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Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-29 08:41am
by Zor

Zhong Flame Dozer: The Flame Dozer is unusual in that it came into existance over a decade and a half after the Zhong Invasion of the west had begun and even still they only exist in small numbers. Concieved of by General Qianchen, the Flame Dozer was a modification on an existing class of heavy bulldozer used for road construction, with several dozers being assembled with a layer of armor rated against rifleshot and a flamethrower. The Trailer behind the vehicle is used to carry Water and fuel for the flamethrower and require a crew of eight to work properly. In total about 35 Flame Dozers have been built, this one is of the first batch with a more makeshift turret.

Flame Dozers are used in campaigns against the crude but never the less dangerous wood elves, a group of stagnation devoted xenophobic Barbarians which is unmatched in their stubborn resistance to civilization and the gifts it has to offer. Flame Dozers are used as frontline of Zhong campaigns against wood elf settlements, clearing pathways through heavilly wooded forest with their blades and fire, with various Zhong soldiers and artillery following afterwards. They have been quite effective in dealing with elven raiders as well as ents and some of the supernatural creatures that reside in Wood Elf forests (which tend to have high levels of background magic). Several Flame Dozers also being used as a pet project by Mandarin Yeung, clearing away Wood Elf inhabited forests and using Geomancers, botanists and Solar Priestesses to establish bamboo in place of local trees for comerical and aesthetic purposes.

Several notable victories against Wood Elves have been acheived directly because of Dozers, resulting in the relocation and ongoing re-education of these people to hopefully enter society as productive members. On the same note, Flame Dozers are the most highly targeted vehicles by Wood Elves, with abandoned machines being disassembled, burried under various detritus which they grow trees upon while the few Flame Dozer crew members to have been captured by wood elves have been sadistically tortured to death with their remains being returned to Zhong Camps afterwards with various threats tied to them.

(Inspired somewhat by the Churchill crocodile)

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-29 09:45pm
by Coyote
Zor wrote:Image
Novan Imperial Navy Officer's uniform (Rear Admiral).


"Ahh, I have dropped my keys. I'll just bend over and pick them uuuuuggh --fucking belt buckle! Medic!!!"

Sorry. Couldn't resist.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-30 12:35am
by Zor
Coyote wrote:
Zor wrote:Snip
Novan Imperial Navy Officer's uniform (Rear Admiral).


"Ahh, I have dropped my keys. I'll just bend over and pick them uuuuuggh --fucking belt buckle! Medic!!!"

Sorry. Couldn't resist.
Mabye a redesign for the belt buckle is order (having it stamped on).


Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-30 02:18am
by Zor

Zhong Ceramic Soldier: Ceramic Soldiers have been in use for thousands of years, although only recently have they been put to use as truely effective weapons of war. Stemming from burrial goods (which endures in its forms to this day) and the murder and burrial of servants by kings (which was abandoned shortly after the founding of the first dynasty), mystics about 3000 years ago found methods of binding clay using enchanted Plates/tablets made of wood, bamboo, cast bronze and latter Chrome steel into ceramic forms to the will of the dead and in praticular to defend tombs from potential grave robbers. The Remains of seasoned fallen generals had redgiments of clay soldiers bound to them to stand guard of the remains of the tombs of kings. There was however, complications in that the soldiers would attack anything that approached the coffins of the generals to which there wills have been bound and could not be commanded by outside forces. Controls of the basic spells were refined, eventually cities began burring dead generals with Ceramic Soldiers into city walls to provide defensive guards against attack. It was not until the early waring states period when priests finally figured out a method of creating a casket to store these remains which could be realliably moved without risk of the movers being murdered by its guards, thus allowing ceramic soldiers into the battle.

The blessing the corpse and it's coffin to be suitable for the defense of Ceramic soldiers is somewhat tricky, takes a fair bit of time and for reasons of safety only suitably loyal officers who volunteer for this post mortum exercise are selected to be used as such and can only command up to 50 soldiers. However, the acutal Ceramic Soldiers are fairly easy to create and are among the few magical thing which can be reliably mass produced and activating them and binding them takes a few minor and fairly easy rituals in a few hours time in areas with at most moderately higher than usual background magic. Among the first factories established in the western world, alongside ammunition and artillery were those which produced Ceramic Soldiers. Ceramic Soldiers have all the Martial knowledge of those that they guard, which can make things dificult when they require muskets or crossbows in case of the older ones (these are generally relegated to reserve units). For durability, Armor is often attached to Ceramic Soldiers. Ceramic Soldiers are somewhat stronger than humans, much more durable (destroying or removing, generally capable marksmen and competant in close quarters but have little creativity in combat. If they see an threatening enemy close or if there is fighting going on, they will charge into the thick of it. In general there are two ways of destroying Ceramic Soldiers, Destroy/remove the Tablet inside them keeping them active or destroy the remains of their commander which causes them to turn into still statues, although various spells and enchanted weapons can be effective in destroying them. Should a Ceramic Soldier be seperated from it's commander (left at a distance of more than 3 to 5 Li, it varries from commander to commander), it will become an inert clay figure until its either destroyed or brought back into proximity.

