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Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-03-31 08:49am
by aerius
SancheztheWhaler wrote:Oh, and by the way, thanks very fucking much for siccing Justin Beaver on us. Way to go Canada... way to fucking go...
That's what we do with our singers when we can't stand them anymore, we send'em on a tour of the US so that we can be rid of them for a while.
You will take him and you will love him. Or do you want more Celine Dion?

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-04-01 04:42pm
by J
SancheztheWhaler wrote:Oh, and by the way, thanks very fucking much for siccing Justin Beaver on us.
You're welcome! I'm glad you love him as much as our teenage girls do.

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-04-03 05:38pm
by Enigma
SancheztheWhaler wrote: Oh, and by the way, thanks very fucking much for siccing Justin Beaver on us. Way to go Canada... way to fucking go...
You'll never know what kind of shit we'll throw at you. Alanis Morrisette, Celine Dion, Justin Bieber.....who'll be next to plague you american pigdogs? :twisted:

Also, we should not be surprised of the existence of vanity record labels. They've been around for decades. I've got in a record holder, 4 vinyl records of local high school marching band music from 1950. They were made by some vanity record label. If there's a market for ordinary people wanting to produce music then there's somebody willing to offer such service.

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-04-03 06:29pm
by Morilore

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-04-06 08:38am
by Rye
RedImperator wrote:Anyway, I don't think this is a way to really cut the music industry out of the loop. Video sharing already provided that, and most independent musicians presumably already have their own instruments. I have no idea what it costs to rent a studio, but it has to be cheaper than what Ark is charging. I suppose what Ark does offer is a way to become an independent pre-packaged Autotune pop star, but frankly, one bolt from the blue like Rebecca Black doesn't suddenly mean 13 year olds from Orange County generally stand a chance against the big labels' disposable pop star manufacturing operations.
It depends on the studio, but when I recorded an album about 5 years ago it worked out at £150 per day over three days. Mind you, that didn't involve getting anyone else to write anything for us, nor any videos. Video pricing can vary a lot, but you could probably go to your local university or something like talentcircle and find people to make you a professional video for a lot cheaper. At the end of the day, it's a bit like myspace, you get the odd one or two who get a record deal from it, but almost always after it's become obvious they're going to be absurdly popular.

I do find it interesting however, that she's probably become a millionaire over the outpouring of hate. Without that (a lot of it, apparently, from Bieber fans who don't want her to become the next Bieber), there's no reason to have thought it would go viral over anyone else's shitty youtube popsong.


Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-04-06 10:22pm
by YT300000
I only listened to the first ~ 30 seconds of the song because I'm allergic to the autotune and subbass that plagues today's pop music; but other than the pathetic vocal delivery, it really doesn't sound very different from most of the other crap in the Top 40.

That said, the parodies of this song are awesome. The death metal one is especially fantastic, thank you Rye. STOP! GOTTA CATCH MY BUS! I SEE MY FRIIIEEEEENNNNDDDSSSS!!!! :lol:

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-04-07 06:35pm
by HMS Sophia
To be honest, I cant be fucked to listen to the real song. That metal version is... actually kind of awesome... I do feel it suffers something for the lyrics though.

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-04-09 11:42am
by Lord Pounder
As usual Charlie Brooker summed up my feelings on the matter eloquently.

Charlie Brooker's Guardian atricle
Not so long ago, if you wanted to issue a 13-year-old girl with a blood-curdling death threat, you had to scrawl it on a sheet of paper, wrap it round a brick, hurl it through her bedroom window, and scarper before her dad ran out of the front door to beat you insensible with a dustbuster. Now, thanks to Twitter, hundreds of thousands of people can simultaneously surround her online screaming abuse until she bursts into tears. Hooray for civilisation.

That's in effect what happened the other week in the Rebecca Black "Friday" affair. In case you're not aware of it, the trail of events runs as follows: 1) Parents of 13-year-old Rebecca pay $2,000 for her to record a song (and video) called Friday with a company called ARK Music Factory, a kind of vanity-publishing record label specialising in creepy tweenie pop songs. 2) The song turns out to be excruciatingly vapid, albeit weirdly catchy. 3) It quickly racks up 40m views on YouTube, mainly from people marvelling at its compelling awfulness. 4) Rebecca is targeted on Twitter by thousands of abusive idiots calling her a "bitch" and a "whore" and urging her to commit suicide. 5) She gets very, very upset. 6) Thanks to all the attention, the single becomes a hit. 7) Rebecca becomes an overnight celebrity, goes on The Tonight Show, and donates the proceeds from Friday to the Japan relief effort. So the story had a happy ending, at least for now. But it marks a watershed moment in the history of online discourse: the point where the wave of bile and snark finally broke and rolled back.

God knows I enjoy a helping of bile. But only when it's crafted with flair. One of the most disappointing things about the slew of online Rebecca Black abuse is the sheer poverty of language involved. If you are complaining about a banal pop song but can't muster a more inventive way to express yourself than typing "OMFG BITCH YOU SUCK", then you really ought to consider folding your laptop shut and sitting quietly in the corner until that fallow lifespan of yours eventually reaches its conclusion.

The other crucial component of an artful slagging is not a "sense" of perspective but an "awareness" of it. It can be amusing to knowingly punch out 10,000 words feverishly declaring Justin Bieber to be some kind of squawking terrorist weapon – but it only works when the author's comic desperation is at least 50% of the joke. The (brilliant) comedian Jerry Sadowitz's entire act consists of him shouting indefensibly hideous things about everybody on Earth, and yet he never feels like a bully, more a frenzied marionette jerked around by uncontrollable despair: a sort of self-hating dirty bomb.

Just as Sadowitz's palpable vulnerability makes him funny, so it's a soulless lack of self-reproach that makes the predominant Perez Hilton/3am Girl/Holy Moly/TMZ gloaty online sneer-culture so unbearably dull and depressing. You people lick the inner base of dustbins for a living. Stop looking so fucking pleased with yourselves.

And this culture dominates Twitter. Twitter is great for disseminating news, trivia and practical instructions on when and where to meet up in order to overthrow the government, but it also doubles as a hothouse in which viral outbreaks of witless bullying can be incubated and unleashed before anyone knows what's happening. Partly because it forces users to communicate in terse sentences, but mainly because it's public. Many tweeters end up performing their opinions, theatrically overstating their viewpoint to impress their friends. Just like newspaper columnists – but somehow even worse because there's no editor to keep their excesses in check or demand a basic level of wit or ability.

And unlike columnists, they often aim their comments at an individual by addressing their username directly: the equivalent of texting hate mail straight to their phone. I've never understood the mentality behind this, but then I write to entertain crowds, not harass individuals. I've never donned a mask and poked dogshit through someone's letterbox either. Maybe it's their sole source of happiness. Who knows?

Certainly, the more insecure the tweeter, the more unhinged their behaviour seems to be. Some of the most virulent Rebecca Black abuse came from teenage girls showing off to their mates by tweeting the singer directly to gloatingly wish death upon her.

Hilariously, many of them attacked the wrong Rebecca Black, and were actually beaming their hatred at an etiquette coach of the same name, a woman who regularly appears on US TV to discuss the merits of civil discourse. The worse their abuse, the more gracefully she responded, which somehow made them look infinitely more small-minded than they already were.

Who, out of everyone, was the slimiest turd in the "Friday" souffle? Impossible to say, thanks to the sheer number of participants. Which is the final thing online hateswarms fail to take into account: their collective mass, which causes a nasty imbalance of power and often results in a self-righteous lack of restraint that can reach far beyond the verbal. When Jan Moir wrote her Stephen Gately article, I penned a vicious response as an individual. When I saw people angrily posting her home address online, I felt like part of a mob. Those idiots spoiled it for everybody.

In summary: bitch all you like. Just don't be a dick about it. Poise, people. Poise.

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-04-10 10:58am
by FaxModem1

I think this one is my favorite.

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-04-11 05:32pm
by Iroscato
Lord Pounder wrote:As usual Charlie Brooker summed up my feelings on the matter eloquently.

Charlie Brooker's Guardian atricle
Not so long ago, if you wanted to issue a 13-year-old girl with a blood-curdling death threat, you had to scrawl it on a sheet of paper, wrap it round a brick, hurl it through her bedroom window, and scarper before her dad ran out of the front door to beat you insensible with a dustbuster. Now, thanks to Twitter, hundreds of thousands of people can simultaneously surround her online screaming abuse until she bursts into tears. Hooray for civilisation.

That's in effect what happened the other week in the Rebecca Black "Friday" affair. In case you're not aware of it, the trail of events runs as follows: 1) Parents of 13-year-old Rebecca pay $2,000 for her to record a song (and video) called Friday with a company called ARK Music Factory, a kind of vanity-publishing record label specialising in creepy tweenie pop songs. 2) The song turns out to be excruciatingly vapid, albeit weirdly catchy. 3) It quickly racks up 40m views on YouTube, mainly from people marvelling at its compelling awfulness. 4) Rebecca is targeted on Twitter by thousands of abusive idiots calling her a "bitch" and a "whore" and urging her to commit suicide. 5) She gets very, very upset. 6) Thanks to all the attention, the single becomes a hit. 7) Rebecca becomes an overnight celebrity, goes on The Tonight Show, and donates the proceeds from Friday to the Japan relief effort. So the story had a happy ending, at least for now. But it marks a watershed moment in the history of online discourse: the point where the wave of bile and snark finally broke and rolled back.

God knows I enjoy a helping of bile. But only when it's crafted with flair. One of the most disappointing things about the slew of online Rebecca Black abuse is the sheer poverty of language involved. If you are complaining about a banal pop song but can't muster a more inventive way to express yourself than typing "OMFG BITCH YOU SUCK", then you really ought to consider folding your laptop shut and sitting quietly in the corner until that fallow lifespan of yours eventually reaches its conclusion.

The other crucial component of an artful slagging is not a "sense" of perspective but an "awareness" of it. It can be amusing to knowingly punch out 10,000 words feverishly declaring Justin Bieber to be some kind of squawking terrorist weapon – but it only works when the author's comic desperation is at least 50% of the joke. The (brilliant) comedian Jerry Sadowitz's entire act consists of him shouting indefensibly hideous things about everybody on Earth, and yet he never feels like a bully, more a frenzied marionette jerked around by uncontrollable despair: a sort of self-hating dirty bomb.

Just as Sadowitz's palpable vulnerability makes him funny, so it's a soulless lack of self-reproach that makes the predominant Perez Hilton/3am Girl/Holy Moly/TMZ gloaty online sneer-culture so unbearably dull and depressing. You people lick the inner base of dustbins for a living. Stop looking so fucking pleased with yourselves.

And this culture dominates Twitter. Twitter is great for disseminating news, trivia and practical instructions on when and where to meet up in order to overthrow the government, but it also doubles as a hothouse in which viral outbreaks of witless bullying can be incubated and unleashed before anyone knows what's happening. Partly because it forces users to communicate in terse sentences, but mainly because it's public. Many tweeters end up performing their opinions, theatrically overstating their viewpoint to impress their friends. Just like newspaper columnists – but somehow even worse because there's no editor to keep their excesses in check or demand a basic level of wit or ability.

And unlike columnists, they often aim their comments at an individual by addressing their username directly: the equivalent of texting hate mail straight to their phone. I've never understood the mentality behind this, but then I write to entertain crowds, not harass individuals. I've never donned a mask and poked dogshit through someone's letterbox either. Maybe it's their sole source of happiness. Who knows?

Certainly, the more insecure the tweeter, the more unhinged their behaviour seems to be. Some of the most virulent Rebecca Black abuse came from teenage girls showing off to their mates by tweeting the singer directly to gloatingly wish death upon her.

Hilariously, many of them attacked the wrong Rebecca Black, and were actually beaming their hatred at an etiquette coach of the same name, a woman who regularly appears on US TV to discuss the merits of civil discourse. The worse their abuse, the more gracefully she responded, which somehow made them look infinitely more small-minded than they already were.

Who, out of everyone, was the slimiest turd in the "Friday" souffle? Impossible to say, thanks to the sheer number of participants. Which is the final thing online hateswarms fail to take into account: their collective mass, which causes a nasty imbalance of power and often results in a self-righteous lack of restraint that can reach far beyond the verbal. When Jan Moir wrote her Stephen Gately article, I penned a vicious response as an individual. When I saw people angrily posting her home address online, I felt like part of a mob. Those idiots spoiled it for everybody.

In summary: bitch all you like. Just don't be a dick about it. Poise, people. Poise.

KNEEL before the mighty Brooker!!

With regards to the song, it's not THE worst I've heard, but it's definately in the top 10 list. A list which I haven't actually composed, and may do some day. It's in there, anyway.

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-04-14 10:20am
by Bluewolf
I am just going to leave this right here... ... n-allegory
"It might as first seem like a trivial choice: whether to sit in the front seat or the back seat. But the point is not the choice set; the point is the opportunity to exercise some degree of human volition, to use one's own brain to control one's own body ("gotta make my mind up") and live with the consequences of that choice. It is a similar situation to anyone who has found himself let out of prison. These people will report the sense of elation that they feel in even the smallest opportunity to make a choice on their own."

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-04-22 11:32am
by Magellan
I'm cool with the song being out there given all the hilarious stuff that came out to make fun of it.

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-04-22 01:55pm
by Iroscato
Ah, already it feels like it came out years ago :lol: Incredibly, mankind survived the dark period of The Friday Reign.

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-04-28 11:43pm
by TithonusSyndrome
Wow, this forum really is slim pickings if this youtube novelty is still up here, or for that matter, even merited a thread in the first place. Can anyone tell me what makes this so much more remarkably worse than any other youtube clown who released a "single" in the past five years? Why is this so reviled for its amateurishness, but Reh Dogg's videos don't even have a million hits?

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-04-29 12:15am
by Panzersharkcat
Captain Spiro wrote:Ah, already it feels like it came out years ago :lol: Incredibly, mankind survived the dark period of The Friday Reign.
She's making one right now. It's to be released in December of 2012. Bring on the Mayan calendar jokes.

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-04-30 09:42pm
by Lokwar
It's all bandwagon with music at that age.

If 5 people started off saying the song sucks then it will spread about it "sucking" and that is it. If a 10 year old kid thats cool at school says something is good everyone will be wearing or supporting it the next day.

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-05-03 09:44am
by wautd
SancheztheWhaler wrote: But this song is no more idiotic than anything produced/performed by Britney Spears, Ke$ha, Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, or Jessica Simpson..
Yes, especially Ke$ha and her holocaust on music, good taste and anything with substance or intelligence.

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-05-04 05:56pm
by Guardsman Bass
I like Ke$ha music. It's just awesome in how overtly over-the-top sexual it is, and several of her songs have fantastic beats to them.

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-05-04 06:40pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
Guardsman Bass wrote:I like Ke$ha music. It's just awesome in how overtly over-the-top sexual it is, and several of her songs have fantastic beats to them.
Wait...are you talking about Ke$ha or Rihanna? It's kind of funny when Lady Gaga is the artist with the least outrageously sexual lyrics these days.

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-05-16 08:10pm
by hongi
Watch the 'Dylan' cover, it's awesome.

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-05-17 11:44pm
by Stofsk
Yeah i lol'd. :D

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-05-19 09:40am
by Alferd Packer
Guardsman Bass wrote:I like Ke$ha music. It's just awesome in how overtly over-the-top sexual it is, and several of her songs have fantastic beats to them.
A friend got me Ke$ha's album for Christmas as a gag gift. We all had a merry chuckle.

Then I listened to it, ripped it, and put it on my phone. If I were the exercising type, I'd totally work out to her music.

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-05-26 02:17pm
by Lord_Of_Change 9
As a fan of Gaga, I must say...this song is abominable. The singing (if it can be called that) is just so...robotic, the autotune so horrifically misapplied. This person, much unlike Gaga, has no talent whatsoever. And the chorus is most likely going to haunting my nightmares for years to come. If I believed in a God, I would curse him for bringing this miserable excuse of a song into the world.

Re: Friday by Rebecca Black

Posted: 2011-05-26 06:12pm
by Chardok
If you guys dig that, you should really liten to Big Stoopid's Smash hit "Fart Touch" - it's an amazing triumph of muscality and lyricismness. I'm not going to link you because it must be something you discover yourself. Otherwise it is simply a meaningless endeavor. Good luck and godspeed to you all.