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Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-05 06:03pm
by Zor

(Note: Done on Cardstock instead of the usual white printer paper)

The Elven Lord was annoyed by the hovering outlander scouts that had surveyed his land and was annoyed further when after he made demands to a captured one to leave, they told him to make contact with their leaders in a patch of wilderness nearby his capital. When he and his trusted psionic interpator left to confront their leader, they met with an usual creature who informed him what she was, and one thing they found out was that the word She only applied to her when she desired it to. The form she had was but a vessel for a being which was genderless, a combination of organic neural tissue and nanotechnological electronics merged very tightly with incredible processing power and data storage capacity that was a dificult thing for a psionic to look through, and that she could exchange bodies just as freely as an Elf could change clothes. She was not born, she was commisioned and created, comming into existance effectively adult and knowning the knowledge of her kind. However, the psionic could still sence deception and on hearing this responce, she told her case clearly.

She explained to them that they were from another universe and that tens of thousands of years ago, their ansestors were once like the races of men which inhabited the mainland. Then the humans had moved down a path of technological development, similar to what the Humans and Dwarves had recently set themselves along and eventually created machines so sophisticated that they rebuilt themselves to gain effective imortality, improve their ability to think and direct command of finely made mechanical bodies. These creatures built specialized vessels and set out beyond the confines of their world and conquered millions of worlds as they expanded across the universe, crushing all resistance in their path.

In a freak accedent involving the systems that allowed her ship to effectively outrun light itself, she arrived in this universe and made her way to this world. Then she made her desires clear to the Elven Lord and give to this world a guift of evolution, coverting this race into beings just liker her and demanded that the Elven Lord surrender his people peacefully for cyberization or face forcible conversion. The Elven Lord reached for his sword, but with that the floating machines which flanked him drew their weapons against him and she gave out a faint chuckle, explaining that he would be cinders before he could fully unsheath his weapon. Afterwards she informed the monarch that she had other monarchs to adress on this matter, leaving the Elf Lord to contemplate the future of his people.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-06 04:53pm
by Zor


(Timeline 6192)-A rough list of Land Warship classes (rough era 1925-1950), this is leaving out Land Carriers (Aircraft, Crawlabout and Hybrid), Land Monitors, Conventional Land Destroyer and Land Cruisers.

Land Battleship-The core of the Line of Battle on land, Land Battleships are mobile and highly durable artillery platforms able to lay waste to divisions of infantry and threaten cities with heavy Bombardment. They also serve as mobile command centers and have medical facillities to support wounded soldiers. After 1920, many nations began modifying Land Battlships to carry a small number of scout planes. By the Second Great War (1942 to 1948), Land Battleships remained key components of military, playing key roles in the Saharah Campaigns by the Marine del le Terre and the Royal Land Navy's African Fleets against Germany and Itally and on the Eastern Front but new developments such as bomber aircraft and praticularly the 2,500 kg warhead of the Korolev Anti Battleship Rocket towards the end of the war gradually spelled the end of the era of the Land Battleship and the deal was finally sealed when the British Empire tested the first Fission Bomb in 1952. The future of the Land Navy would belong to a new generation of Land Cruisers, Carriers and Destroyers.

Amphibious Destroyer-Two Catagories of Land Destroyer emerged after the first Great War, the conventional and the Amphibious Destroyer. Amphibious Destroyers were pioneered by the British Empire, the Italians and the Japanese. Amphibious Destroyers are able to operate in calm waters, including to a limited degree in oceans. This comes at the expense of decreased overland speed and armor, and vunerability at sea to dedicated Naval Ships. On three occasions during the second Great War, squadrons of German Amphibious Destroyers raided Great Britain, but of the fourty eight craft involved in this operation, only twelve ever returned. The Imperial Japanese Land Navy was primarally composed of Amphibious Destroyers during it's Chinese and South East Asian campaigns of the 1930s and 1940s.

Self Propelled Guns-The terrestrial equivelent of the torpedo boat, short range self propelled guns really on numbers and stealth to deal with heavier Landships, as well as low cost artillery. The Primary purpose of the Land Destroyer is to screen larger fleet elements from these vehicles.