In the Western Campaigns, Ceramic Armies have been used to provide cannon fodder, especially during prolonged battles in which wave after wave of ceramic men are brought in, activated and sent against enemy posistions to provide continous disposable forces. As Ceramic Soldiers are fearless and ignore damage done to themselves, they make excellent cannon fodder. They are also useful against certain varieties of the Undead (as seen here) which can raise more of themselves out of fallen men and so forth, but not out of shattered terracotta statues, although most of such undead can be commanded to a degree greater than being pointed in the general direction and will often remain active if those commanding them are destroyed. The westerners have oddly enough devised a type of Ceramic Man similar to Ceramic Soldiers known as Golems which have some notable advantages over ceramic men (ability to understand orders, size, not requiring a corpse to work) although these are much harder to produce and much rarer.

(Done because i wanted some mystical elements that were seperate from machinery for the Zhong, also drawing something to look like a statue is suprisingly hard)

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-30 09:23pm
by speaker-to-trolls
I like the background to the latest picture, but I think the picture itself with regards to the positions of the terracotta soldier and the skeleton is off somehow. It looks like they're standing on different levels of ground.
Nah, just a tribute to one of the two best musical numbers disney ever done (the other being Hellfire, tied by apples and oranges factor in my book) with a few humorous twists in line with the reason i came up with the Zhong, which is unleashing onto what is in the west conventional fantasy (Tolkienesque stuff) a non european nation with some ideas of mine thrown in with some steampunk thrown as it gives me some nice points to work with (among them being Asian Steampunk and consequences of Industrialization socially).
Yeah, but would you show that in the form of Zhong soldiers pumping iron and learning kung fu and so on in order to get down to business to defeat the huns?
In fact you could do a tribute to both those songs, one with Zhong soldiers in mid training montage and one with a self righteous and sexually repressed Zhong bureaucrat begging the souls of his ancestors to destroy a beguiling barbarian sorceress (or else let her be his and his alone).

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-30 10:00pm
by Zor
speaker-to-trolls wrote:I like the background to the latest picture, but I think the picture itself with regards to the positions of the terracotta soldier and the skeleton is off somehow. It looks like they're standing on different levels of ground.
That has to do with my drawing style which is start which is to draw the head first with most detail on before moving down the body. I used to do this more often than i do now but still.
Yeah, but would you show that in the form of Zhong soldiers pumping iron and learning kung fu and so on in order to get down to business to defeat the huns?
Yeah pretty much, but with figures of Elves and Knights getting their heads blow off in firing ranges.


Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-31 09:51am
by Zor

Zhong Walkers are the heaviest land vehicles used by the Zhong, massive steam powered armored striding vehicles that can bring dom devistating swaths of fire against enemy formations. Though few in number, few things can stand up against a Walker. Here are three classes of Walker. Although only slightly more than a hundred

The Haetae class is the most common catagory of walker used for close support, dealing with the more intense close combat fighters (in the west, generally trolls, golems, ogres, ettins, ents and similar creatures as well as formations of praticularly durable infantry). It has a single cannon and a flame thrower, but it's main weapon is that of a giant Scythe/pick which can bought down with considerable force, generally by rotating the entirety of the body of the walker suddenly. This can be rough on the crew.

The Huangdi class is the heaviest Walker, towering in the sky on three massive legs serving as a devestating mobile firebase, with several heavy cannons and ports for riflemen and repeaters to fire out of. Few things can resist these vehicles for long, only three have been lost in the west over 25 years, one due to very heavy artillery bombardment, another to a raid by three great dragons and one destroyed when it was taking on coal.

The Qilin class is a ranged support vehicle, fast and carrying a heavy cannon these craft are used to take out heavier enemy creatures at a distance, as well as serving as artillery. Their main weakness lies in aiming (the cannon is forward facing) and limited ammunition supply.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2009-12-31 11:16pm
by Zor

(For Shep) MK Sheppard's Fursona.


Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-01-01 04:44am
by Zor

A varient on the posthuman design which shows off the mechanical workings of the individual a bit more. Based somwhat off of HRP-4C.


Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-01-02 01:35pm
by Zor

Some civilians you can find in a Zhong Western Colony (From left to right)

-A Policeman: before the arrival of the Zhong, the cities of the west generally had (or have in those areas in which Zhong Rule has not yet spread) no proper law enforcement, instead they generally had gate guards and randomly selected men with torches and clubs without training to deture drunks and deal with the occasional exscaped animal, occasionally bringing in soldiers against riots. In responce to this glaring shortcomming of the Barbarians, soon after the first western cities were taken over, thousands of policemen and their families were brought in to settle this newly claimed land. Armed with a Gun staff and a revolver and clad in lightweight armor made of silk and bamboo and their conical helmets, forces of professional policemen patrol the streets and keep the peace, generally enjoying a hot cup of tea from the local shop. The Bulk of the established police forces in the west remains Zhong Humans, although increasingly westerners including non humans are brought into police forces

-A construction worker: There is always construction going on in the newly conquered cities, the agriculture of the western Barbarians is apsolutely archaic and the development of an industrial infastructure in the newly conquered provinces requires additional people in cities. As such, more and more people are moving into cities as mechinization displaces surplus agricultural workers to move to cities in search of work, as well as colonists being brought in from the Zhong Homeland. Factories, marketplaces and lodgings are constantly being put up.

-Dwarven Engineer: Conquered Dwarves on the whole have adapted fairly well to Zhong Society. Dwarves tend to be more mechanically inclind, have skillsets (such as rune magics) which remain useful after industrialization and have a system of ansestor worship. You will find a suprising number of Dwarven Mechanics and engineers working on various projects.

-Clerk: A new generation of westerners have been brought up and out of Barbarism thanks to the introduction of a proper education system, some of which are employed as Clerks, like this fellow. Clerks like these are low level Bureaucrats that are the backbone for the administration of infanstructure, and might very well ascend to high posistion by passing the exams.

-Resteraunteur: Eating establishments, once a rarity beyond taverns and inns in the West are now becoming more common in cities which have been liberated from there own barbarism. From noodles and meat dishes to pastries with hot cups of tea (the prefered on the job meal of Policemen), men and women (generally colonists from the Zhong Homeland) have been brought in. In recent years, a increasing number of resteraunts providing Western Fare have been opened although these are under tight scrutiny and are generally taxed more.

-Dark Elf Gang Member: Dark Elves are still a rarity in Zhong territory, but there are a few enclaves of them in a couple of the Urban Centers of the Fifth Western Province. Dark Elf armies have been sent against Zhong held territory and armies and various occasions and while the Dark Elves have cultural beleifs that makes this comparitively rare, prisoners of war are often taken. Some of these Dark Elves are released at a gradual rate and are pressed into joining Zhong society. As Dark Elf armies are mixed gender affairs, the result has been the creation of small enclaves of Dark Elves, including starting families, although they often find themselves at the lower end of the social ladder in they generally have limited skill sets for industrial ecconomies and due to distrusts among large segments of the population due to slaving raids against Human territory by Dark Elf forces before the Zhong Invasion (which is being minimized to as much a degree as possible).

Many of said Dark Elves try to find honest labour in various feilds, although a good deal of these dark elves retain at least some ideas of their precieved superiority, including passing it down to their children. This has resulted in the creation of several subcultures among Dark Elves, generally rejecting Zhong Culture. Writing in Dark Elven script when they can get away with it is the most common aspect of this, as is the manufacture and sale of items in dark elvish styles, the most visiable of which is Dark Elf Clothing which is worn when not at government fuctions or at work. This can cause incidents and unease as well as amplying existing problems. An number of Dark Elves have been involved in the forming of dark elvish crime syndicates and street gangs which tend to make use of Dark Elf clothing and imagry. This has only made ethnic conflicts worse, although the Zhong do beleive that these issues can be dealt with and Dark Elves can be fully integrated into the rest of society.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-01-03 12:53pm
by Zor

