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Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-05-23 05:16pm
by DaveJB
ray245 wrote:Roddenberry must be cursing in his grave at the thought of someone like Orci being given the helm to the franchise.
This would be the same Roddenberry who employed raging homophobe Leonard Maizlish as his lawyer, and had raging misogynist and all-around incompetent prick Maurice Hurley as his initial right-hand man on TNG?

In any case, the sad thing is that having the heroes of Star Trek (ignoring the Mirror Universe, natch) going around torturing bad guys would actually be nothing new at all. Few people seem to remember that one of the things Manny Coto introduced when he took over on Enterprise was Archer's new-found love of torture.

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-05-23 06:22pm
by Metahive
They wouldn't remember it because Koto didn't introduce it. Archer tortured someone in season 3, in the episode "Anomaly" which was before Koto was brought in. Actually, did Archer torture people afterwards? I don't remember any specific instances. However, Archer's greatest crime was and still is his refusal to save the Valakians from extinction and that's from Season 1. I think that's way more troublesome and disgusting than doing the Jack Bauer routine.
ray245 wrote:Roddenberry must be cursing in his grave at the thought of someone like Orci being given the helm to the franchise.
The Roddenberry who brought us early TNG was poison for the franchise. He brought a stench of pretentious arrogance to the work that I find just as bad as the stupid fratboy douchebro+conspiracy theorist shit that Orci peddles.

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-05-23 08:40pm
by Batman
Archer's greatest crime is existing.
That being said, Trek was better the less say Roddenberry had in it. TOS worked because he didn't get what he wanted, and early TNG stunk because he did.

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-05-24 03:09am
by Borgholio
Roddenberry is like George Lucas in that regard. He had a great idea but he likes to meddle too much. I point to SW Episode 5 as an example. Lucas did not have a major part in writing the screenplay and he did not direct...and look how it turned out. EP-5 is seen as the best installment in the entire Saga. But look at the PT (especially EP-1) where Lucas did as much meddling as Roddenberry did in TNG. Yeah...

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-05-30 10:40am
by SilverDragonRed ... pider-man/

Reading this article has made me even more worried about future Star Trek films.

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-05-30 10:55am
by DaveJB
Metahive wrote:They wouldn't remember it because Koto didn't introduce it. Archer tortured someone in season 3, in the episode "Anomaly" which was before Koto was brought in. Actually, did Archer torture people afterwards? I don't remember any specific instances.
That's only partly correct. Coto didn't become the showrunner until Season 4, but he was initially brought in at the start of Season 3 and was involved in a lot of the creative decisions that season. Admittedly though, it's possible that Archer would have started torturing people anyway since the whole "24 in space" direction had been decided on in late Season 2, before Coto first arrived.

As for specific instances, there was one other case of outright torture I can remember, namely in Carpenter Street, which had not only Archer torturing a guy, but T'Pol tacitly applauding him for doing so. I think Archer tended more to threaten torture in that season than actually carry it out, but it certainly seems like he was willing to go through with it if need be.

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-06-02 01:24am
by FedRebel
Crazedwraith wrote: So yeah. They're letting the guy who's never directed a film before helm their 50th anniversary incredibly expensive sci-fi blockbuster.
...Remind anybody of anything?

You'd think they'd have learned their lesson from the last time.
Studio I was counting on you not taking stupid risks like that. At least he's got new writing partners. Maybe that will help a bit. :-|
Depends on his background, did he write a screenplay higher in quality than 'Gladiator'? Is he a self proclaimed 'Fanboy'?

SilverDragonRed wrote:Well, that is depressing. Has anyone at Paramount thought about asking what Nicholas Meyer is doing right now?
What about LeVar Burton? Paramount pushed him aside to put Baird in the Director's seat for Nemesis, they kind of owe Burton a Trek movie directing role.

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-06-02 09:52am
by Sidewinder
FedRebel wrote:What about LeVar Burton? Paramount pushed him aside to put Baird in the Director's seat for Nemesis, they kind of owe Burton a Trek movie directing role.
If Orci is still the scriptwriter, he'll demand that Burton not alter his script, and bitch the mother of a bitchings if Burton does so anyways- Orci is a Truther, after all, and conspiracy theorists are NOT known for logical thinking. The result will be UGLY.

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-06-02 03:18pm
by SilverDragonRed
I was saying Nicholas Meyer for head writer, but Levar Burton would be a great choicer for director.

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-06-15 11:19am
by Channel72
Whatever - I didn't even really like the Abram's film (the first one) and never bothered seeing the second. As far as I'm concerned, there's little difference now between the Star Trek franchise and any nostalgia-cash-in explosion fest like Transformers.

Sometimes when I watch films these days I really start to feel old. They're so fast-paced, and so F/X-laden, I can barely care about what's happening on the screen. Star Wars Episode IV was basically the equivalent of an F/X-driven blockbuster back in the late 70s, but it had, you know, actual down-time from the action where we slowly got to know the characters. Jesus, that scene where C3P0 and R2-D2 wander around the desert would never happen in today's films.

That's actually why I was pleasantly surprised by Godzilla... at least they took time to build things up, and chose to show the monster sparingly.

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-12-05 07:10pm
by Enigma
Sorry for the necro but this is relevant.

Orci no longer to direct ST3 but will be producer.

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-12-05 08:07pm
by The Romulan Republic
Can't say I'm sad to hear that. Orci sounds like an ass from what I've read about him. Also, I seem to recall reading that this was his first time being a director. The 50th. anniversary Star Trek movie is a big job for a first timer.

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-12-06 12:53am
by Lord Revan
if they can get Burton to direct it would be nice as he seems to know how to direct trek at least from trek episodes I've seen him direct, my only consern there is that his directing style would be too "TV series" to work on the big screen (if LeVar Burton has directed any full length movies I've not seen them)

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-12-06 02:13am
by DaveJB
The Romulan Republic wrote:Can't say I'm sad to hear that. Orci sounds like an ass from what I've read about him. Also, I seem to recall reading that this was his first time being a director. The 50th. anniversary Star Trek movie is a big job for a first timer.
His inexperience wasn't necessarily a deal-breaker by itself. If you take out Robert Wise, then all the Star Trek movie directors up until now have only had a combined total of five films (two each from Meyer and Baird, and one from Abrams) between them prior to working on their first Trek movie.

That said, the name being thrown around right now is that of Edgar Wright, who I'd definitely feel WAY more confident in than Orci.

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-12-22 07:55pm
by Enigma
The new director is F&F6's Justin Lin. I guess now the Enterprise will be painted in gaudy colors and have NOS canisters installed to turbo boost the warp drives? lol Commence Drift Factor 4! Whooooo! .....not.

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-12-23 06:16am
by DaveJB
To be fair, Lin just directs the Fast and the Furious movies. He doesn't have the same level of creative control over them that, say, Michael Bay does over the Transformers movies. And, even with Lin's hiring, Orci's still going to be very much the creative lead on this film... unless the rumours of Paramount being really unhappy with his script are true, and they've installed Lin so that they can potentially switch to a new writing/producing team without also needing to change the director.

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-12-23 11:15am
by SpottedKitty
Enigma wrote:The new director is F&F6's Justin Lin. I guess now the Enterprise will be painted in gaudy colors and have NOS canisters installed to turbo boost the warp drives?
This comment reminded me I have a 3D model of the Enterprise... designed by Chris Foss. Wow, the colours! :wink:

Any leaks/rumours/WAGs about a plot yet?

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-12-23 02:11pm
by Enigma
SpottedKitty wrote:
Enigma wrote:The new director is F&F6's Justin Lin. I guess now the Enterprise will be painted in gaudy colors and have NOS canisters installed to turbo boost the warp drives?
This comment reminded me I have a 3D model of the Enterprise... designed by Chris Foss. Wow, the colours! :wink:

Any leaks/rumours/WAGs about a plot yet?
Suuure... The Enterprise will be outfitted with special landing pads that'll let Kirk bounce the Enterprise to impress the space chicks. :)

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-12-23 02:19pm
by Borgholio
Suuure... The Enterprise will be outfitted with special landing pads that'll let Kirk bounce the Enterprise to impress the space chicks. :)
Space hood rats. I thought mankind evolved beyond those sorts of things. :)

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-12-23 06:46pm
by DaveJB
Borgholio wrote:Space hood rats. I thought mankind evolved beyond those sorts of things. :)
Nah, 23rd century Star Trek was when humanity was still flawed and somewhat interesting. Though a decade or two down the line we'll probably get a nuTrek version of Picard lecturing someone on how the human race has grown out of infancy, and abandoned its need to treat vehicles as penis extensions.

Re: Just... Why? (Orci To Direct Star Trek 3)

Posted: 2014-12-25 01:21am
by montypython
DaveJB wrote:
Borgholio wrote:Space hood rats. I thought mankind evolved beyond those sorts of things. :)
Nah, 23rd century Star Trek was when humanity was still flawed and somewhat interesting. Though a decade or two down the line we'll probably get a nuTrek version of Picard lecturing someone on how the human race has grown out of infancy, and abandoned its need to treat vehicles as penis extensions.
"Yesterday's Enterprise" Picard was a more interesting version to build off of characterwise IMHO.