Crawlabouts (also known as crawls, crawlers and crawlies)-Crawlabouts are light treaded raiding vehicles used by Land Navies for raiding, escorting self propelled guns (and latter anti-ship missile launchers), city fighting (that does not involve crushing blocks under tread) and low cost patrols. To rapidly transport, deploy and support squadrons of Crawlabouts and Self Propelled guns Behind enemy lines, Crawlabout Carriers are used.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-07 07:12pm
by Zor

First color pick (done with pecil and Photoshop, which i am still learning to use)

Portrait of a Posthuman Female general use body. The Body itself is robotic with silicone skin, containing a cybernetic brain. The body is intended to replicate human capacities, including having a spectroscope for tasting food (as well as a waste disposal system for similar purposes). The visor like eye has a single lid allowing for a considerable degree of Expression and the hair is actually a single peice unit (although hairlike wigs are also common). The overall effect is to replicate the basic form of their evolutionary predecessors while remaining visually distinct from H. Sapiens.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-11 12:53am
by Zor

The Sharkhound, a creature from an alternate Earth in which Sharks, Not Lobe Finned Fish colonized the Land. Sharkhounds are Leopard Sized social predators, using teamwork to bring down larger creatures using their many clawed paws and their fearce Jaws. To better camoflauge with it's background it has a tigerstripe pattern on its skin. Below is a newborn (and yes born, Landsharks quickly gave up on eggs in favour of live births) Sharkhound Pup.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-13 02:55am
by Zor

It was twenty five years since the Zhong first came. Before then the only thing that seperated the Zhong from any number of other legendary lands that were east of the Great Mountains and the Northern wastes was that of fine silk that rivaled that of the finish Elven weavers and a few artifacts (mostly ceramics and laquerware, but occasionally some clever little mechanical device) which had been ferried overland by series of convoys and the rare explorer, driven by burning desires to see what lay beyond and was willing to face Cold mountains, burning deserts and the various peoples and beasts that inhabited both of them or risk crossing seas which was home to pirate hoards on it's surface and other foul things below. Exact details about the lands of the Zhong varried massively, but most of them spoke of a great and vast human empire that had split into several warring states, each claiming that it was the legitimate sucssesor to the former Empire that waged war with each other to reclaim the lost Jade throne.

This element of the stories also proved to be the most true, at least until thirty seven years ago when the the armies of lord Zhao managed to sucseed where a thousand other ambitious claiments had failed to and reunited the Zhong under one banner. But his thirst for power was not satiated in the re-unification. After seven years of consolidation he sent forth scouting missions and ordered a vast fleet be constructed. At first a few sightings of strange "burning Ships" were seen off the coast in smoke clouds, then odd "merchants" appeared in unusual wooded vessels called "Junks" selling ceramics, trinkets and textiles while buying maps and making conections. Then, a thousand ships with iron hulls powered by burning steel hearts came, carrying cannons that made those mounted on Human, Elvish, Orcish and Dwarven craft look like firecrackers. The heavily armored predators of this armada forced dozens of port cities to surrender with threats of destruction through bombardment while large troopships unloaded tens of thousands of armored riflemen backed up by forces of Geomancers able to shape the local topography to suit their needs, Steam powered walking Machines, Elite women warriors with command of devestating solar magic, savage tiger men, flying tengu, animated statues intrusted to guard the remains of fallen officers that are brought into the fray and clockwork mechanical men commanded by the souls of fallen warriors. These armies had but one goal, to subjugate the lands of the Barbarians for the glory of their Emperor.

With this invasion, the Human and Elven kingdoms, the Dark Elvish Lordships, the Dwarven Realms and even the Dark Lands of the Orcs and their kin and the various catagories of Undead gradually banded together to resist this onslaught. Erlathan was a member of an Elite Ranger Cadre send against the Zhong Agressor and fought in the great battle of Gauntlet Valley to hault a Zhong Army moving towards the capital of the Kingdom of Dellmoore six months after the invasions began. In battle he saw how devestating the refined combat magics and machines could be. Even with the aid of Wyrmriders, several battle mages of notable strength, Dwarven runic artillery, Fearless Zombie infantry and brave human knights the battle was lost and the army routed. His cadre fell back into the surround forest to wage a guerilla campaign, only to suffer several bullet wounds several months in. Without a healer and not wanting to hinder his cadre in their efforts he made his way into the former capital of Dellmoore to keep an eye on what was going on.

As Erlathan moved about the city and took notes, he watched as the population of the city swelled as settlers from the lands of Zhong came in and as families of farmers were uncerimoniously uprooted as more and more of them became redundant to mechnization. His finely tuned skills as a woodsman he found had become completely useless in city and he moved from one drudging unskilled job to another, each mindlessly repetitive, taking up most of the day and paying very little. Eventually he turned more and more to begging which allowed him to observe things on the street more easily. He watched as the city itself was taken apart and rebuilt, new laws were put into effect demanding new buildings be built in Zhong style architecture, a newly established set education programs and schools replaced phonetic writing with Zhongian calligraphy and as dress codes for various buildings and clothing stores replaced the local cloaths with fashions from the other side of the world. Even the local minority of dwarves began embracing these foreign ways while he kept his own clothing, partially out of pride, partially out of being unable to afford replacements. One day he lost connection with his Cadre, he did not know why, whether they were killed or captured or if they had written him off as dead or now useless. As that happened, he began to slip into alcoholism. He read the propaganda of ongoing campaigns, but dismissed most of it. Now he spends his days in the streets with his old helmet collecting the odd coin, occasionally writing notes in cheap notebooks using second hand pencils. Every night, he looses himself in cheap liquor before drifting off to sleep while arround him things and people become increasingly different. As he curls up in dark alleys, he dreams of his small cottage deep in Silven forests, his family and a simple life that he had come to love. These dreams are sometimes twisted by his mind into nightmares where that home he loved so much is destroyed under foot of a steam walker and everything he loved about his home is reshaped by the Zhong.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-13 03:22pm
by Zor

A Zhong Rifleman standing over the remains of a Barbarian Warrior. After the fall of the catastrophic collapse of Tsung Dynasty in 873 of the Forth Age, the lands of the Zhong entered what was known as the waring states period. Thirteen local generals claimed sucession to the Jade Throne which carved out thirteen kingdoms from the old empire. For half a millenium these factions waged war, honing their mystical abilities and pressing them to develo war machines and industrial technology to give them the advantage. It only ended due to the tactical brilliance of Lord Zhao and the skills of his political and spy corps, which played rival against rival as he built up his realm and re-united the Zhong under his banner. However while most Zhong rulers would have been content to rule over a re-unified empire, Zhao desired something greater and sent out his armies to conquer the western barbarian kingdoms.

Human Riflemen are the backbone of the Zhong Army. Recruited from volunteers and levied commoners and peasants, riflemen are armed with bolt action rifles and bayonet and are clad in silk and steel armor to protect them arrows, shrapnal, in close quarters and to a limited degree against pistol shot. Riflemen generally fight in trenches or in makeshift forts and are able to rain a deadly barrage of lead against anyone that gets within a Li and a half of their possition (on clear terrain). They're are rarely any shortage of recruits for the army as army service offers the rewards of plunder, good pay and for those with the ambitions to become officers, tracks of land and positions of power on retirement. Already in conquered territories, various groups of westerners that have been liberated from their barbarism, including a few Dwarves and Orcs have been inducted into a few new divisions of Riflemen.

In the 25 years since the invasion began, the westerners have had some minor sucsess in meating the threat the Zhong pose. Gradually they have abandoned melee weapons save for a few Elite Shocktroopers with mystically enhanced armor and have moved towards ranged weapons. The Dwarves (which had the most advance guns before the Zhong Invasion) have managed to devise firearms comprable to those of the Zhong in rate of fire with higher calibers, as a handful of powerful runic weapons. Humans have devised some effective firearms but have faced considerable production bottlenecks while the Elves have only slowly adopted firearms and cannon due to conservatism and still highly really on the longbow and especially magically enhanced arrow.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-14 10:57pm
by Zor

Zhong Iron Beast (also known as Iron Dragons). These machines are an arcane combination of clockwork mechanics and magic. Commanding each of these mechincal is a jade vessel containing the soul of an animal (usually a specially trained Dog, Boar or Monkey, in this case a Dog) which commands its new form through an intracate device and should it be destroyed the machine stops working. The making of Iron Beasts is a delicate art and requires skilled artisans to make the complex devices inside them (althoguh some components can be produced fairly easily), train animals (which continues after being placed in their metallic forms) and maintain them, as well as requiring highly dedicated specialists to command them in combat. Said specialists generally command packs of between five and ten such creatures.

This praticular Iron Beast is fairly typical, although dozens of sub varients exist due to the artisan nature of their construction. This often plays hob with logisitics. Specially treated silk is used to fill in the gaps between the gaps in the armor to protect sensitive mechanical systems from dust and so forth. This unit can run at 100 Li per Hour and can jump nearly 8 bù. Iron Beasts commanded by the souls of Dogs tend to be built more for speed, those commanded by the souls of boars tend to be more heavily armored and armed and those commanded by Monkeys tend to have heavy apelike builds, anti-infantry armaments and are good in close combat, being able to go up against Trolls and Golems. For armament this one has a low caliber cannon, a magazine loaded from a hatch on the bottom, its meathook like claws, its jaws (able to crush armor) and a mouth mounted flame thrower. Iron beasts tend to have holdovers from life, notable among them is a tendancy to attempt to eat corpses. The Arcane clockwork systems inside them don't need conventional sustinance (although they do require "recharging" after periods of activity by the artisan mages responsible for their care), but various alchemists and engineers have made use of this trait by putitng in oboard processers which convert flesh eaten by these machines into fuel for the flamethrowers. To conduct repairs, recharge, safely transport, load and do other nessisary things to these machines, Iron Beasts have an off switch. Iron Beasts can be salvaged and repaired after withstanding a suprising amount of damage so long as the jade vessel is not destroyed and many iron beasts have components of older fallen machines inside them.

Due to their comparitively small numbers (only about 2,000 exist in total and only a few dozen are produced each year) these machines are used sparingly. The main use for Iron boars and dogs is to have packs of them lead by mounted masters move ahead of the main forces of the army and raid enemy supply lines, villages and posistions while Destroying Enemy scouts. On the Battlefield they are used in a similar manner to cavalry, flanking enemy posisitions. Monkeys (which are generally the slowest) are either sent against praticularly durable formations of infantry or formations of enemy monsters or are kept in reserve to defend riflemen and trenchlines sould the enemy get to close. The prefered tactics used against iron Beasts by the westerners involve long range bombardment with artilllery, sending creatures such as trolls and Golems against them as well as using slayers. However if at all possible, the prefered targets are that of their trainers. While Standby trainers exist for this purpose, it does cause them to loose clear tactical direction.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-17 01:03pm
by Big Orange
Steampunk Zhong Dynasty, how awsome!

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-17 03:04pm
by TheMuffinKing
This is awesome stuff Zor, very inspirational (grabs pencil and paper...)!

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-17 04:00pm
by Zor
TheMuffinKing wrote:This is awesome stuff Zor, very inspirational (grabs pencil and paper...)!
I am honored by this comment, honestly your artwork is better than mine in a lot of ways.


(Fairly quick sketch) A Zhong Mandarin, a scribe and a captured Drow assassin. Besides the Emperor who rules with the authority of the Mandate of Heaven, those that gain political position in Zhong society do not inherent their posistions, but rather gain them through that of their administrative skills by passing through a series of five tiers by means of passing five exams (as well as exemplary preformance). Although there is bias towards urban centers (which have better access to higher education and thea actual facillities in which examinations take place) and upper class people (which can afford tutors and drugs which decelerates aging by a factor of 3). The highest level is that of Mandarin, which serve as regional administrators for various provinces. In the last hundred years, these exams were gradually opened to women, first as a means of filling administrative gaps and latter and latter gradually intrusting female bureaucrats to ascend to higher administrative positition by opening up tier by tier over a period of decades.

This system is currently being imposed on the Zhong's western colonies, replacing the previous barbarian fuedal systems which existed in these areas beforehand. Mandarins which oversee these facillities have much more on their plate than those in the homeland, they have to oversee not only the smooth operation but the creation of vital systems such as education, industrialization, urbanization, establishment of a police force and the careful dismantling of pre conquest society so that Zhong Culture and Civilization can be established in it's place, as well as often dealing with uprisings, ethnic coflicts, riots and related problems. Pictured above is Zsen Hao (in her officiall regalia), ruler of the Fifth Western Province (formerly Dellmoore). Behind her is her personnal assistant and one of several Dark Elf assassins that attempted to kill her. As a matter of conviction involving the superiority of Zhong civilization after reading about the Sadism and display and their beliefs of superiority exibited by Dark Elves she ordered that any Drow assassin that was captured be kept alive in a special prison, be given adequete food and water and be exempt from any corperal punishment so they may be used as examples to other Drow on how their so called inherent superiority is a myth.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-18 04:37am
by Zor

A trio of Zhong Soldiers, 255th Division (Tigers of the West).

(Left to Right)

Corperal Stoutblade Harga: a member of the established Dwarf minority of Dellmoore, Harga was but a child of six a blacksmith when the capital city fell to the Zhong. He was notable for starting his education in the first semester of the fledgling school. At age 27 he signed up for the military to provide assistance to his father, who lost his workshop and a leg in a explosion caused by regressive Barbarian Terrorists. Harga is in general well mannered and thoughtful and his company have found his basic but competant ability with runes to give them a respectable boost in preformance. While he a competant soldier on the battlefield who does not shy away from facing down Barbarian Armies to liberate them from savargy, he holds a praticular distaste for rebels and he meets them with a rage which has inflicted on him numerous positive and negative consequences by his superioris.

High Seargent Zei Tian: Born in the Zhong Homeland, Tian was never praticularly happy with being assigned to the western lands and has some resentment towards colonial troops, seeing them as undisiplined and having too many inproper ways, although two years fighting has caused him to change his mind somewhat. Tian is a by the book NCO, he has gone over the scrolls time and time again and knows them end to end. He does have a tendancy to avoid unessisary movement and does have an affinity towards strong drink and large quantities of food, but he is never one to shy away from a fight and is good at making sure individual men are doing what they aught to be doing and keeping them out of trouble.

Captain Xiong Liwei: Son of a carter working as a camp follower with a force of Porgorian knights early in the war, Liwei (then called Chociebor) saw several villages being sacked for food and after a battle was found by Zhong Soldiers and sent to boarding school afterwards. He joined the military after the war out of a personnal conviction that Western Resitsance forces where hypocritical thugs as well as barbarians. He proved to be sucesseful as a commander through his ability as a soldier and a skill at being able to using covert and underhanded tactics to gain the advantage in both combat and in army politics. Never the less he does have specific things he won't do, the most notable of which being handing anyone over to a torturer if he can possibly help it or having anyone under his command looting off anyone who is not a dead soldier. He is sarcastic although tries to avoid being too dark. He is coldly effective on the battlefield and above all else loathes knights.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-18 11:24am
by The Cooler King
I'm really liking a lot of the tech and animal/alien designs. Are you a fan of Wayne Barlowe, by any chance?

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-18 02:29pm
by Zor
The Cooler King wrote:I'm really liking a lot of the tech and animal/alien designs. Are you a fan of Wayne Barlowe, by any chance?
Yes i am.


Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-18 04:46pm
by The Cooler King
Zor wrote:
The Cooler King wrote:I'm really liking a lot of the tech and animal/alien designs. Are you a fan of Wayne Barlowe, by any chance?
Yes i am.


I can see it, in some of the design work for the aliens. Good show, sir!

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-22 08:11am
by speaker-to-trolls
If the Drow your Zhong have to deal with are anything like most 'oh so refined, oh so evil, oh so deserving of a campaign of complete cultural annihilation' type dark elves, wouldn't they just view treating prisoners humanely as a sign of weakness?

I like the design of the dog machine, I think that's got just the right look for Chinese steampunk. I also like the design of the land battleships (even though the idea of land battleships is a little too silly for its own good, IMHO).

Your figures are good but I think you need to work on making all the characters in one shot look like they are standing on the same level, several of them in that group shot with the dwarf, for instance, look like they are standing at slight angles to one another, I think it looks a little unreal.

Anyway watching this thread with interest.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-22 08:11pm
by Zor
speaker-to-trolls wrote:If the Drow your Zhong have to deal with are anything like most 'oh so refined, oh so evil, oh so deserving of a campaign of complete cultural annihilation' type dark elves, wouldn't they just view treating prisoners humanely as a sign of weakness?
Think of it more as "Your great assassins, known as silent unstoppable dispencers of Death stand before you, captured and bound, living proof of that your vaunted superiority is a myth." That and i am casting the Zhong as being distinctly culturalist (Zhong civilization stands at an apex, all other cultures are Barbarism which it's adherents need to be liberated from) but not (on any formal official level at least) Racist.
I like the design of the dog machine, I think that's got just the right look for Chinese steampunk. I also like the design of the land battleships (even though the idea of land battleships is a little too silly for its own good, IMHO).
The Zhong are a bit dificult to work with. Steampunk is (for obvious reasons) generally a very European thing in nature and one thing i don't want to have some Oriental aesthetics but not to overdo things (remove your ability to see X machine as being functional mostly). The car in the background of the first Zhong picture is a good example of Zhong asthetics applied well. The Big idea with the Land Battleships was to present said silly idea as being beleivable and it came out of a testing thread about obsurd legislation with some imput from Coyote.

Thanks for the Imput.


Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-23 12:32am
by Zor
I have a new Zhong image ready to be scanned, but the family had to replace the scanner recently.


Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-24 03:02am
by Zor

Zhong Incinerator (proper title 火焰喷射器步兵), a catagory of specialist infantry that each rifle division generally has a company assigned to. Incinerators are armed with Flamethrowers (as well as a pistol sidearm). While there utility of said weapons is admittedly of marginal use in comparison to riflemen on the battlefield, Incinerators are fairly useful in forested terrain, dealing with some of the more organic forms of warbeasts (such as Trolls, Orges and especially Ents that the Western Barbarians sometimes send against Zhong Forces), the Undead, as weapons of Terror and for clearing out rooms in fortresses or in underground tunnels. They were also proved to be critical in the campaigns against Wood Elf enclaves.

Incinerators are mostly volunteers from regular riflemen and tend to get higher pay and better retirement packages. A handful are put in this posisition as a disiplinary messure for periods of several months. This has to do with the fact that there flamethrowers tend to explode if hit by gunfire. To protect against smoke, incinerators are given gas masks. A notable facit among Zhong Incinerators is a tendancy to develop an intensive and thorough outlook on keeping things in proper lookout on working order. The Dragon Head is a standard feature of flamethrowers is standard for reasons dating back to the Sixth Wen/Xiou war in the warring states period.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-24 03:49am
by Shroom Man 777
I like the fact that it's got a dragon face! :D

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-25 11:15pm
by Zor

Falcon (mark-1) Space Superiority Fighter: put into production in 2034, the Falcon is based off an earlier Centaur (Common Human Name, the words that the Centaurs use for themselves is quite unpronouncable by human volcal cords, they are the evil herbivores depicted earlier in the thread). The objectives of the Centaurs was to have earth develop a space based military to gain a tactical advantage over a powerful rival species known as the Hunters to humanity by forcing them to either expend resources attempting to conquer a militarized earth or to force them to break their fleet in two to gain an advantage and then conquering earth after victory over the Hunters had been secured (assuming humanity survived the war). Using false information, Earth was given resources that allowed it to establish several shipyards between 2030 and 2041 and eventually to produce several models of Centaur warship. The Falcon Mark-1 was the first military spacecraft that was produced from said efforts, with the only modifications being to accomidate two human crew instead of one genetically engineered Centaur pilot. It is armed with a single laser turret and 16 counter missiles and it's primary purpose is to escort Torpedo bombers, intercept long range anti-ship missiles, intercept enemy fighters attempting to do the same, harras enemy capital ships and occasionally launch an attack against ligher assests such as corvettes. At the battle of Saturn (2042), an joint Centaur/UN Armada fought against a Hunter warship, overcomming it using sheer numbers, albiet with high casualties. Among the most sucsesful and decoraded fighter squadrons of the battle was the American 37th Squadrons (the Spartans) which scored the most kills during the battle and became Heros afterwards, especially since the US Battlegroup took the second highest causualties of the battle, loosing all but one of its cruisers and three destroyers and was only second because the Indian Battlegroup was completely whiped out save for a few fighters. Using what technology could be salvaged, the Falcon would become the foundation for latter catagories of Human Starfighters.

The General attempt here is to create as realisitic a starfighter as possible, leaving aside the fact that starfighters are in of themselves rather impractacle

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-25 11:28pm
by Shroom Man 777
I like the fact that it's a space fighter, but looks like a microscope rather than anything aerodynamic - because there is no air in space.

That Chinese dragon flamethrower with a dragon head must be able to bite. Like, if the fuel runs out, they can use the dragon head to bite people.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-26 12:27am
by Zor
Shroom Man 777 wrote:That Chinese dragon flamethrower with a dragon head must be able to bite. Like, if the fuel runs out, they can use the dragon head to bite people.
I think you would appreciate the fact that i considered making a Zhong Picture which went along with "I'll make a man out of you" from Mulan amd started workin on it, but could not make it work.


Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-26 12:35am
by Shroom Man 777
What was its subject matter? A bunch of Imperial Chinese PUMPING IRON and learning KUNG FU and how to make people's kidneys explode by twisting people's pinkies? :D

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-26 01:25am
by Zor
Shroom Man 777 wrote:What was its subject matter? A bunch of Imperial Chinese PUMPING IRON and learning KUNG FU and how to make people's kidneys explode by twisting people's pinkies? :D
Nah, just a tribute to one of the two best musical numbers disney ever done (the other being Hellfire, tied by apples and oranges factor in my book) with a few humorous twists in line with the reason i came up with the Zhong, which is unleashing onto what is in the west conventional fantasy (Tolkienesque stuff) a non european nation with some ideas of mine thrown in with some steampunk thrown as it gives me some nice points to work with (among them being Asian Steampunk and consequences of Industrialization socially).


Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-27 01:56am
by Zor

Three ships of the Zhong Navy. Against the West, the Zhong have quickly established near complete Naval Superiority. The primitive wooden craft of the barbarian westerners can not stan up against the Iron Hulls and cannons of Zhong Warships. Only a few mystical Elven craft and the small numbers of ironclads mantained by the dwarves even come close to being able to hold a candle against Zhong Warships and even then they remain outnumbered. The only major susess that was ever met against Zhong Naval superiority by these barbarians was in the sealing off the Silver Sea and trapping a few squadrons inside it. And only then because said sea is only accessable by two long narrow straights that were extensively re-fortified.

The largest is an Iron Island, one of six craft built of this class. The Iron Islands are collosal ships, slightly longer than a Li in length. These craft are heavilly armored but lightly (for their size) armed. These ships are slow, only capable of at most 25 Li per hour at best but they can carry a very large load, tens of thousands of tonnes of cargo and thousands of soldiers. During the early phases of the invasion, Iron Islands under escort unloaded armies which occupied entire cities, as well as serving as command centers for the army, flagships for the fleet as well as mobile hospitals. On it's side are two ports for loading equipment onto landing craft (as pictured). Currently three of these ships are being used to transport industrial equipment, walkers and soldiers to the west from the Zhong Homeland, one is serving as the mobile base of a rapid responce force to deliver a force of soldiers to releive coastal areas while the other two are undergoing refit.

To it's side is a typical Zhong Cruiser, one of several dozen used for general naval patrol along with larger battleships and other small. In the Eastern Sea they are used to protect commerce against a few naval rivals that the Zhong have.