(Timeline 3177) Eugine V. Debs class Battleship: first put into production in 2191, the Eugine Debs class of battleship became the core of the United States Star Force. Named for the first socialist president of the United States, the Eugine V. Debs class was the first American Warship to carry a Partical Lance although the Lances on the first six ships of this class were prone to breakdown and had a very limited lifespan between refits. The Debs class has a comprable energy armament to the Danmark class in terms of broadside firepower but has a longer recylce rate, although lacks it's rear vunerability, is comprably screened and is more heavily armored. The Deb's class is at a disadvantage at long range, while it's missile armament is able to put out a considerable number of missiles in forward salvos, it has a limited magazine capacity for a ship it's size. It also lacked in the area of point defense clusters although it did somewhat make up for this fact with a complement of 84 SF-37 Pheonix Space Superiority fighters.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-01-04 06:10am
by Zor

Na'vi Redesign, Basically making them more in line with the rest of Pandora's wildlife (Six Limbs, four eyes and two antenae).

Avatar-James Cameron

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-01-04 12:30pm
by Zor

The 58th Infantry Division stand victorious against a Barbarian Drow army after the third battle of Glendale (Frontier of the Forth Western Province). The Dark Elven Lordships, despite considerable Bad Blood amassed through centuries of Slaving raids againt various western nations is now in a loose alliance for survival againt the Zhong with various other western factions. Dark Elf actions against the Zhong are generally more oriented towards raiding and plundering, launching attacks against rail-lines and construction crews outside of cities, as well as harrasment against military bases while plundering towns of vehicles such as roadsteamers and industrial equipment whenever possible, engaging in terrorist activity and taking a few skilled invididuals as slaves to assist in their rag-tag attempts at industrialization. Never the less, they can be forced into battles. While Dark Elves are feirce fighters, have embraced mechnization more than their Sylvan or wood elf counterparts (which is not saying much) and have at their disposal some powerful magics.

Unusually for confrontations with dark elves, a fair number of prisonners were taken afterward. Dark Elves have a rather specific code of military honor, while no shame lies in retreating from combat or pulling out of a lost battle when possible they think very lowly of those who surrender instead of throwing themselves against the enemy. Generally prisonners tend to be either abandoned wounded or isolated individuals or small groups which give up. This mentality has become more loose recently, as before the Zhong arrived Dark Elves that surrendered would mostly face either execution, torture to death (either at the hands of well stocked professionals or by amatures that while lacking in equipment and skill somewhat made up for it with passion in their job) with possibly some interrigation thrown into the mix) and by word of mouth information of the "weakness" that the Zhong had with dealing with prisoners had gotten around Drow population, usually through stories shared to decry the weakness of their enemy. This information does tend, however, to be processed diferently when they are surrounded by Riflemen, Warcars, Iron Beasts, Geomancers, Solarists and other forces. Never the less, the capture of about 25% of a Dark Elf Army (the rest bleeding into the forests or fallen) is to be considered rather unusual.

The fate of these Drow (after some interrogation) is to be shipped off to a Laogai detention center, where they will be divided up into various cadres (mixed with other prisonners of war) which will be put to work to make up for the cost of said facillities and to condition them, as well as receiving classes. Said Cadres are assigned points for good behavior, meating quotas and so forth, as are individuals, with the individual sucsess benefiting him the most with some minor benefits to the rest of his cadre. Said poinst can be spent on lower quotas, time off, additional food of better quality and liqour. On the same notes, points are taken away and demerits assigned for substandard preformance, failing tests, in fighting and so forth, with failures from individuals effecting the group as well. This results in additional labour, lessend rations and othe such penalties. Eventually they will be gradually introduced into Zhong Society, becoming part of the statsitically small but growing Dark Elf minority.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-01-06 10:13pm
by Zor

The former Capital of Dellmoore is home to the largest Drow minority in Zhong held territory, with about 17,000 Dark Elves calling it home, most of which consentrate in what is known as the Shadow District by the locals, a small area of worker's apartments in the southeast section of the city near a block of textile and garment factories. The area emerged around a couple of half way houses, spreading out as Dark Elves began renting out (and in a few examples in recent years) buying local lodgings out of a variety of reasons. Among the more notable of which is the large precentage of Drow employed in Textile and Garment manufacture and prejudices, both form and towards Dark Elves.

Like in other Drow Enclaves inside Zhong held territory, one will find several distinct things inside The Shadow District. You will find a few artisan's shops, taverns and resteraunts which cater to the Dark Elf population, providing things such as decorations to furniture that are in Dark Elven styles. The most visiable example of this is in Dark Elvish cloathing made by dark elvish tailors and clothiers worn by Dark Elves when they don't have to put up with Dress Codes and don Zhong Clothing. Generally such articles are not as good as the actual affairs one would see Dark Elves wearing in their homeland, but they do serve as symbols of their Barbaric Identity. Many Dark Elves will discuss trying to escape from Zhong Territory, return home and rejoin their kin, however Dark Elvish society does not look to kindly on those who surrender, a fact which has been exploded by the propaganda corps and education system. As such, most Dark Elves try to adapt to the new setting as best they can.

Crime is a major problem in Drow Neigborhoods, especially with organized crime, generally involved in robbery and acting as hitmen and often using Dark Elf imagry for its intimidation effect. The bulk of the Dark Elf population has found employment outside of the criminal sphere. For this reason, policing is generally stepped up in these neighborhoods to keep gangs on edge and deal with gang activity and the occasional turf wars. They are also here for the protection of the Dark Elves themselves. On several occasions, attempts to burn the Shadow District to the ground by rioters have been dealt with by Law Enforcement. Here, sergeant Hua Xiawen leads a a couple of his colleagues, including one of the first Drow Constables on patrol of the Shadow District, keeping law and order.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-01-07 01:28pm
by Zor

(Stellar Dominons) Imperial Terran Marine Corps ORD Marine Suit, ORD legions are advanced forces generally the first wave deployed against enemy forces for advanced recon, harasment activities and to take out critical enemy instillations such as concield AA positions to allow for the main invasion forces of ITMC and ITA Personnel to take and occupy planets. ORD Marines are heavily armored, small arms beyond anti-material rifles can get through their layers of Ceramic and Metal while they carry a standard VX-25 Annihilator Heavy Assault Rail Rifle able to make bloody gore out of any non powersuited soldier with an underslung Gyro Grenade launcher, with heavier squad level weapons available. Jets and landing thrusters provide ORD marines an advantage in mobility, allowing them to jump up to forty meters over quick distances. Despite this, ORD Legions tend to have the highest casualty rates due to the fact that they are normally sent up against forces with generally have very high numerical advantages.

Each suit is made using a set of 15 component sizes which are assembled as needed as the pilot operates it from inside an internal pressure suit. Should the main suit be disabled a manual eject system is installed which allows the operator to bail out and operate, and an emergency sidearm is avaliable. The hands and feet of the operator are not actually inside the machine, but command them remotely. Thermoptic Camoflauge Robes are sometimes issued. Several varients exist, the most common forfits the jetpack and landing trusters in favour of ammunition hopper for a belt fed rifle.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-01-07 10:24pm
by Zor

(Timeline-3177) Cario Pact Salah-al-Din class Heavy Cruiser. The Cario Pact is an Alliance which formed out of several prominant Post Ottoman Muslim states in 2013, controlling Egypt, Arabia, Iraq, Syria and Palestine. The Primary goal was to give said Nations access to Space without becomming subservient to any of the established major powers (which had all had Lunar assets for three decades and were making headway on early developments on mars), to which the Cario Pact met some sucess, although they still were left behind by the more established powers, with their only major gain was a few settlements on a few of Jupiter's and Saturn's moons and Asteriod bases. In the FTL Age, the Cario Pact remains vigilent to establish itself across other star systems and has settled seven systems, but suffers in that the other nations developed FTL travel 25 to 30 years before the Cario Pact built its first Hyperdrive due to internal power struggles and terrorist activity in the early 22nd century.

Based off an unusal combination of Soviet, American and European Technology, the Salah-al-Din class Heavy Cruiser makes up the bulk of the Cario Pact's Space Navy. While the Cario Pact does have at its disposal the Sultan of Space class Battleship, only six of said ships exist in the fleet which are used as flagships. First put into production in 2185, the Cario Pact has built up a fleet of 44 Salah-al-Din class cruisers and has plans for several more batches. These ships are armed with Rapid Fire Beam cannons, with high recycle rates and respectable range but limited output per shot, but are notoriously tough. They have battleship level armor and screens as well as a heavy point defense system. Each of these craft carries Twelve fighters and six Torpedo bombers, as well as having a repsectable torpedo armament. Standard patrol squadrons consist of three or four of these cruisers alongside alongside a medium carrier (something the Cario Pact has never been able to produce a class of with a run longer than two ship).

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-01-09 08:09pm
by Zor

Zhong Pheonix Warrior: Pheonix Warriors are in many ways similar to Iron Beasts in terms of mechanics and the mystical forces behind them, but instead of an animal operator, they contain within their body the soul of a Zhong Soldier. Those who are bonded into these machines are volunteers from elite soldiers who have either faced old age, crippled or severly wounded. Those who accept the offer must face a dificult process as not every instance of binding a soul is sucsessful (there is a roughly 40% sucsess rate). In either case, the family of those who get bound are given a fairly generous stipend.

Pheonix warriors are considerably more complex than Iron Beasts, but also tend to be stronger per mass and larger and can speak through complex systems. When combined with the an uncertain supply of volunteers and arcanely enhanced armor the result is that their production is slower. Only seven hundred Pheonix Warriors exist in the Zhong Army, but they are quite useful on the battlefield, serving as field officers as heavy support soldiers. They can also be outfitted with a wide variety of weapons and be useful for heavy lifting and other such work outside of battle, unlike Iron Beasts. Modular construction has allowed these warriors to be outfitted with a wide variety of weapons, but the most common (as seen here) are hands carrying a heavy repeater cannon with clockwork engine driving it. In the western campaigns they have often proven invaluable in overcomming Superior Numbers of Barbarians.

Not all Pheonix Warriors serve the Jade Throne, however. While Iron Beasts will go inert after a few months if left wild and unattended, Pheonix Warriors can preform the ritual rejuvinate themselves from Background Magic and the older Pheonix Warriors know how to mantain themselves to some degree. There are still a few dozen renegade Pheonix Warriors, relics of the Waring States period of the former states before the re-unification and fight guerilla campaigns against the New Dynasty. The Refugee States also have Pheonix Warriors, as do the Nagato, and it is generally beleived that their God Empress has attained her immortality by being bound inside a mechanical body.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-01-12 12:51am
by Zor

Machine Empire RFU-5 Mobile Omniforge: Established after the third world war (2093) from a supercomputer project based in the Australian Outback, the Machine Empire has become one of the most powerful factions to rise out of the ashes. Ruled by a council of specially made AIs the Machine Empire has come to the conclusion that Humanity is unfit to rule itself and wages war to conquer the word, sending forth automated armies to seize control of region by region.

A critical component of the Machine Empire's war effort is that of the Omniforge, Omniforges are a catagory of automated fabrication units capable of processing raw materials into complex machinery, including fully fuctional robots. This allows for the rapid development of areas, although they are not as fast as dedicated and specialized production lines. The RFU-5 is notable for being fully mobile, crawling along at the steady pace of 2 kilometers per hour. As they often have to deal with attack, RFU-5 Omniforges have several machinegun turrets, an autocannon turret with a SAM launcher and a level of armoring effective against machine gun fire, but little else. For the most part these titanic vehicles really on escorts to secure the area around them.

Inside these behemoths is a fusion reactor, as well as complex metal processing systems, chemical sythisizers, nanorobotic computer manufacturing units and robotic assembly equipment able to convert scrap metal and organic detritus into fully fuctional infantry robots, able to produce them at a rate of 30 per day. However, Ominforges are more commonly used to produce equipment and machinery to fabricate new bases. Never the less, omniforges do contain the blueprints for every Machine Empire Robot installed into them, if all that was left of the Machine Empire was a single RFU-5 Mobile Omniforge, said omniforge could rebuilt the whole thing anew.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-01-13 01:02am
by Zor

Dark Elven Warrior and Janissary: Aside from a few outposts, Dark Elves rule a considerable area of land isolated by the Ironclaw Mountains with some coastline in the Silver Sea and this territory has in general not been as of yet attacked by Zhong Forces directly. While there are certain rights, a few unafiliated ancient orders and in times of crisis the Drow do elect a figure with the title of King to serve as a Temporary, the Dark Elves are in General divied into nine lordships which jocky for prominance with one another through a system of heavily ritualized warfare, political manuvering and assasination. A complex and shifting web of alliances, grudges, under the table dealings and so forth dominate this relationship.

A key aspect of Drow society is that of Slavery, the bulk of the population of the Dark Elfish Lordships are not in fact Dark Elves but Rather Slaves, roughly six slaves per every Dark Elf and their entire economy is dependant on Slave Labour. Dark Elves beleive themselves to be Superior to any other form of life and see other species such as Orcs, Humans, dwarves and especially other elves as being only worthy of domination (Save for the Undead, which they see as only being worthy of extermination). To supplement the slave pool, new slaves are brought in through raiding other civilizations. This has created numerous enemies for the Dark Elves and has caused the Dark Elves to create a fairly extensive set of supernatural defenses on their border. This has caused Drow society to become very brutal, highly martial and has a notable active hatred of weakness. All Dark Elves, male and female are trained to fight as soldiers fairly intensively and in times of war are required to fight.

Dark Elven warriors like the one pictured above are the most common type of Dark Elven soldier, comming from lower levels of Dark Elvish society (Mostly artisans and administrators). Dark Elvish armor is of high quality, generally enchanted to some degree and is generally quite lightweight and durable, in recent decades it has been re-enforced somewhat to deal with modern hazards and generally offers some respectable protection against pistolfire. At the same time Dark Elves have adopted firearms more thoroughly than any other elfish faction. Besides a few elite forces, Dark Elves have forgone the bow in favour of the Rifle. Largely based off stolen Zhong weapons, Drow rifles generally have runes inscribed into them to improve ballistics, reduce fouling and lessen recoil, which more than makes up makes up for the inferior quality of Dark Elf ammunition.

On the battlefield Dark Elves are motivated by desires of glory and plans to gain wealth, recognition and improve the station of his/her family. Headcount is one way to obtain recongition, but the main drive is that of loot. Most importantly after the Zhong Invasion is the obtaining the means to further their industrialization, Zhong engineers, technitions and machine tools have become the greatest prizes for these Barbarians. Progress is slow but the Dark Elves have managed to set up some basic munitions industry, improvements in steel prodution and have begun some basic mechinization of agriculture. They still have major bottlenecks in production however and from what reports can be gathered, Dark Elf industry has incredibly loose saftey standards. Dark Elf tactics tend to really heavily on mobility and relocation.

To supplement the small numbers of Dark Elf soldiers are slave soldiers known as Janissaries. Janissaries are for the most part taken from their parents in infancy or early childhood and raised in special enviroments and adhere to a variety of constructed religion devised by the Dark Elves to keep slaves, which in short states that the only way to a positive afterlife is through quiet service to Dark Elf masters. The Janissary varient is martial, stating that that through a life of exemplary service to the Dark Elf masters or dying valiantly for them a Janissary might be re-incarnated as a Dark Elf himself. Janissaries are also given priveliges denyied to most other slaves, including the prospect of a sheltered retirement after 25 years of service, the right to a share in rape and pillage and the right to own a slave after 10 years, the children of Janissaries generally become Janissaries themselves, as well as various combat drugs.

The primary armament of most Janissaries is a simple breech loading rifle, either earlier used by Dark Elves or produced for their use specifically for Janissary use. Janissaries are led into battle by Drow Officers with the power of life and death over them. The Primary purpose of Janissaries are to hold down enemy forces, fight battles of attrition and screen retreating or repositioning Dark Elf warriors while picking up wounded. Like Dark Elves themselves Janissaries generally do not surrender, but generally will fight in last acts of defiance. A few are still captured and attempts to integrate them into society have been made, but like with Dark Elves themselves there have been issues.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-01-14 02:00pm
by Zor

(Pirate Lords) Constructs: Born from a combination of modern anatomical and biological sciences, chemestry, surgical skill, electricity and healing psionic abilities, Bio artificed constructs are becoming increasingly common sights in a variety of settings from farms to factories. Living creatures assembled to serve as members of the workforces of modern industrial society and occasionally as soldiers.

Constructs are created by Artificers, which generally work in co-operatives to pool resources, have spare parts on hand and to pay for important support personnel, including the psionic healers needed for the final stages of construction, labourers to work cold rooms and mix up chemicals and metalworkers and craftsmen required for some of the more complex mechanical components that are sometimes nessisary. Construct creating is considered an art, each construct takes some time to make and because of the variety of resources required to make them makes no two identical.

Constructs are made out of the tissue of variety of dead creatures, most of which are pigs (as pigs are cheap, intelligent, able to eat a wide variety of food and pig tissue tends to mesh well), but dogs, cows, sheep and horses are also reletively common. Skeletons of reworked bones are the most common, but metal skeletons are also used. Human tissue and organs are the most prized by Artificiers, praticularly eyes (which can see in colour) hands and brains, (which don't need to be cobbled together), although these are in scarce supply. Generally they are aquired by organ doners, generally people employed in hazardous fields as a sort of life ensurance (if they die, the artificers get to help themselves and pay the family a hefty sum for their troubles) and it is fairly common for Artificers to donate their bodies to their co-operatives after they die. Older contructs that have been badly damaged are often taken apart and used in other constructs, leading to what are known as "Patchworks". However while most artificers would not resort to this, there is an increasingly large black market for less ethically aquired components. Constructs generally have a few mechanical components, such as artifical veins or gas filters for those who work in enviroments where their is alot of coalsmoke.

Most constructs are general purpose beings capable of being trained to a variety of commands, although special purpose constructs are made on order. the cheapest variety of gerneral purpose constructs don't have legs, but rather wheeled bases to save money on putting legs together known as centaurs (although there are those which are more like the classical creaturs of myth). These tend to have a hard time handling terrain and take up a fair bit of room. Most constructs are genderless beings, having no sexual organs as they have no need for them although occasionally co-operatives get unsual contracts. Constructs are generally non violent by nature due to a few bits of brain surgery and general training, although again there are exceptions.

The Legal status of Constructs is a major issue. Constructs have at most snipits of memories of their fomer lives and tend to be dumber than Humans, Naga, Tengu, Ursiods, Raptors or Marsupial Men. Religious organizations also have some issues with constructs. While constructs are in small enough numbers not to pose much of a threat to the need for wage labourers any more than advances in machine manufacturing methods they are generally not liked by Trade Unionists. As such there is a variety of legal situations, from areas where constructs are kept as property freely and produced by state supported co-operatives to areas were there manufacture to islands were sale, manufacture and ownership are illegal and they are kept in preserves to areas where they don't have to anything to nations where constructs and Bio Artificers are burned to death for heresy.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-01-14 03:02pm
by Vastatosaurus Rex
I really like the raptor in the opening post of this thread.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-01-16 03:08am
by Zor
(A silly idea of mine)


A Cobra Commander (not THE Cobra Commander, but one of those which assumed his image after his death) sits abord his Flagship over the stricken Enterprise D. Saved from destruction by Q, Cobra was given a second chance on a M Class planet distant corner of the Alpha Quadrent with the ancient wreck of a warp capable starship in orbit. Now they have made first contact with the Federation by capturing the Enterprise D. Soon the people of Earth will fear, for crashing through the sky will once again come a fearful cry, COBRA!

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-01-17 03:35am
by Zor

(Timeline 3177) Ritter class Frigate: Put into production in 2199 the Ritter class has become the European Alliance's primary Frigate, with Dozens of these craft under construction in various European alliance shipyards at any one time. Fast, well screened (It can matain a screen as resiliant as that of most destroyers, although like other frigates can only establish a forward screen), having a powerful forward arsenal and a pair of Heavy torpedo launchers, the Ritter class is an excellent raider. Generally wolf packs of Ritter class ships will fall out of hyperspace nearby convoys that are cooling off between jumps, charge towards them at full acceleration to get as close as possible, firing off missile salvos and then beam fire to destroy as many freighters as possible and then accelerating away to allow the enemy as little time as possible to fire back on them. In fleet battles, they serve as mobile long range torpedo support to take advantage of weak spots in point defense systems. However, Ritter class ships have several weaknesses. They are poorly armored and while they do have a fairly heavy point defense arsenal, it is composed of a large number of low power laser clusters with limited range and firepower. To deal with raids by Ritter Wolf Packs, the IJSN tries to engage these ships away from fleets from diferent angles and has stepped up production of escort carriers and converting it's merchant fleet with hanger capacity to accomidate small numbers of Strike craft.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-01-17 09:53am
by Vastatosaurus Rex
You draw spaceships and other futuristic stuff better than I do, Zor.

Re: The Art of Zor (56k DIE)

Posted: 2010-01-18 04:13pm
by Zor

(Timeline 3177) Akagi class carrier: Imperial Japanese Space Navy doctrine relies heavily on it's fighter and torpedo bomber forces for long range combat. Most IJSN capital ships have a high fighter complement to give them an edge against Torpedo attacks so they can get their walls of battle into beam range with as little damage as possible. However, to overwhelm enemy fighter forces, the IJSN has it's Akagi-class fleet carriers.

Nearly as large as a Yamato class Battleship and first put into production in 2186, the Akagi-class carrier carries an impressive load of four hundred fifty fighters and one hundred twenty torpedo bombers. This force can cut through torpedo volleys while delivering up to 480 medium range missiles approaching on multiple vectors. Such massive salvos are used either used to inflict damage upon smaller battle formations or in salvos of 60 to a 100 against isolated capital ships or smaller salvos to deal with Frigates. For defense, the Akagi has four cruiser level energy turrets as well as extensive screening and a formidable point defense system, although these ships generally stay well away from the wall of battle with several destroyers escorting them.