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Posted: 2008-09-06 06:35am
by VT-16
FSTargetDrone wrote:Are you implying that Time Travel (TM) is somehow overused in the Star Trek franchise? That it is a tired, unimaginative and lazy plot device? That it has been leaned on so much that it has long reached the point of absurdity?
I, for one, am looking forward to Time Trek III - The Search for Time. :P

Posted: 2008-09-06 07:13am
by Crayz9000
Don't you mean The Search for More Time?

Posted: 2008-09-06 03:05pm
by Darth Servo
Crayz9000 wrote:Don't you mean The Search for More Time?
It would be The Search for More Money if that hadn't already been taken by Spaceballs 2 :wink:

Posted: 2008-09-08 03:05pm
by Palantas
Spock travels back in time to save Kirk...hmm...
Someone with better Photoshop skills than me needs to make a picture of an old Spock, standing over a young Kirk, while offering him a hand saying, "Come vit me if you want to live."

Posted: 2008-09-09 02:55am
by Sidewinder
Palantas wrote:Spock travels back in time to save Kirk...hmm...
Someone with better Photoshop skills than me needs to make a picture of an old Spock, standing over a young Kirk, while offering him a hand saying, "Come vit me if you want to live."
Throw in pictures of Spock using a Vulcan's superior strength to manhandle a M134 Minigun, and Terminators slaughtering Borg drones like the lambs they are, to get a high concentration of win.

Posted: 2008-09-09 03:49am
by LMSx
Seriously? A clean reboot, with Captain Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and a giant unexplored universe would have been an excellent idea. Writing an interesting story with Klingons! or such shouldn't be hard for a decent writer with all that room to play with. That their first instinct was to latch onto time travel and an absurd villainous plot doesn't scream creativity.

Posted: 2008-09-12 03:50pm
by Jim Raynor
LMSx wrote:Seriously? A clean reboot, with Captain Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and a giant unexplored universe would have been an excellent idea. Writing an interesting story with Klingons! or such shouldn't be hard for a decent writer with all that room to play with. That their first instinct was to latch onto time travel and an absurd villainous plot doesn't scream creativity.
If they were smart, this new ST movie would have been a fresh start. Maybe not a "reboot" in the sense that past continuity is disregarded in favor of a new interpretation. However, it should have been a movie with a new cast playing younger versions of the classic characters as they had brand new, previously unseen adventures.

Leonard Nimoy playing a time-traveling Spock is only there to please the old-school fans. WHY do they feel the need to appeal to these fans? The die-hard Trekkies are a captive audience, they'll turn out at the theaters even if no one else goes. What they need to do is appeal to mainstream, casual moviegoers.

The fact is that people nowadays don't give a shit about Trek. I'm 24, which means that even TNG was pretty much before my time (coming out when I was 3 or 4). The same goes for a lot of people in their mid-twenties now. No one in any of my social circles watches ST.

This new Trek movie should have been a jumping-on point for NEW fans. Instead, it seems like just more of the same. People who didn't grow up on Trek won't care about Leonard Nimoy reprising his role as some character they may be aware of but never watched for real. If anything, the premise's reliance on previous familiarity will take away from the connection that new viewers could probably make to the movie.

Posted: 2008-09-12 03:53pm
by Bounty
Of course, Spock's timetravel could just be a narrative trick to jump between timeframes. There's been no word whatsoever as to how the time travel element ties into the story; for all we know it's just a side-element.

Posted: 2008-09-12 04:41pm
by Darth Wong
Jim Raynor wrote:If they were smart, this new ST movie would have been a fresh start. Maybe not a "reboot" in the sense that past continuity is disregarded in favor of a new interpretation. However, it should have been a movie with a new cast playing younger versions of the classic characters as they had brand new, previously unseen adventures.
An actual reboot would have been nicer, IMO. It worked well for Batman, after all. Do it over, but alter the premise, back story, and writing style to cater to a more sophisticated audience.

Posted: 2008-09-12 05:37pm
by Superman
Are we 100% certain that this is indeed the plot of the new movie? If it is, I'm not even going to bother wasting money on it.

Posted: 2008-09-12 10:14pm
by Sidewinder
Nimoy would've been an obvious choice for the role of Sarek if the "new" movie was a true reboot.

Posted: 2008-09-13 04:19am
by DaveJB
Superman wrote:Are we 100% certain that this is indeed the plot of the new movie? If it is, I'm not even going to bother wasting money on it.
The writers themselves have confirmed that it involves time travelling Romulans, along with old and young versions of Spock... but that seems to be all we know at the minute.

Early on in the making of this thing, I'd heard rumours that it was going to be like some kind of Trek version of "A Christmas Carol," with the Guardian of Forever taking Spock on a guided tour of Kirk's life in order to find and take out some Romulan assassins that were also trying to terminate Kirk at various points in his life. However, all the pictures and things I've heard since then seem to be pointing to the movie mostly being set at Starfleet Academy, and the early days on-board the Enterprise.

Posted: 2008-09-13 04:24am
by Bounty
However, all the pictures and things I've heard since then seem to be pointing to the movie mostly being set at Starfleet Academy, and the early days on-board the Enterprise.
The only leaked pictures I know of are the Academy set and the shuttle in the factory, so the whole thing can still swing either way.