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Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-04-27 01:14am
by Zor

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-04-27 08:23pm
by Zor

Bismarck with Hitler's head as a trophy.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-04-29 12:27am
by Zor

(Terran Sphere) A Blemmy, Blemmys are native to the planet Sekhmet and are named after the headless men of ancient terran mythology. The native life of Sekhmet is Radially symetrical descended from a starfishlike ansestor, with creatures having four limbs, four nostrils, four mouthpeices, eight eyes and a two way digestive system, excreting through their mouths. Blemmys are unusal in that they have developed a more bilateral body shape and have a vaugely humanoid body structure. The two lower eyes provide rear vision for the creature. There are over one thousand four hundred species of Blemmys in existance, ranging from the Prarie dog sized Northern Dwarf Burrowing Blemmy to the 3 meter tall Titan Blemmy, one of the planet's more sucsessful browser, using it's long arms to reach high into trees to get at braches. Like most of their Superphylum, Blemmys have four sexual organs, although one of them (the top one) has atrofied into non fuctionality. Each sexual organ can be either male or female. Blemmys usually have some pattern on their backside which varries from species to species.

One Genus of Blemmys known as the Bushwackers were of interest to the Humans which colonized Sekhmut in the 15th century AT. Bushwackers were social omnivores notable for their use of tools (most notably clubs) and were deemed to be as intelligent as early hominids. In the 17th century, two species of Bushwackers were uplifted to sapience and intergrated into the human civilization of Sekhmut. Today these species have grown to be the largest extraterrestrial minority in the Novan Empire

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-04-29 10:55pm
by Zor

(Terran Sphere) Imhotep 19th, 2289 After Tranquility, an Intersteller Protectorate Fleet holds under the command of three star admiral Giuditta Horvejkul orbit over the planet Volksland after the world was retaken by the Intersteller Protectorate from the Novan Empire in one of the numerious wars that have marked the Novan Empire and surrounding space over the course of the 23rd century. The planet itself would be retaken by Lord Admiral Mikhail Ramzy (Eleventh Graf Ramzy) in 2296. Not including it's conquest by the pirate warlord Zhe Jorgston Volksland itself has exchanged rulers nine time over the course of the 23rd century (five times by the Novan Empire, four times by the protectorate and once by the Union of Free Socialist Worlds).

Colonized in the early 16th century by members of an ancient political movement that was notable for starting the Western Eurasian section second of ancient Terra's world wars in the last years of the 1st century BT based around a flawed pre-genetics understanding of humanity and Germanic nationalism. Volksland devolved into a state of political fragmentation after an major economic downturn brought about by rapid population and ideological division and quickly degenerated into several waring states which frequently engaged in vicious planetary warfare at a basic mechanized level. Many sociologists believed that the population would have either destroyed itself or devastated itself to the point of technological regression to feudalism long ago if it was not for the planet's lack of fissile materials and high birth rates. Due to it's backwards nature and the unpleasant local ideology it was largely ignored with the onset of the FTL age beyond a few minor attempts at trade by a handful of minor merchant ships until the planet was taken under threat of orbital bombardment in 2221, who used what industry it could offer to assemble a basic shipyard in orbit and serve as a base for commerce raiding over the next twelve years, eventually bringing it to the attention of the Novan Empire, Interstellar Protectorate and Union of Free Socialist Worlds. While the petty national differences have become less significant in past years and education programs by occupying governments have managed to break down the racial ideologies of the planet, it remains a backwater with a trifling population of merely 320 million, a lower than average standard of living and a high rate of crime and insurgency by radical fringe groups. The most valuable asset of Volksland remains it's shipyards, which have over the years supplied Frigates, Destroyers and Cruisers to three nations.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-01 10:38pm
by Zor

(Pirate Lords) Eisenstaldt Battleship Prince Wernher firing off one of its 300mm cannons.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-03 02:13am
by Zor

A Dragon: No universe for it, just a dragon. Its about 15 meters long and can fly. It can shoot fire and is rather intelligent, but can't talk. Its not a servent of good or evil and if the game and fish around its nest is plentiful it has little regard for the affairs of those hairless crested savanah apes.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-06 12:43am
by Zor

A few more Novan Military Figures, this is mostly done for face and body practice.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-08 01:11am
by Zor

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-08 01:21am
by Zor

(Terran Sphre) A Nova Australian Bladewolf, named due to it's wolflike size and pack hunting. These creatures are inediable to humans and vice versa, with attempts to do so generally involving massive indigestion and nausia either way. That has not stopped packs of bladewolves attacking and eating humans in the past, however, which has led to their systematic eradication by Terran Colonists near major population centers.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-10 02:51am
by Zor

(Timeline 3177)-Portsmouth Class Lance Cruiser: First deployed in 2204, the Portsmouth class Lance Cruiser is among the most advanced warships in Her Majesty's Royal Star Navy. Partical Lance Technology was developed by a Joint Japanese/British program with information give to the US per the treaty of New New York in the 2186. In the 2190s, the Royal Star Navy invested research into minaturization in hopes of allowing smaller craft to be able to make us of this new technology, the end result was the Portsmouth class, putting a partical lance weapon in a cruiser sized warship.

The Portsmouth class is fairly lightly armored, but possesses heavy defensive screens. They are also somewhat ungainly for their level of armoring, being able to out accelerate a heavy cruiser but being outclassed by light cruisers and most battlecruisers. Despite this, it is quite heavily armed. It has a considerable point defense arsenal for a ship of it's size. Portsmouth class Cruisers have eight battleship level energy cannons and has sugnifigant capacator space. This means that it can fire off several fairly powerful broadsides in quick sucession before going down to a much slower recylce rate. It also can fire off six long range torpedos at once, but they have limited magazine space. The Lance itself is a weapon which must be used carfully, it takse a considerable amount of time to fully power and once fired, it leaves the ship with minimal acceleration, no screens and no power for it's heavy turrets for several minutes. As such, it is only to be used in scenarios where the Cruiser has considerable support or the destuction of the enemy warship is assured. It also carries a complement of 18 Fighters.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-11 03:03am
by Zor

Nova Atlantean Common Sausagetail: a reletive to the Bladewolf and it's prefered prey, sixty three species of Sausagetails have been identified on Lada (the largest of Nova Atlantis's three continents) and surrounding islands, ranging in size from creatures the size of Dachshunds to beasts that rival a Grizzly in size, all sharing the same basic lifestyle as a catagory of flexible omnivores comprable to pigs or bears, using their frontal three limbs to probe about to dig for roots, burrow and for defense. The name stems from their tails, which store fat. While inetable by humans, Sausagetails are raised for their leather.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-13 02:40am
by Zor

Heavy Infantry Combat Form. This is in fact NOT a robot, but is operated by a Cybernetically Enhanced Human Brain.

I made this in anticipation for the new space STGOD.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-14 04:03am
by TheMuffinKing
Looks good, I like the concept. Will the heavy infantry combat form carry weapons other than those integrated into the body?

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-14 11:29am
by Zor
TheMuffinKing wrote:Looks good, I like the concept. Will the heavy infantry combat form carry weapons other than those integrated into the body?
Yes it will.These (among a range of other combat forms that i may or may not draw) are going to be the advanced fighting force, my equivelent of Space Marines.

Edit-(Some Fanart for Outsider, An Umiak Warship)



Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-15 02:00pm
by Zor

An Atlantis class Dreadnought for the ucomming space STGOD

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-16 02:00am
by Zor

(Pirate Lords) A Tengu, an odd combination of raven and primate with six limbs with no known reletives. Native to the Western Archipelligo, Tengu are among the largest creatures capable of flight. Their ability to fly has made them valuable for military forces to provide messengers, scouts and raiders, but they require four times the food that a human needs to fly. Tengu are as intelligent as Humans, Naga, Merfolk, Raptors and Ursoids, but have a short lifespan, most Tengu do not live more than 35 years due to heart failure.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-17 12:11am
by Zor

This Mecha weighs about twenty tonnes and serves as a mobile anti-aircraft vehicle, carrying two 20mm Gattling guns. It is also somewhat effective against infantry lightly armored Mecha and vehicles. However, it itself possesses minimal armament and is vunerable to anything heavier than a heavy machine gun

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-19 07:43pm
by Zor

A Lance Frigate for the Upcomming STGOD, besides the point defense laser turrets, it has one main weapon, a massive forward energy cannon. Cookie to whoever spots the little reference.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-19 11:55pm
by Zor

The Lance Frigate with some colour.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-20 03:10am
by PhilosopherOfSorts
Aren't the massive, spinal-mount, laser(?) weapons from 40K called lances?

I like peanut-butter cookies :)

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-20 03:12am
by PhilosopherOfSorts
I also like pot, which might explain missing the nameplate on the ship, I have not a clue what that refers to.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-20 06:02am
by Zor
PhilosopherOfSorts wrote:Aren't the massive, spinal-mount, laser(?) weapons from 40K called lances?

I like peanut-butter cookies :)
Yes, but thats not it.


Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-20 11:47pm
by Zor

The Tigershark Starfighter for SDN World IV. This fighter, like the Heavy Infantry Combat Form is operated by a cybernetically enhanced brain. It has two forward laser cannons and a turret mounted gatling laser for Dogfighting and can be configured to carry a multitude of missiles, ranging to countermissiles used against torpedoes and other fighters to a single anti-ship missile.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-22 02:18am
by Zor

Among the most critical assets of the Zhong Military is that of Artillery. The Zhong Army has tens of thousands of cannons at its disposal of verying calibers and types, from costal defence weapons to common redgimental divisional guns. Descended from the first cannons which were invented a thousand years ago by alchemists in the Tsen Dynasty in their search for immortality, artillery came to its modern state over the course of the waring states period, gradually becoming more sophisticated. Modern Guns are rifled affairs firng cartridged shells (generally explosive). The field gun in the background can fire a shell up to 13 Li. Manning these guns are artillerymen.

While artillerymen are given some basic training in marksmenship and carry pistols, they are considered distinct from riflemen. Most artillerymen join the artillery forces voluntarally after recruiting, but a small but sugnifigant number of recruits are selected and transfered to the artillery forces by their instructors. Save for officers, Artillerymen have a distinct rank structure. Stereotypically among the Zhong Army there are two kinds of Artillerymen, the first is a smart calculating commander which is unsually Patient that while not ones to flinch when explosions are happening about about do not show the same bravery when the enemy gets close. The others is that of a broadly built man that is in general friendly, does what he is told, shouts alot, drinks alot and none to bright. But these are generally not true. To raise morale and to encourage crews to take better care of their equipment, senior officers often have artisans decorate cannons and artillery. Bronze Dragons snaked around a barral and such are fairly common.

In the west, Artillery is one of the biggest advantages that the Zhong Army has over the local Barbarians. Millions of Human, Dwarven, Elven, orc and other Barbarian warriors have been slain by shelling. While there was some primitive. Artillerymen have gained a sort of infamy and a fair number of forces (including Human and Elven Knights and Slayers) have a praticular contempt for Artillerymen and artillery. That said, Zhong artillery is valued highly and many of their forces have launched attacks to obtain it. The Major western factions made some use of cannons before the Zhong Invasion, but all of which were primitive affairs of little use against Zhong firepower. Their quality has improved somewhat over the last twenty five years, but western artillery is still much more primitive than Zhong weaponry, with the exception of a few dwarvish cannons and a few mystically enhanced artillery peices.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-05-23 12:50am
by JointStrikeFighter
I thought he was wearing some kind of backpack recoilless rifle at first hehhe