
JLP, you shouldn't be bothered by swearing or name-calling, especially if the one doing so has a damn good reason. As Darth Wong has said in the past, "...they're just words. Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck. See?"

Posted: 2005-01-21 11:49pm
by Winston Blake

Posted: 2005-01-23 12:24pm
by unigolyn
F-22 pilot? Big whoop.

If you look closely at that japanese video, you'll notice that there's a tiny person actually piloting the model Enterprise.

Yes, it is indeed me. I am 3/4 inches tall, and have a pink belt in Savaté. I type on this board by hopping on the keyboard. My penis is three feet long.

Prove me wrong!

Posted: 2005-01-23 12:30pm
by Jason von Evil
unigolyn wrote:F-22 pilot? Big whoop.

If you look closely at that japanese video, you'll notice that there's a tiny person actually piloting the model Enterprise.

Yes, it is indeed me. I am 3/4 inches tall, and have a pink belt in Savaté. I type on this board by hopping on the keyboard. My penis is three feet long.

Prove me wrong!
Way to add to the thread. How about you actually try posting something relevent, instead of a +1 post.

Posted: 2005-01-23 12:36pm
by unigolyn
Aya wrote:Way to add to the thread. How about you actually try posting something relevent, instead of a +1 post.
About as relevant as half of this thread, including the post preceding mine. I could care less about my post count.

(edit: fixed quotes)

Posted: 2005-01-23 01:01pm
by Alyeska
Way to go flaming someone who is already dealt with. unigolyn, watch the mee-tooing. Kissing ass doesn't get you anywhere at

Thread locked.