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by consequences
2011-08-08 12:58am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: The Becoming (Super Heroes)
Replies: 204
Views: 52754

Re: The Becoming (Super Heroes)

"And after the mission they all made it home safely and had ice cream. The End." *ignores all future posts by Imperial Overlord to the contrary* :P Well, we know Blackheart won't die get explosively eradicated from existence at least, right? *Please don't think of time travel and alternate...
by consequences
2011-07-05 12:56pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Improve Battletech
Replies: 79
Views: 8195

Re: Improve Battletech

I'm not sure what you're getting at consequences. Would you mind elaborating regarding the strategic paradigm? If you make weapons and subcomponents in general more accessible it completely changes the whole landscape. You would need more handwaving of how tiny forces can manage to take worlds. Not...
by consequences
2011-07-04 10:33pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Improve Battletech
Replies: 79
Views: 8195

Re: Improve Battletech

Jeez guys, cut the factory talk. None of that stuff really impacts the game directly and is just lame fluff crap you can change very easily. Relevant to strategic games where supply lines and logistics are likely critical, check. Relevant to rpgs where the sourcing of replacement equipment most def...
by consequences
2011-06-27 02:09pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Geth in Battletech
Replies: 16
Views: 2679

Re: Geth in Battletech

The Geth likely won't actively start anything. The Draconis Combine, Bandit Nations, and the Clans, being the largest collections of belligerent assholes in the asshole saturated Battletech universe and variously surrounding or invading the specified Geth location, most definitely will, followed som...
by consequences
2011-06-26 07:18pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Improve Battletech
Replies: 79
Views: 8195

Re: Improve Battletech

On making us buy new versions of old TROs to account for rules changes: They already bloody well do that anyway without significant rules changes. It's to the point where you may have bought nearly the same book three times already. If they want to test the waters they can always put the quick start...
by consequences
2011-06-22 01:23am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Geth in Battletech
Replies: 16
Views: 2679

Re: Geth in Battletech

They have retconned it. Catalyst Game Labs publishes things, you know. That's where the whole "yeah, game ranges are an abstraction for purposes of fluff" thing comes from. Then they can stop publishing fluff that reiterates said pre-retcon reality. As in roughly every novel ever publishe...
by consequences
2011-06-21 01:27pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Geth in Battletech
Replies: 16
Views: 2679

Re: Geth in Battletech is the wiki. Note that TT game ranges have been disavowed by the current owners - Catalyst Game Labs - as representing "fluff" capabilities. I'm sure someone with more interest can find a direct quote. This is a common point of contention that is no longer valid in BT vs. scenar...
by consequences
2011-06-21 12:28pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Improve Battletech
Replies: 79
Views: 8195

Re: Improve Battletech

The simple and easy fix for range issues would be to go vague. Instead of each hex being a clearly defined distance, and each turn being a specific number of seconds, each turn is a turn, and weapons range is expressed in hexes with no translation. Handwave that due to targets trying not to get hit ...
by consequences
2010-11-30 02:12am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: the good bits
Replies: 383
Views: 462012

Re: the good bits

EDIT: And now I'm at the part where Sibyl Trelawney travels back in time and ends the cold war by using the Imperius curse to make the Soviets nuke Moscow. What the hell... :shock: Did I just read that? To end the Cold War, she nukes MOSCOW? How does that end the war, and wouldn't that just cause a...
by consequences
2010-09-17 01:43pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Should I continue a Matrix story or start an Inception one?
Replies: 7
Views: 2502

Re: Should I continue a Matrix story or start an Inception o

That would be partially because I'm a silly person who didn't vote in the poll. :oops:

After I finally see Inception I'd probably be interested in seeing what you'd do with it though.
by consequences
2010-09-06 05:38pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Should I continue a Matrix story or start an Inception one?
Replies: 7
Views: 2502

Re: Should I continue a Matrix story or start an Inception o

Film Noir please. I as really interested in seeing where you'd go with it.
by consequences
2010-07-08 12:22am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Star Crossed Fanfic Part 2
Replies: 83
Views: 37060

Re: Star Crossed Fanfic Part 2



That is all. :D
by consequences
2010-05-07 10:02am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Be Careful What You Wish For (Nalifan)
Replies: 528
Views: 361253

Re: Be Careful What You Wish For (Nalifan)

Nal's at the level where that kind of arrogance is fully justified. There's an interesting question(and follow-ups) that's only just occurred to me. What happens if he dies on Planet Geas(whatever the proper name for the place is)? Would he revert to his primary clone immediately? Would that clone b...
by consequences
2010-04-06 08:27am
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: The OotS thread
Replies: 1609
Views: 193139

Re: The OotS thread

Blue half-dragon, with some kind of mostly unseen green reptilian holding the crossbow. So maybe.
by consequences
2010-03-08 06:45pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Battletech technical archive
Replies: 345
Views: 87143

Re: Battletech technical archive

COMING SOON. Its been coming soon for a lot of months now.... :D So soon that the store i placed an deposit for an pre-order refunded me it with an apology. No, i place no orders for PDFs, im old fogey enough that i only pay monies for dead-tree docus. I see no value in exchanging dead presidents f...
by consequences
2010-03-04 06:24pm
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: The OotS thread
Replies: 1609
Views: 193139

Re: The OotS thread

Awesome, the hydra burgers guy is back! Also, the only thing a party of adventurers can't survive is massed fire. Sooner or later some shots are going to hit. This was proved to me once when my party of level 18 adventurers was killed by thirty thousand orcs and a random number generator. Protectio...
by consequences
2010-03-04 11:15am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Battletech technical archive
Replies: 345
Views: 87143

Re: Battletech technical archive

Eviscerator wrote:Writing or releasing products that have the Old Times as a focus isnt terribly high on Wkzids priority..... Historical:Klondike got CANCELLED.
by consequences
2010-02-27 04:21pm
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense
Replies: 226
Views: 23854

Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense

Must...find...expendable redshirt... for my restless spirit to possess... so I may die again... Honor demands it! :P
by consequences
2010-02-22 08:44am
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: The Girl Genius Thread
Replies: 1295
Views: 170102

Re: The Girl Genius Thread

Him being a random powerful spark doesn't explain the Castle knowing him.
by consequences
2010-02-21 11:56am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Battletech technical archive
Replies: 345
Views: 87143

Re: Battletech technical archive

Hanse Adriann Davion, God rest his soul, somehow saw fit to expend such an invention as Triple Strength-Myomer on what was an extremely big finger to old Max Liao. :lol: If you'd read the NAIS Aatlas of the Fourth Succession war, you'd realize that that finger took a third of the CC's remaining mil...
by consequences
2010-02-17 07:21pm
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense
Replies: 226
Views: 23854

Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense

Personal diary of consequences(written by spooky telekinetic ghost powers): Well, this sucks. Didn't even manage to get a funny story out of my death. Going to see if I can possess one of the new recruits later. Would attempt to take possession of one of the aliens, but am worried I would wake up on...
by consequences
2010-02-15 05:39pm
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense
Replies: 226
Views: 23854

Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense

Diary of consequences:

Killed a floating kidney. With the street value of a normal kidney, have to wonder what the black market price of one that might grant the recipient the power of flight might be.
by consequences
2010-02-12 09:56am
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: Mega Primus needs you - Lets Play X-COM Apocalypse!
Replies: 405
Views: 67972

Re: Mega Primus needs you - Lets Play X-COM Apocalypse!

Androids, everybody needs good androids!

Whatever role you need, and another vote for defense in depth.
by consequences
2010-02-06 10:11pm
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense
Replies: 226
Views: 23854

Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense

Throw me in if you need another body, in whatever role you need. I haven't been horribly killed in one of these in ages.
by consequences
2010-01-21 08:14am
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: The OotS thread
Replies: 1609
Views: 193139

Re: The OotS thread

Although its touching he wants to find O-Chul; I can;t help feeling this will end badly for Team Good and well for Team Evil since it will presumably reveal O-Chul and water paladin (I forget her name) at the other gate. This is presuming that the keeper of the other gate gave the correct location....