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In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-22 11:20am
by Vympel
Russian film, "Hot News"

Very similar to Heat. Fun little 7 minutes.

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-26 06:51pm
by Uraniun235
That's a neat little battle. What's the story behind it?

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-26 08:12pm
by weemadando
That is fairly goddamn awesome.

It's like some Russians decided: "you know what, Heat wasn't awesome enough. Nor Russian enough. Let's make it more awesome and Russian."

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-26 09:55pm
by Vympel
Uraniun235 wrote:That's a neat little battle. What's the story behind it?
No idea. I saw it posted elsewhere and liked it so much I posted it here. If anyone can enlighten us, maybe Stas Bush can? :)

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-27 09:42am
by K. A. Pital
That's a copy of Breaking News (2004), a Hong Kong action movie. Pretty straightforward copy if you ask me.

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-27 06:15pm
by Crazedwraith
I was just thinking; this clearly isn't russian enough, I don't see any AKs. When lo and behold the next shot some pulls out an AK and starts putting holes in windscreens.

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-27 07:44pm
by Oskuro
They pull out a rocket launcher. Is this GTA: The Movie or what? :D

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-27 11:11pm
by loomer
Stas Bush wrote:That's a copy of Breaking News (2004), a Hong Kong action movie. Pretty straightforward copy if you ask me.
Holy shit, thank you. I forgot what that was called! I saw it on SBS a couple of years back and really dug it. Now I gotta get that and this and watch them side by side.

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-28 09:51pm
by Vympel
That's a copy of Breaking News (2004), a Hong Kong action movie. Pretty straightforward copy if you ask me.
Even so, it looks awesome. I might very well develop a man-crush on the main antagonist (obviously the guy with the pistol at the end) for pure badass factor.

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-29 03:04am
by weemadando
Crazedwraith wrote:I was just thinking; this clearly isn't russian enough, I don't see any AKs. When lo and behold the next shot some pulls out an AK and starts putting holes in windscreens.

The rampant Makarov love wasn't good enough for you?

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-29 05:11am
by Vympel
Well the pistol play also included Berettas and some other Western guns (specifically that used by the badass antagonist before he switched to his AKS-74U) so it was diluted until they upped the ante with rampant AKs and then topped themselves with an RPG-26. :twisted:

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-29 05:40am
by ray245

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-29 06:52am
by Vympel
ray245 wrote:The Hong Kong version.
I prefer the Swedish director's interpretation from Hot News/ Newsmakers. It's clearly inspired from Heat, whereas the above just seems to be using a single tracking shot as a gimmick. Of course, it doesn't help that it's a more amateurish gunfight (hence the akimbo pistols) but that's purely my personal taste - the criminals (and cops) in the Russian version act like guys who actually know how to use guns.

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-29 09:25am
by Simplicius
Vympel wrote:the criminals (and cops) in the Russian version act like guys who actually know how to use guns.
Except, apparently, for the guy who shoots gangsta style at 2:30. That's a touch of realism in itself, though - someone's bound to be an idiot.

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-30 05:05pm
by fgalkin
Simplicius wrote:
Vympel wrote:the criminals (and cops) in the Russian version act like guys who actually know how to use guns.
Except, apparently, for the guy who shoots gangsta style at 2:30. That's a touch of realism in itself, though - someone's bound to be an idiot.
He also dies a second later, so it's probably intentional, too.

Have a very nice day.

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-30 09:36pm
by Count Chocula
The Russian actors, aside from showing utter contempt for the police by standing in the open, also show a lot more familiarity with weapons. If you look at the character played by Brad Pitt in Heat, he consistently aims his rifle higher than the car or cop he's apparently trying to shoot. Although they do use cover a lot better in Heat.

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-30 09:42pm
by JLTucker
Count Chocula wrote:If you look at the character played by Brad Pitt in Heat, he consistently aims his rifle higher than the car or cop he's apparently trying to shoot. Although they do use cover a lot better in Heat.
Brad Pitt isn't in the film.

Anyway, I like the shootout in Heat more but I hate that there isn't much reloading. If there's one thing the shootout does better than the video linked in this thread, it's that there are no sparks upon bullet impact, if I remember correctly.

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-30 09:58pm
by Count Chocula
JLTucker wrote:Brad Pitt isn't in the film.
Shit you're right, I got the wrong prettyboy. It was:
Val Kilmer. Shooting at the roof of an office building.

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-30 10:36pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Count Chocula wrote:The Russian actors, aside from showing utter contempt for the police by standing in the open, also show a lot more familiarity with weapons. If you look at the character played by Brad Pitt in Heat, he consistently aims his rifle higher than the car or cop he's apparently trying to shoot. Although they do use cover a lot better in Heat.
That is one thing that I honestly thought was pretty silly about that clip, which is that the antagonists mostly stood upright in the middle of the street and fired in all directions, and the only time one of them is hit is when he actually tries to find cover. In the equivalent scene in Heat only Robert DeNiro escapes injury, with Val Kilmer coming within a couple inches of being killed and the driver and Tom Sizemore both killed. And of course in the famous North Hollywood Shootout each of the two shooters was hit many different times and they only survived as long as they did due to heavy body armor. In Hot News I can buy the first cops on the scene failing to hit anything, because they were just carrying Makarovs and were probably spooked by the heavy firepower, but the SWAT team that arrives a couple minutes in totally failing to hit anything was a little sad.

I had two big realism complaints with Heat--first, the way Robert DeNiro kept firing guns while inside cars with no ear protection, especially during the big shootout scene where he fires an M4 at full automatic through the windshield, yet everybody seems to have no trouble hearing subsequently. The second problem is at the end when he goes to the hotel after the shootout (that is, after killing/wounding a half-dozen cops or more) to kill Waingro, and an LAPD officer spots him and tries to arrest him, but DeNiro slips out of it with some quick maneuvering. Like I'm supposed to believe an LAPD officer is going to be gentle enough with a multiple cop-killing piece of shit who just murdered a guy in the next room to give him a chance to do anything. More likely the officer puts one in his head the moment he sees him.

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-30 10:57pm
by Count Chocula
Pablo's post reminds me...Pacino's character taking out Sizemore's character, through iron sights, at 25 yards or more, after an extended gunfight and wind sprints under fire, while Sizemore's character is holding a child to his body and only his head is clearly visible, was a major piece of wank. Wonder how many department policies he violated? :wink: I was surprised in my first three-gun shoot at how much your aimpoint moves when shooting from the prone position at a target after a 100 yard sprint, and how long (10-15 seconds when I was 25 and not smoking) it takes for the front sight to settle down enough for you to hit the target. Granted, I was shooting at 100 yard distant 8-inch plates, so let's say 3-5 seconds to hit an 8x8 target at 25 yards.

So after a shootout and mad dash, Pacino makes a standing head shot past a hostage, then swings his gun up with a "hell yeah" look. Entertaining film, but utterly wanktastic. I concede, though, not as wanktastic as the two-second deploy, aim and fire antitank rocket scene in the Russian movie.

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-30 10:58pm
by Stark
At least he takes time to settle the sights instead of LOL BANG I SHOT U CAUSE I AM HERO like in most movies. :)

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-09-30 11:00pm
by Count Chocula
^ Good point, and instead of the crappy LAPD SWAT issue M16 he's using a "Fuck you IT'S MINE!" Galil.

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-10-16 03:32pm
by Terralthra
Another thing that bothered me about the Russian scene was the SWAT deployment. The van just drove into the middle of the hot are, turned so that the entry door was toward the fire zone, and the deployed? Isn't that the most exposed way to do it, in all respects?

Re: In the mood for a firefight?

Posted: 2009-10-24 10:22pm
by Korgeta
Not bad but some of the shootings in the russian clip had some blatant misses that would simply not occur in the real world, not to mention that about bang on the 30 second mark, the man who shoots the first gunman maintains standing and non moving as he carries on firing, it left him blatntly standing as a marked man. Or 1:17 of that clip, I can accept the guy being saved was needed to add the emtional finalie of a friend saving a fallen comrade but the man saving his friend was in point blank range of being shot and still dosen't get hit. It reminds me of the quote from red dwarf where a character after being shot at endless times states 'why don't we meet anyone that can shoot straight?' Quite entertaining though if one more nitpikk would be added, they would have sent more then one squad van to ensure the gang didn't have a escape route. Ah well, you can't be perfect and the rocket launcher was pretty much fun to watch.