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Zlyx Cookies

Posted: 2003-01-16 07:54pm
by Crix Dorius
Zlyx is one of our Characters in our Online-RPG...


Re: Zlyx Cookies

Posted: 2003-01-16 07:58pm
by Ted
Cool, you've got a hell of a lot of stuff, you do it all yourself, or do it with friends?

Posted: 2003-01-16 08:01pm
by Kuja
He looks like one tough dude. :twisted:

Posted: 2003-01-16 08:07pm
by Crix Dorius

I doing all this self.

Posted: 2003-01-16 08:15pm
by Crix Dorius
Tough dude ?!? :lol:

He is the leader of the science sektion...

And he is mad...
Very mad...

In the RPG an in RL (real live). :wink: