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Adventures in Art

Posted: 2013-10-18 04:22am
by krakonfour
I'm a total beginner.
Now that that's out of the way, I'm here to show you my infrequently updated attempts on drawing the suits of armor and characters from this thread.

I started out trying to make up a simple frame I could work on... you know, to get the proportions and joints settled down.


The proportions are not biologically accurate, I know, since they are supposed to reflect how the figure looks like with armor on. For example, the chest armor extends below the ribs, and the neck is not not going to be exposed.

Re: Adventures in Art

Posted: 2013-10-18 04:39am
by krakonfour
Here's a shadow with some corners smoothed out.

If you haven't figured it out yet, this thread was made so you can poke holes and critique my work.

Re: Adventures in Art

Posted: 2013-10-18 04:55am
by krakonfour
Work in progress:

I'm drawing one half, then copying it over the frame and seeing if I can mirror the image.

Re: Adventures in Art

Posted: 2013-10-18 02:08pm
by krakonfour
Continued WIP, outline is done.


Re: Adventures in Art

Posted: 2013-10-20 05:58pm
by krakonfour
Monotone coloring:

Re: Adventures in Art

Posted: 2013-10-20 06:46pm
by Lord Revan
is this suppose to have the same portions as a normal human, as eyeballing it seems that either the legs are too short or the torso is too long.

Re: Adventures in Art

Posted: 2013-10-21 02:06am
by krakonfour
Lord Revan wrote:is this suppose to have the same portions as a normal human, as eyeballing it seems that either the legs are too short or the torso is too long.
Look at the first image. The arms are as long as the legs, and the extended knee guard makes the lower legs seem shorter.

Re: Adventures in Art

Posted: 2013-10-21 02:58am
by Jub
On most people legs are closer to half the total length and the hands don't go down too far past the hips. A general rule is that people are roughly 7 head heights tall with one of that being the head, the torso being 2, and the hips and legs being 4. Of course I haven't read the other thread, so I don't know if these are supposed to be human shaped or not.

Re: Adventures in Art

Posted: 2013-10-21 05:07am
by krakonfour
Jub wrote:On most people legs are closer to half the total length and the hands don't go down too far past the hips. A general rule is that people are roughly 7 head heights tall with one of that being the head, the torso being 2, and the hips and legs being 4. Of course I haven't read the other thread, so I don't know if these are supposed to be human shaped or not.
I'm aware of how it is like in real life.
I intended to add proper stilt-shoes to help with running, balancing out the whole arm/leg balance for this suit of armor. However, I'll try and reduce arm length already to see the effect.

Re: Adventures in Art

Posted: 2013-10-21 05:35am
by Jub
Okay, just trying to help. Proportions can be hard even for those who draw all the time.

Of course, those longer arms might have uses when it comes to climbing and throwing things, or perhaps they could even scramble on all fours for a short time.

Re: Adventures in Art

Posted: 2013-10-24 07:57am
by krakonfour
A more correctly proportioned figure:

My next project, an outline. I think I'm going to make the shoulders edge-on so that the torso armor can be shown from the side....:

Re: Adventures in Art

Posted: 2013-10-27 03:16pm
by krakonfour
Horrible sketch + wire frame with proportions and angles: